136,192 research outputs found

    Robust Transport over Networks

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    We consider transportation over a strongly connected, directed graph. The scheduling amounts to selecting transition probabilities for a discrete-time Markov evolution which is designed to be consistent with initial and final marginal constraints on mass transport. We address the situation where initially the mass is concentrated on certain nodes and needs to be transported over a certain time period to another set of nodes, possibly disjoint from the first. The evolution is selected to be closest to a {\em prior} measure on paths in the relative entropy sense--such a construction is known as a Schroedinger bridge between the two given marginals. It may be viewed as an atypical stochastic control problem where the control consists in suitably modifying the prior transition mechanism. The prior can be chosen to incorporate constraints and costs for traversing specific edges of the graph, but it can also be selected to allocate equal probability to all paths of equal length connecting any two nodes (i.e., a uniform distribution on paths). This latter choice for prior transitions relies on the so-called Ruelle-Bowen random walker and gives rise to scheduling that tends to utilize all paths as uniformly as the topology allows. Thus, this Ruelle-Bowen law (MRB{\mathfrak M}_{\rm RB}) taken as prior, leads to a transportation plan that tends to lessen congestion and ensures a level of robustness. We also show that the distribution MRB{\mathfrak M}_{\rm RB} on paths, which attains the maximum entropy rate for the random walker given by the topological entropy, can itself be obtained as the time-homogeneous solution of a maximum entropy problem for measures on paths (also a Schr\"{o}dinger bridge problem, albeit with prior that is not a probability measure). Finally we show that the paradigm of Schr\"odinger bridges as a mechanism for scheduling transport on networks can be adapted to graphs that are not strongly connected, as well as to weighted graphs. In the latter case, our approach may be used to design a transportation plan which effectively compromises between robustness and other criteria such as cost. Indeed, we explicitly provide a robust transportation plan which assigns {\em maximum probability} to {\em minimum cost paths} and therefore compares favorably with Optimal Mass Transportation strategies

    Updating, Upgrading, Refining, Calibration and Implementation of Trade-Off Analysis Methodology Developed for INDOT

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    As part of the ongoing evolution towards integrated highway asset management, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), through SPR studies in 2004 and 2010, sponsored research that developed an overall framework for asset management. This was intended to foster decision support for alternative investments across the program areas on the basis of a broad range of performance measures and against the background of the various alternative actions or spending amounts that could be applied to the several different asset types in the different program areas. The 2010 study also developed theoretical constructs for scaling and amalgamating the different performance measures, and for analyzing the different kinds of trade-offs. The research products from the present study include this technical report which shows how theoretical underpinnings of the methodology developed for INDOT in 2010 have been updated, upgraded, and refined. The report also includes a case study that shows how the trade-off analysis framework has been calibrated using available data. Supplemental to the report is Trade-IN Version 1.0, a set of flexible and easy-to-use spreadsheets that implement the tradeoff framework. With this framework and using data at the current time or in the future, INDOT’s asset managers are placed in a better position to quantify and comprehend the relationships between budget levels and system-wide performance, the relationships between different pairs of conflicting or non-conflicting performance measures under a given budget limit, and the consequences, in terms of system-wide performance, of funding shifts across the management systems or program areas

    Entropic Wasserstein Gradient Flows

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    This article details a novel numerical scheme to approximate gradient flows for optimal transport (i.e. Wasserstein) metrics. These flows have proved useful to tackle theoretically and numerically non-linear diffusion equations that model for instance porous media or crowd evolutions. These gradient flows define a suitable notion of weak solutions for these evolutions and they can be approximated in a stable way using discrete flows. These discrete flows are implicit Euler time stepping according to the Wasserstein metric. A bottleneck of these approaches is the high computational load induced by the resolution of each step. Indeed, this corresponds to the resolution of a convex optimization problem involving a Wasserstein distance to the previous iterate. Following several recent works on the approximation of Wasserstein distances, we consider a discrete flow induced by an entropic regularization of the transportation coupling. This entropic regularization allows one to trade the initial Wasserstein fidelity term for a Kulback-Leibler divergence, which is easier to deal with numerically. We show how KL proximal schemes, and in particular Dykstra's algorithm, can be used to compute each step of the regularized flow. The resulting algorithm is both fast, parallelizable and versatile, because it only requires multiplications by a Gibbs kernel. On Euclidean domains discretized on an uniform grid, this corresponds to a linear filtering (for instance a Gaussian filtering when cc is the squared Euclidean distance) which can be computed in nearly linear time. On more general domains, such as (possibly non-convex) shapes or on manifolds discretized by a triangular mesh, following a recently proposed numerical scheme for optimal transport, this Gibbs kernel multiplication is approximated by a short-time heat diffusion

    Scaling Algorithms for Unbalanced Transport Problems

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    This article introduces a new class of fast algorithms to approximate variational problems involving unbalanced optimal transport. While classical optimal transport considers only normalized probability distributions, it is important for many applications to be able to compute some sort of relaxed transportation between arbitrary positive measures. A generic class of such "unbalanced" optimal transport problems has been recently proposed by several authors. In this paper, we show how to extend the, now classical, entropic regularization scheme to these unbalanced problems. This gives rise to fast, highly parallelizable algorithms that operate by performing only diagonal scaling (i.e. pointwise multiplications) of the transportation couplings. They are generalizations of the celebrated Sinkhorn algorithm. We show how these methods can be used to solve unbalanced transport, unbalanced gradient flows, and to compute unbalanced barycenters. We showcase applications to 2-D shape modification, color transfer, and growth models

    Data-driven Variable Speed Limit Design for Highways via Distributionally Robust Optimization

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    This paper introduces an optimization problem (P) and a solution strategy to design variable-speed-limit controls for a highway that is subject to traffic congestion and uncertain vehicle arrival and departure. By employing a finite data-set of samples of the uncertain variables, we aim to find a data-driven solution that has a guaranteed out-of-sample performance. In principle, such formulation leads to an intractable problem (P) as the distribution of the uncertainty variable is unknown. By adopting a distributionally robust optimization approach, this work presents a tractable reformulation of (P) and an efficient algorithm that provides a suboptimal solution that retains the out-of-sample performance guarantee. A simulation illustrates the effectiveness of this method.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ECC 201
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