3 research outputs found

    An Evidence Based Learning and Teaching Strategy for Computer Science Classrooms and Its Extension into a Mobile Classroom Response System

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    A Location-based commodity ordering and delivery system: case of boarding schools in Nairobi

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    Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT) at Strathmore UniversityThere is general preference of boarding schools by parents in the bracket of middle and upper class to ease pressure of caring for the children vis a vis work pressure. The matter is compounded by new Kenyan government policies on employment of house helps and the distance of the schools from the location where the parents stay. From time to time, students in boarding schools require replenishing of simple supplies and consumable subject to school regulations. This scenario presents a new challenge in that families are unable to tend effectively to the needs of the students in boarding schools due to distance and time limitations. This research sought to explore the development of a system that allows online purchases and delivery of supplies to students in boarding schools by a touch of a button irrespective of the location of the school. The proposed solution consists of a Web-based and mobile application that allows a student to make a request that a parent approves before the delivery is made to the student. The system works by locating the supplier nearest to the school to reduce on the time taken to deliver the commodity as much as possible. The system utilizes a matrix that works by getting the nearest delivery person (Motorbike delivery person) that is closest to the supplier to save on time and cost. The supplier and the delivery person both get paid after successful delivery of the commodity Agile development methodology and object-oriented analysis and design were used in this. The final prototype of the location-based commodity ordering and delivery system was tested to ensure the functional and non –functional requirements were met by the system and the system was tested in fourteen schools in Nairobi County with eighty percent satisfaction rate from parents and students who used the system

    Computer Science Teacher Preparation in an International Context - A Comparative Study

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    Tato disertační práce se zabývá přípravou učitelů informatiky v mezinárodním kontextu. V rámci této práce byl proveden srovnávací výzkum se zaměřením na srovnání přístupů k přípravě učitelů v Michiganu, Izraeli a České republice. Přehled literatury na začátku práce zdůrazňuje aktuálnost tématu přípravy učitelů informatiky v mnoha zemích světa v souvislosti se zaváděním informatiky a informatického myšlení do školského kurikula. Z pohledu metodologie využívá tato srovnávací studie Beredayův komparativní model. Empirická část práce srovnává klíčové aspekty přípravy učitelů informatiky v jednotlivých zemích, které byly identifikovány pomocí deskripce a interpretace v jednotlivých realizovaných případových studiích. V závěrečném kroku jsou interpretovány shody a rozdíly mezi zeměmi a popsány zajímavé přístupy, které lze v daných zemích identifikovat. V Michiganu se příprava zaměřuje zejména na učitele z praxe, protože neexistují žádné možnosti pregraduální přípravy, zatímco v Izraeli je veškerá pozornost věnována přípravě středoškolských učitelů. V České republice je pak k dispozici poměrně široká nabídka možností přípravy učitelů pro různé stupně vzdělávání, ale existuje shoda, že příprava učitelů informatiky by měla klást důraz na přizpůsobení se oboru, který se rychle vyvíjí. Provedený výzkum poskytuje nové poznatky o přípravě učitelů informatiky a identifikuje klíčové aspekty, které mohou mít vliv na úspěšnost přípravy učitelů.ObhájenoThis dissertation deals with the preparation of computer science teachers in an international context. Comparative research was conducted, focusing on a comparison of approaches to teacher preparation in Michigan, Israel, and the Czech Republic. The literature review at the beginning of the thesis highlights the relevance of the topic of computer science teacher preparation in many countries around the world in the context of the introduction of computer science and computational thinking into the school curriculum. In terms of methodology, this comparative study uses Bereday's comparative model. The empirical part of the paper compares the key aspects of computer science teacher preparation in each country that were identified through description and interpretation in the case studies conducted. In the final step, similarities and differences between countries are interpreted and interesting approaches that can be identified in the countries are described. In Michigan, preparation focuses mainly on in-service teachers, as there are no undergraduate preparation opportunities, while in Israel all attention is given to the preparation of high school teachers. In the Czech Republic, then, there is a fairly wide range of teacher preparation options for different levels of education, but there is a consensus that computer science teacher preparation should emphasize adaptation to a field which is rapidly evolving. The research carried out provides new insights into the preparation of computer science teachers and identifies key aspects that may influence the success of teacher preparation