4 research outputs found

    A Labeling DOM-Based Tree Walking Algorithm for Mapping XML Documents into Relational Databases

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    XML has emerged as the standard format for representing and exchanging data on the World Wide Web. For practical purposes, it is found to be critical to have efficient mechanisms to store and query XML data, as well as to exploit the full power of this new technology. Several researchers have proposed to use relational databases to store and query XML data. With the understanding the limitations of current approaches, this thesis aims to propose an algorithm for automatic mapping XML documents to RDBMS with XML-API as a database utility. The algorithm uses best fit auto mapping technique, and dynamic shredding, of a specified selected XML document type (datacentric, document-centric, and mixed documents).e. The propose algorithm use DOM(Data Object Model) as a warehouse and stack as a data structure to mapping the XML document into relational database and reconstructing the XML document from the relational database. The experiment study show that the algorithm mapping document and reconstructing it again well. Finally, the algorithm compare with other algorithms the result is good in time and efficiency, also the algorithm complexity is O(11n+2)

    An evaluation of XML indexes for structural join

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    SIGMOD Record33328-33SREC

    An evaluation of XML indexes for structural join

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    ABSTRACT An Evaluation of XML Indexes for Structural Join

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    XML queries differ from relational queries in that the former are expressed as path expressions. The efficient handling of structural relationships has become a key factor in XML query processing. Many index-based solutions have been proposed for efficient structural join in XML queries. This work explores the state-of-the-art indexes, namely, B +-tree, XB-tree and XR-tree, and analyzes how well they support XML structural joins. Experiment results indicate that all three indexes yield comparable performances for nonrecursive XML data, while the XB-tree outperforms the rest for highly recursive XML data. 1