23 research outputs found

    Cryptanalysis of a DoS-resistant ID-based password authentication

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    Remote authentication is a method to authenticate remote users over insecure communication channel. Password-based authentication schemes have been widely deployed to verify the legitimacy of remote users. Very recently, Hwang et al. proposed a DoS-resistant ID-based password authentication scheme using smart cards. In the current work, we are concerned with the password security of the Hwang et al.’s scheme. We first show that their scheme is vulnerable to a password guessing attack in which an attacker exhaustively enumerates all possible passwords in an off-line manner to determine the correct one. We then figure out how to eliminate the security vulnerability of their scheme

    Security Analysis of A Dynamic ID-based Remote User Authentication Scheme

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    Since 1981, when Lamport introduced the remote user authentication scheme using table, a plenty of schemes had been proposed with table and without table using. Recently Das, Saxena and Gulati have proposed A dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme. They claimed that their scheme is secure against ID-theft, and can resist the reply attacks, forgery attacks, and insider attacks and so on. In this paper we show that Das et al.’s scheme is completely insecure and using of this scheme is equivalent to an open server access without any password

    Cryptanalysis of and Improvement on Biometric-based User Authentication Scheme for C/S System

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    Password-based authentication schemes are convenient, but vulnerable to simple dictionary attacks. Cryptographic secret keys are safe, but difficult to memorize. More recently, biometric information has been used for authentication schemes. Das proposed a biometric-based authentication scheme, but it has various vulnerabilities. Jiping et al. improved Das’s scheme, but some vulnerabilities remain. In this paper, we analyze the cryptanalysis of Jiping et al.’s authentication scheme and propose the security enhanced biometric-based user authentication scheme for the C/S System

    An improved dynamic ID-based remote user authentication with key agreement scheme

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    In recent years, several dynamic ID-based remote user authentication schemes have been proposed. In 2012, Wen and Li proposed a dynamic ID-based remote user authentication with key agreement scheme. They claimed that their scheme can resist impersonation attack and insider attack and provide anonymity for the users. However, we will show that Wen and Li's scheme cannot withstand insider attack and forward secrecy, does not provide anonymity for the users, and inefficiency for error password login. In this paper, we propose a novel ECC-based remote user authentication scheme which is immune to various known types of attack and is more secure and practical for mobile clients