3 research outputs found

    Signaling in 3-D integrated circuits, benefits and challenges

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    Three-dimensional (3-D) or vertical integration is a design and packaging paradigm that can mitigate many of the increasing challenges related to the design of modern integrated systems. 3-D circuits have recently been at the spotlight, since these circuits provide a potent approach to enhance the performance and integrate diverse functions within amulti-plane stack. Clock networks consume a great portion of the power dissipated in a circuit. Therefore, designing a low-power clock network in synchronous circuits is an important task. This requirement is stricter for 3-D circuits due to the increased power densities. Synchronization issues can be more challenging for 3-D circuits since a clock path can spread across several planes with different physical and electrical characteristics. Consequently, designing low power clock networks for 3-D circuits is an important issue. Resonant clock networks are considered efficient low-power alternatives to conventional clock distribution schemes. These networks utilize additional inductive circuits to reduce power while delivering a full swing clock signal to the sink nodes. In this research, a design method to apply resonant clocking to synthesized clock trees is proposed. Manufacturing processes for 3-D circuits include some additional steps as compared to standard CMOS processes which makes 3-D circuits more susceptible to manufacturing defects and lowers the overall yield of the bonded 3-D stack. Testing is another complicated task for 3-D ICs, where pre-bond test is a prerequisite. Pre-bond testability, in turn, presents new challenges to 3-D clock network design primarily due to the incomplete clock distribution networks prior to the bonding of the planes. A design methodology of resonant 3-D clock networks that support wireless pre-bond testing is introduced. To efficiently address this issue, inductive links are exploited to wirelessly transmit the clock signal to the disjoint resonant clock networks. The inductors comprising the LC tanks are used as the receiver circuit for the links, essentially eliminating the need for additional circuits and/or interconnect resources during pre-bond test. Recent FPGAs are quite complex circuits which provide reconfigurablity at the cost of lower performance and higher power consumption as compared to ASIC circuits. Exploiting a large number of programmable switches, routing structures are mainly responsible for performance degradation in FPAGs. Employing 3-D technology can providemore efficient switches which drastically improve the performance and reduce the power consumption of the FPGA. RRAM switches are one of the most promising candidates to improve the FPGA routing architecture thanks to their low on-resistance and non-volatility. Along with the configurable switches, buffers are the other important element of the FPGAs routing structure. Different characteristics of RRAM switches change the properties of signal paths in RRAM-based FPGAs. The on resistance of RRAMswitches is considerably lower than CMOS pass gate switches which results in lower RC delay for RRAM-based routing paths. This different nature in critical path and signal delay in turn affect the need for intermediate buffers. Thus the buffer allocation should be reconsidered. In the last part of this research, the effect of intermediate buffers on signal propagation delay is studied and a modified buffer allocation scheme for RRAM-based FPGA routing path is proposed

    Circuit Design, Architecture and CAD for RRAM-based FPGAs

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been indispensable components of embedded systems and datacenter infrastructures. However, energy efficiency of FPGAs has become a hard barrier preventing their expansion to more application contexts, due to two physical limitations: (1) The massive usage of routing multiplexers causes delay and power overheads as compared to ASICs. To reduce their power consumption, FPGAs have to operate at low supply voltage but sacrifice performance because the transistors drive degrade when working voltage decreases. (2) Using volatile memory technology forces FPGAs to lose configurations when powered off and to be reconfigured at each power on. Resistive Random Access Memories (RRAMs) have strong potentials in overcoming the physical limitations of conventional FPGAs. First of all, RRAMs grant FPGAs non-volatility, enabling FPGAs to be "Normally powered off, Instantly powered on". Second, by combining functionality of memory and pass-gate logic in one unique device, RRAMs can greatly reduce area and delay of routing elements. Third, when RRAMs are embedded into datpaths, the performance of circuits can be independent from their working voltage, beyond the limitations of CMOS circuits. However, researches and development of RRAM-based FPGAs are in their infancy. Most of area and performance predictions were achieved without solid circuit-level simulations and sophisticated Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, causing the predicted improvements to be less convincing. In this thesis,we present high-performance and low-power RRAM-based FPGAs fromtransistorlevel circuit designs to architecture-level optimizations and CAD tools, using theoretical analysis, industrial electrical simulators and novel CAD tools. We believe that this is the first systematic study in the field, covering: From a circuit design perspective, we propose efficient RRAM-based programming circuits and routing multiplexers through both theoretical analysis and electrical simulations. The proposed 4T(ransitor)1R(RAM) programming structure demonstrates significant improvements in programming current, when compared to most popular 2T1R programming structure. 4T1R-based routingmultiplexer designs are proposed by considering various physical design parasitics, such as intrinsic capacitance of RRAMs and wells doping organization. The proposed 4T1R-based multiplexers outperformbest CMOS implementations significantly in area, delay and power at both nominal and near-Vt regime. From a CAD perspective, we develop a generic FPGA architecture exploration tool, FPGASPICE, modeling a full FPGA fabric with SPICE and Verilog netlists. FPGA-SPICE provides different levels of testbenches and techniques to split large SPICE netlists, in order to obtain better trade-off between simulation time and accuracy. FPGA-SPICE can capture area and power characteristics of SRAM-based and RRAM-based FPGAs more accurately than the currently best analyticalmodels. From an architecture perspective, we propose architecture-level optimizations for RRAMbased FPGAs and quantify their minimumrequirements for RRAM devices. Compared to the best SRAM-based FPGAs, an optimized RRAM-based FPGA architecture brings significant reduction in area, delay and power respectively. In particular, RRAM-based FPGAs operating in the near-Vt regime demonstrate a 5x power improvement without delay overhead as compared to optimized SRAM-based FPGA operating at nominal working voltage

    An Enhanced Design Methodology for Resonant Clock Trees

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    Clock distribution networks consume a considerable portion of the power dissipated by synchronous circuits. In conventional clock distribution networks, clock buffers are inserted to retain signal integrity along the long interconnects, which, in turn, significantly increase the power consumed by the clock distribution network. Resonant clock distribution networks are considered as efficient low-power alternatives to traditional clock distribution schemes. These networks utilize additional inductive circuits to reduce power while delivering a full swing clock signal to the sink nodes. A design method for applying the resonant clocking approach for synthesized clock trees is presented. The proper number and placement of LC tanks and the related resonance parameters are determined in the proposed method. This method attempts to minimize the number of LC tanks that can deliver a full swing signal to all the sink nodes by considering the capacitive load at each node to determine the location of LC tanks. Resonance parameters, such as the size of the inductor can be adapted to reduce the power consumption and/or area overhead of the clock distribution network. Simulation results indicate up to 57% reduction in the power consumed by the resonant clock network as compared to a conventional buffered clock network. Compared to existing methods, the number of LC tanks for the proposed technique is decreased up to 15% and the signal swing is also improved by 44%. Depending on whether power or area is the design objective, two different approaches are followed to determine the parameters of resonance. If the design objective is to lower the power consumed by the network, the power and area of the designed network improve up to 24% and 51%, respectively, as compared to state of the art methods. If a low area is targeted, the power and area improvements are 11% and 57%, respectively