41 research outputs found

    A comparison of model validation techniques for audio-visual speech recognition

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    This paper implements and compares the performance of a number of techniques proposed for improving the accuracy of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems. As ASR that uses only speech can be contaminated by environmental noise, in some applications it may improve performance to employ Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR), in which recognition uses both audio information and mouth movements obtained from a video recording of the speaker’s face region. In this paper, model validation techniques, namely the holdout method, leave-one-out cross validation and bootstrap validation, are implemented to validate the performance of an AVSR system as well as to provide a comparison of the performance of the validation techniques themselves. A new speech data corpus is used, namely the Loughborough University Audio-Visual (LUNA-V) dataset that contains 10 speakers with five sets of samples uttered by each speaker. The database is divided into training and testing sets and processed in manners suitable for the validation techniques under investigation. The performance is evaluated using a range of different signal-to-noise ratio values using a variety of noise types obtained from the NOISEX-92 dataset

    Looking Over the Research Literature on Software Engineering from 2016 to 2018

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    This paper carries out a bibliometric analysis to detect (i) what is the most influential research on software engineering at the moment, (ii) where is being published that relevant research, (iii) what are the most commonly researched topics, (iv) and where is being undertaken that research (i.e., in which countries and institutions). For that, 6,365 software engineering articles, published from 2016 to 2018 on a variety of conferences and journals, are examined.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities under Project DPI2016-77677-P, the Community of Madrid under Grant RoboCity2030-DIH-CM P2018/NMT-4331, and grant TIN2016-75850-R from the FEDER funds

    A Hybrid Multi-Filter Wrapper Feature Selection Method for Software Defect Predictors

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    Software Defect Prediction (SDP) is an approach used for identifying defect-prone software modules or components. It helps software engineer to optimally, allocate limited resources to defective software modules or components in the testing or maintenance phases of software development life cycle (SDLC). Nonetheless, the predictive performance of SDP models reckons largely on the quality of dataset utilized for training the predictive models. The high dimensionality of software metric features has been noted as a data quality problem which negatively affects the predictive performance of SDP models. Feature Selection (FS) is a well-known method for solving high dimensionality problem and can be divided into filter-based and wrapper-based methods. Filter-based FS has low computational cost, but the predictive performance of its classification algorithm on the filtered data cannot be guaranteed. On the contrary, wrapper-based FS have good predictive performance but with high computational cost and lack of generalizability. Therefore, this study proposes a hybrid multi-filter wrapper method for feature selection of relevant and irredundant features in software defect prediction. The proposed hybrid feature selection will be developed to take advantage of filter-filter and filter-wrapper relationships to give optimal feature subsets, reduce its evaluation cycle and subsequently improve SDP models overall predictive performance in terms of Accuracy, Precision and Recall values

    Parameter tuning in KNN for software defect prediction: an empirical analysis

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    Software Defect Prediction (SDP) provides insights that can help software teams to allocate their limited resources in developing software systems. It predicts likely defective modules and helps avoid pitfalls that are associated with such modules. However, these insights may be inaccurate and unreliable if parameters of SDP models are not taken into consideration. In this study, the effect of parameter tuning on the k nearest neighbor (k-NN) in SDP was investigated. More specifically, the impact of varying and selecting optimal k value, the influence of distance weighting and the impact of distance functions on k-NN. An experiment was designed to investigate this problem in SDP over 6 software defect datasets. The experimental results revealed that k value should be greater than 1 (default) as the average RMSE values of k-NN when k>1(0.2727) is less than when k=1(default) (0.3296). In addition, the predictive performance of k-NN with distance weighing improved by 8.82% and 1.7% based on AUC and accuracy respectively. In terms of the distance function, kNN models based on Dilca distance function performed better than the Euclidean distance function (default distance function). Hence, we conclude that parameter tuning has a positive effect on the predictive performance of k-NN in SDP

    Modelling Open-Source Software Reliability Incorporating Swarm Intelligence-Based Techniques

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    In the software industry, two software engineering development best practices coexist: open-source and closed-source software. The former has a shared code that anyone can contribute, whereas the latter has a proprietary code that only the owner can access. Software reliability is crucial in the industry when a new product or update is released. Applying meta-heuristic optimization algorithms for closed-source software reliability prediction has produced significant and accurate results. Now, open-source software dominates the landscape of cloud-based systems. Therefore, providing results on open-source software reliability - as a quality indicator - would greatly help solve the open-source software reliability growth-modelling problem. The reliability is predicted by estimating the parameters of the software reliability models. As software reliability models are inherently nonlinear, traditional approaches make estimating the appropriate parameters difficult and ineffective. Consequently, software reliability models necessitate a high-quality parameter estimation technique. These objectives dictate the exploration of potential applications of meta-heuristic swarm intelligence optimization algorithms for optimizing the parameter estimation of nonhomogeneous Poisson process-based open-source software reliability modelling. The optimization algorithms are firefly, social spider, artificial bee colony, grey wolf, particle swarm, moth flame, and whale. The applicability and performance evaluation of the optimization modelling approach is demonstrated through two real open-source software reliability datasets. The results are promising.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, 7 table

    Dataset Splitting Techniques Comparison For Face Classification on CCTV Images

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    The performance of classification models in machine learning algorithms is influenced by many factors, one of which is dataset splitting method. To avoid overfitting, it is important to apply a suitable dataset splitting strategy. This study presents comparison of four dataset splitting techniques, namely Random Sub-sampling Validation (RSV), k-Fold Cross Validation (k-FCV), Bootstrap Validation (BV) and Moralis Lima Martin Validation (MLMV). This comparison is done in face classification on CCTV images using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. This study is also applied in two image datasets. The results of the comparison are reviewed by using model accuracy in training set, validation set and test set, also bias and variance of the model. The experiment shows that k-FCV technique has more stable performance and provide high accuracy on training set as well as good generalizations on validation set and test set. Meanwhile, data splitting using MLMV technique has lower performance than the other three techniques since it yields lower accuracy. This technique also shows higher bias and variance values and it builds overfitting models, especially when it is applied on validation set