4,288 research outputs found

    Formation of color-singlet gluon-clusters and inelastic diffractive scattering

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    This is the extensive follow-up report of a recent Letter in which the existence of self-organized criticality (SOC) in systems of interacting soft gluons is proposed, and its consequences for inelastic diffractive scattering processes are discussed. It is pointed out, that color-singlet gluon-clusters can be formed in hadrons as a consequence of SOC in systems of interacting soft gluons, and that the properties of such spatiotemporal complexities can be probed experimentally by examing inelastic diffractive scattering. Theoretical arguments and experimental evidences supporting the proposed picture are presented --- together with the result of a systematic analysis of the existing data for inelastic diffractive scattering processes performed at different incident energies, and/or by using different beam-particles. It is shown in particular that the size- and the lifetime-distributions of such gluon-clusters can be directly extracted from the data, and the obtained results exhibit universal power-law behaviors --- in accordance with the expected SOC-fingerprints. As further consequences of SOC in systems of interacting soft gluons, the tt-dependence and the (Mx2/s)(M_x^2/s)-dependence of the double differential cross-sections for inelastic diffractive scattering off proton-target are discussed. Here tt stands for the four-momentum-transfer squared, MxM_x for the missing mass, and s\sqrt{s} for the total c.m.s. energy. It is shown, that the space-time properties of the color-singlet gluon-clusters due to SOC, discussed above, lead to simple analytical formulae for d2σ/dtd(Mx2/s)d^2\sigma/dt d(M_x^2/s) and for dσ/dtd\sigma/dt, and that the obtained results are in good agreement with the existing data. Further experiments are suggested.Comment: 67 pages, including 11 figure

    Gravitational Collapse in Turbulent Molecular Clouds. I. Gasdynamical Turbulence

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    Observed molecular clouds often appear to have very low star formation efficiencies and lifetimes an order of magnitude longer than their free-fall times. Their support is attributed to the random supersonic motions observed in them. We study the support of molecular clouds against gravitational collapse by supersonic, gas dynamical turbulence using direct numerical simulation. Computations with two different algorithms are compared: a particle-based, Lagrangian method (SPH), and a grid-based, Eulerian, second-order method (ZEUS). The effects of both algorithm and resolution can be studied with this method. We find that, under typical molecular cloud conditions, global collapse can indeed be prevented, but density enhancements caused by strong shocks nevertheless become gravitationally unstable and collapse into dense cores and, presumably, stars. The occurance and efficiency of local collapse decreases as the driving wave length decreases and the driving strength increases. It appears that local collapse can only be prevented entirely with unrealistically short wave length driving, but observed core formation rates can be reproduced with more realistic driving. At high collapse rates, cores are formed on short time scales in coherent structures with high efficiency, while at low collapse rates they are scattered randomly throughout the region and exhibit considerable age spread. We suggest that this naturally explains the observed distinction between isolated and clustered star formation.Comment: Minor revisions in response to referee, thirteen figures, accepted to Astrophys.

    Charm, Beauty and Top at HERA

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    Results on open charm and beauty production and on the search for top production in high-energy electron-proton collisions at HERA are reviewed. This includes a discussion of relevant theoretical aspects, a summary of the available measurements and measurement techniques, and their impact on improved understanding of QCD and its parameters, such as parton density functions and charm- and beauty-quark masses. The impact of these results on measurements at the LHC and elsewhere is also addressed.Comment: 103 pages, 60 figures, to be published in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phy

    Nonlinear Criterion for the Stability of Molecular Clouds

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    Dynamically significant magnetic fields are routinely observed in molecular clouds, with mass-to-flux ratio lambda = (2 pi sqrt{G}) (Sigma/B) ~ 1 (here Sigma is the total column density and B is the field strength). It is widely believed that ``subcritical'' clouds with lambda < 1 cannot collapse, based on virial arguments by Mestel and Spitzer and a linear stability analysis by Nakano and Nakamura. Here we confirm, using high resolution numerical models that begin with a strongly supersonic velocity dispersion, that this criterion is a fully nonlinear stability condition. All the high-resolution models with lambda <= 0.95 form ``Spitzer sheets'' but collapse no further. All models with lambda >= 1.02 collapse to the maximum numerically resolvable density. We also investigate other factors determining the collapse time for supercritical models. We show that there is a strong stochastic element in the collapse time: models that differ only in details of their initial conditions can have collapse times that vary by as much as a factor of 3. The collapse time cannot be determined from just the velocity dispersion; it depends also on its distribution. Finally, we discuss the astrophysical implications of our results.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    The Color Dipole Picture of low-x DIS: Model-Independent and Model-Dependent Results

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    We present a detailed examination of the color-dipole picture (CDP) of low-xx deep inelastic scattering. We discriminate model-independent results, not depending on a specific parameterization of the dipole cross section, from model-dependent ones. The model-independent results include the ratio of the longitudinal to the transverse photoabsorption cross section at large Q2Q^2, or equivalently the ratio of the longitudinal to the unpolarized proton structure function, FL(x,Q2)=0.27F2(x,Q2)F_L (x,Q^2)=0.27 F_2 (x, Q^2), as well as the low-xx scaling behavior of the total photoabsorption cross section σγp(W2,Q2)=σγp(η(W2,Q2))\sigma_{\gamma^*p} (W^2, Q^2)=\sigma_{\gamma^*p} (\eta (W^2, Q^2)) as log(1/η(W2,Q2))\log (1 / \eta (W^2, Q^2)) for η(W2,Q2)<1\eta (W^2, Q^2) <1, and as 1/η(W2,Q2)1/\eta (W^2, Q^2) for η(W2,Q2)1\eta (W^2, Q^2) \gg 1. Here, η(W2,Q2)\eta (W^2, Q^2) denotes the low-xx scaling variable, η(W2,Q2)=(Q2+m02)/Λsat2(W2)\eta (W^2, Q^2)=(Q^2 + m^2_0) / \Lambda^2_{sat} (W^2) with Λsat2(W2)\Lambda^2_{sat} (W^2) being the saturation scale. The model-independent analysis also implies limW2,Q2fixedσγp(W2,Q2)/σγp(W2)1\lim\limits_{W^2\rightarrow\infty, Q^2 {\rm fixed}} \sigma_{\gamma^*p} (W^2, Q^2) / \sigma_{\gamma p} (W^2) \rightarrow 1 at any Q2Q^2 for asymptotically large energy, WW. Consistency with pQCD evolution determines the underlying gluon distribution and the numerical value of C2=0.29C_2 = 0.29 in the expression for the saturation scale, Λ2(W2)(W2)C2\Lambda^2 (W^2) \sim (W^2)^{C_2}. In the model-dependent analysis, by restricting the mass of the actively contributing qqˉq \bar q fluctuations by an energy-dependent upper bound, we extend the validity of the color-dipole picture to xQ2/W20.1x \cong Q^2 / W^2 \le 0.1. The theoretical results agree with the world data on DIS for 0.036GeV2Q2316GeV20.036 {\rm GeV}^2 \le Q^2 \le 316 {\rm GeV}^2.Comment: 77 pages, 30 figure