339 research outputs found

    Water and Energy Balance of a Riparian and Agricultural Ecosystem along the Lower Colorado River

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    Spatially-distributed water consumption was modeled over a segment of the Lower Colorado River, which contains irrigated agricultural and Tamarisk-dominated riparian ecosystems. For the irrigation scheme, distributed evapotranspiration data were analyzed in conjunction with point measurements of precipitation and surface flow in order to close daily and annual water balance. The annual closure error was less than 1% of the total water diversion to the area. In addition, it was found that the soil water storage component of the water balance cannot be neglected if the analysis is performed over time frames shorter than annual (e.g. growing season). Water consumption was highly uniform within agricultural fields, and all the full-cover fields were transpiring close to their potential rates. Mapping several new and existing drainage performance indicators showed that neither soil salinization nor water-logging would be of concern in this irrigation scheme. However, the quality of high-volume return flow must be studied, especially since the degraded water quality of the western US rivers is believed to act in favor of the invasive riparian species in outcompeting native species. Over the Tamarisk forest, the remotely-sensed evapotranspiration estimates were higher than the results of an independent groundwater-based method during spring and winter months. This was chiefly due to the fixed satellite overpass time, which happened at low sun elevation angles in spring and winter and resulted in a significant presence of shadows in the satellite scene and consequently a lower surface temperature estimate, which resulted in a higher evapotranspiration estimate using the SEBAL model. A modification based on the same satellite imagery was proposed and found to be successful in correcting for this error. Both water use and crop coefficients of Tamarisk estimated by the two independent methods implemented in this study were significantly lower than the current approximations that are used by the US Bureau of Reclamation in managing the Lower Colorado River. Studying the poorlyunderstood stream-aquifer-phreatophyte relationship revealed that diurnal and seasonal groundwater fluctuations were strongly coupled with the changes in river stage at close distances to the river and with the Tamarisk water extraction at further distances from the river. The direction of the groundwater flow was always from the river toward the riparian forest. Thus the improved Tamarisk ET estimates along with a better understanding of the coupling between the river and the riparian aquifer will allow the Bureau of Reclamation to re-asses their reservoir release methodology and improve efficiency and water savings

    Evapotranspiration Estimates Derived Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing in a Semiarid Region

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) is a key component of the water balance, especially in arid and semiarid regions. The current study takes advantage of spatially-distributed, near real-time information provided by satellite remote sensing to develop a regional scale ET product derived from remotely-sensed observations. ET is calculated by scaling PET estimated from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products with downscaled soil moisture derived using the Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite and a second order polynomial regression formula. The MODis-Soil Moisture ET (MOD-SMET) estimates are validated using four flux tower sites in southern Arizona USA, a calibrated empirical ET model, and model output from Version 2 of the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS-2). Validation against daily eddy covariance ET indicates correlations between 0.63 and 0.83 and root mean square errors (RMSE) between 40 and 96 W/m2. MOD-SMET estimates compare well to the calibrated empirical ET model, with a −0.14 difference in correlation between sites, on average. By comparison, NLDAS-2 models underestimate daily ET compared to both flux towers and MOD-SMET estimates. Our analysis shows the MOD-SMET approach to be effective for estimating ET. Because it requires limited ancillary ground-based data and no site-specific calibration, the method is applicable to regions where ground-based measurements are not available

    Assessment and Development of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Modeling Approaches

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    Remote sensing has been a promising approach to extracting distributed evapotranspiration (ET) information at varying spatial and temporal scales. Performances of several vegetation index (VI) based and remotely sensed surface energy balance (RSEB) models were evaluated to identify simple and accurate models and apply them to study ET variations from field to regional scales. A simple VI model using a single Landsat image to estimate annual ET was evaluated and successfully captured inter-annual riparian ET variations along a section of the Colorado River, U.S. The study showed the applicability of a simple and accurate approach for annual ET estimation with fewer data and resources. A modeling framework was developed to derive daily time series of ET maps using a RSEB model, satellite imagery, and ground-based weather data. The daily and annual ET maps obtained from the modeling framework successfully captured spatial and temporal ET variations across Oklahoma, U.S. The model also identified the regions that are more susceptible to droughts. Finally, five RSEB models were evaluated for their performance in estimating daily ET of winter wheat under variable grazing and tillage practices in central Oklahoma. The surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) had the best agreement whit eddy covariance estimates. The daily ET estimates from SEBAL captured the field-scale ET variations within grazing/tillage managements. All studies conducted based on VI and RSEB models over different land covers and spatial/temporal scales identified advantages and limitations of models and developed a framework to construct time series of ET maps, which has a wide range of applications

    Estimating Actual Evapotranspiration over Croplands Using Vegetation Index Methods and Dynamic Harvested Area

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    Advances in estimating actual evapotranspiration (ETa) with remote sensing (RS) have contributed to improving hydrological, agricultural, and climatological studies. In this study, we evaluated the applicability of Vegetation-Index (VI) -based ETa (ET-VI) for mapping and monitoring drought in arid agricultural systems in a region where a lack of ground data hampers ETa work. To map ETa (2000–2019), ET-VIs were translated and localized using Landsat-derived 3- and 2-band Enhanced Vegetation Indices (EVI and EVI2) over croplands in the Zayandehrud River Basin (ZRB) in Iran. Since EVI and EVI2 were optimized for the MODerate Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), using these VIs with Landsat sensors required a cross-sensor transformation to allow for their use in the ET-VI algorithm. The before- and after- impact of applying these empirical translation methods on the ETa estimations was examined. We also compared the effect of cropping patterns’ interannual change on the annual ETa rate using the maximum Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series. The performance of the different ET-VIs products was then evaluated. Our results show that ETa estimates agreed well with each other and are all suitable to monitor ETa in the ZRB. Compared to ETc values, ETa estimations from MODIS-based continuity corrected Landsat-EVI (EVI2) (EVIMccL and EVI2MccL) performed slightly better across croplands than those of Landsat-EVI (EVI2) without transformation. The analysis of harvested areas and ET-VIs anomalies revealed a decline in the extent of cultivated areas and a loss of corresponding water resources downstream. The findings show the importance of continuity correction across sensors when using empirical algorithms designed and optimized for specific sensors. Our comprehensive ETa estimation of agricultural water use at 30 m spatial resolution provides an inexpensive monitoring tool for cropping areas and their water consumption.</jats:p

    Evapotranspiration monitoring methods within an irrigated mixed vegetation environment

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    The Colorado River system is one of the most heavily used river systems in the world and as such, accurate water accounting methods are vital. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is charged with accounting for the Colorado River\u27s water use. One tool Reclamation uses to accomplish this is the Lower Colorado River Accounting System (LCRAS). This system uses a combination of remote sensing (RS) and a crop coefficient method to calculate agricultural and phreatophyte evapotranspiration (ET), a crucial component to any water budget. In this study, ET was measured within an irrigated mixed vegetation field (sapling cottonwood and willow, alfalfa, and noxious weeds), within Cibola, AZ, using a Bowen-Ratio (BR) flux tower, from May 18, 2006 through January 9, 2007. In the same field, ET estimates were calculated using LCRAS methodology and three RS Vegetation Index (VI) techniques were tested using various regression analyses. In this study, a published regression technique for estimating ET from VI data was tested and a local regression equation was developed using data collected in the study field. Cost effectiveness analyses were completed assessing the use of all methods to estimate phreatophytic ET along the lower Colorado River; The accuracy of all ET estimates was determined by comparison with BR flux tower ET measurements. LCRAS ET estimates ranged from a root mean error (RME) of 1.1 -- 2.3 mm per day, while RS ET estimates ranged from a RME of 0.5 to 2.5 mm per day. This study found that: RS VI methods for estimating ET within complex phreatophyte communities had the potential to be more accurate than LCRAS ET estimates; ET estimates based on local data outperformed estimates based on regional data; and that the tested RS techniques were not sensitive to different VI but were sensitive to sensor resolution and local empirical calibration data. This research demonstrates that estimating ET using VI techniques shows promise within mixed vegetation environments, but the accuracy of such estimates is improved by the availability of local ET measurements

    Modeling Spatial Surface Energy Fluxes of Agricultural and Riparian Vegetation Using Remote Sensing

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    Modeling of surface energy fluxes and evapotranspiration (ET) requires the understanding of the interaction between land and atmosphere as well as the appropriate representation of the associated spatial and temporal variability and heterogeneity. This dissertation provides new methodology showing how to rationally and properly incorporate surface features characteristics/properties, including the leaf area index, fraction of cover, vegetation height, and temperature, using different representations as well as identify the related effects on energy balance flux estimates including ET. The main research objectives were addressed in Chapters 2 through 4 with each presented in a separate paper format with Chapter 1 presenting an introduction and Chapter 5 providing summary and recommendations. Chapter 2 discusses a new approach of incorporating temporal and spatial variability of surface features. We coupled a remote sensing-based energy balance model with a traditional water balance method to provide improved estimates of ET. This approach was tested over rainfed agricultural fields ~ 10 km by 30 km in Ames, Iowa. Before coupling, we modified the water balance method by incorporating a remote sensing-based estimate for one of its parameters to ameliorate its performance on a spatial basis. Promising results were obtained with indications of improved estimates of ET and soil moisture in the root zone. The effects of surface features heterogeneity on measurements of turbulence were investigated in Chapter 3. Scintillometer-based measurements/estimates of sensible heat flux (H) were obtained over the riparian zone of the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge (CNWR), California. Surface roughness including canopy height (hc), roughness length, and zero-plane displacement height were incorporated in different ways, to improve estimates of H. High resolution, 1-m maps of ground surface digital elevation model and canopy height, hc, were derived from airborne LiDAR sensor data to support the analysis. The effects of using different pixel resolutions to account for surface feature variability on modeling energy fluxes, e.g., net radiation, soil, sensible, and latent heat, were studied in Chapter 4. Two different modeling approaches were applied to estimate energy fluxes and ET using high and low pixel resolution datasets obtained from airborne and Landsat sensors, respectively, provided over the riparian zone of the CNWR, California. Enhanced LiDAR-based hc maps were also used to support the modeling process. The related effects were described relative to leaf area index, fraction of cover, hc, soil moisture status at root zone, groundwater table level, and vegetation stress conditions

    Multisensor Fusion Remote Sensing Technology For Assessing Multitemporal Responses In Ecohydrological Systems

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    Earth ecosystems and environment have been changing rapidly due to the advanced technologies and developments of humans. Impacts caused by human activities and developments are difficult to acquire for evaluations due to the rapid changes. Remote sensing (RS) technology has been implemented for environmental managements. A new and promising trend in remote sensing for environment is widely used to measure and monitor the earth environment and its changes. RS allows large-scaled measurements over a large region within a very short period of time. Continuous and repeatable measurements are the very indispensable features of RS. Soil moisture is a critical element in the hydrological cycle especially in a semiarid or arid region. Point measurement to comprehend the soil moisture distribution contiguously in a vast watershed is difficult because the soil moisture patterns might greatly vary temporally and spatially. Space-borne radar imaging satellites have been popular because they have the capability to exhibit all weather observations. Yet the estimation methods of soil moisture based on the active or passive satellite imageries remain uncertain. This study aims at presenting a systematic soil moisture estimation method for the Choke Canyon Reservoir Watershed (CCRW), a semiarid watershed with an area of over 14,200 km2 in south Texas. With the aid of five corner reflectors, the RADARSAT-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imageries of the study area acquired in April and September 2004 were processed by both radiometric and geometric calibrations at first. New soil moisture estimation models derived by genetic programming (GP) technique were then developed and applied to support the soil moisture distribution analysis. The GP-based nonlinear function derived in the evolutionary process uniquely links a series of crucial topographic and geographic features. Included in this process are slope, aspect, vegetation cover, and soil permeability to compliment the well-calibrated SAR data. Research indicates that the novel application of GP proved useful for generating a highly nonlinear structure in regression regime, which exhibits very strong correlations statistically between the model estimates and the ground truth measurements (volumetric water content) on the basis of the unseen data sets. In an effort to produce the soil moisture distributions over seasons, it eventually leads to characterizing local- to regional-scale soil moisture variability and performing the possible estimation of water storages of the terrestrial hydrosphere. A new evolutionary computational, supervised classification scheme (Riparian Classification Algorithm, RICAL) was developed and used to identify the change of riparian zones in a semi-arid watershed temporally and spatially. The case study uniquely demonstrates an effort to incorporating both vegetation index and soil moisture estimates based on Landsat 5 TM and RADARSAT-1 imageries while trying to improve the riparian classification in the Choke Canyon Reservoir Watershed (CCRW), South Texas. The CCRW was selected as the study area contributing to the reservoir, which is mostly agricultural and range land in a semi-arid coastal environment. This makes the change detection of riparian buffers significant due to their interception capability of non-point source impacts within the riparian buffer zones and the maintenance of ecosystem integrity region wide. The estimation of soil moisture based on RADARSAT-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite imagery as previously developed was used. Eight commonly used vegetation indices were calculated from the reflectance obtained from Landsat 5 TM satellite images. The vegetation indices were individually used to classify vegetation cover in association with genetic programming algorithm. The soil moisture and vegetation indices were integrated into Landsat TM images based on a pre-pixel channel approach for riparian classification. Two different classification algorithms were used including genetic programming, and a combination of ISODATA and maximum likelihood supervised classification. The white box feature of genetic programming revealed the comparative advantage of all input parameters. The GP algorithm yielded more than 90% accuracy, based on unseen ground data, using vegetation index and Landsat reflectance band 1, 2, 3, and 4. The detection of changes in the buffer zone was proved to be technically feasible with high accuracy. Overall, the development of the RICAL algorithm may lead to the formulation of more effective management strategies for the handling of non-point source pollution control, bird habitat monitoring, and grazing and live stock management in the future. Soil properties, landscapes, channels, fault lines, erosion/deposition patches, and bedload transport history show geologic and geomorphologic features in a variety of watersheds. In response to these unique watershed characteristics, the hydrology of large-scale watersheds is often very complex. Precipitation, infiltration and percolation, stream flow, plant transpiration, soil moisture changes, and groundwater recharge are intimately related with each other to form water balance dynamics on the surface of these watersheds. Within this chapter, depicted is an optimal site selection technology using a grey integer programming (GIP) model to assimilate remote sensing-based geo-environmental patterns in an uncertain environment with respect to some technical and resources constraints. It enables us to retrieve the hydrological trends and pinpoint the most critical locations for the deployment of monitoring stations in a vast watershed. Geo-environmental information amassed in this study includes soil permeability, surface temperature, soil moisture, precipitation, leaf area index (LAI) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). With the aid of a remote sensing-based GIP analysis, only five locations out of more than 800 candidate sites were selected by the spatial analysis, and then confirmed by a field investigation. The methodology developed in this remote sensing-based GIP analysis will significantly advance the state-of-the-art technology in optimum arrangement/distribution of water sensor platforms for maximum sensing coverage and information-extraction capacity. Effective water resources management is a critically important priority across the globe. While water scarcity limits the uses of water in many ways, floods also have caused so many damages and lives. To more efficiently use the limited amount of water or to resourcefully provide adequate time for flood warning, the results have led us to seek advanced techniques for improving streamflow forecasting. The objective of this section of research is to incorporate sea surface temperature (SST), Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) and meteorological characteristics with historical stream data to forecast the actual streamflow using genetic programming. This study case concerns the forecasting of stream discharge of a complex-terrain, semi-arid watershed. This study elicits microclimatological factors and the resultant stream flow rate in river system given the influence of dynamic basin features such as soil moisture, soil temperature, ambient relative humidity, air temperature, sea surface temperature, and precipitation. Evaluations of the forecasting results are expressed in terms of the percentage error (PE), the root-mean-square error (RMSE), and the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r-squared value). The developed models can predict streamflow with very good accuracy with an r-square of 0.84 and PE of 1% for a 30-day prediction

    Earth observation for water resource management in Africa

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    Estimation of High-Resolution Evapotranspiration in Heterogeneous Environments Using Drone-Based Remote Sensing

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) is a key element of hydrological cycle analysis, irrigation demand, and for better allocation of water resources in the ecosystem. For successful water resources management activities, precise estimate of ET is necessary. Although several attempts have been made to achieve that, variation in temporal and spatial scales constitutes a major challenge, particularly in heterogeneous canopy environments such as vineyards, orchards, and natural areas. The advent of remote sensing information from different platforms, particularly the small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) technology with lightweight sensors allows users to capture high-resolution data faster than traditional methods, described as “flexible in timing”. In this study, the Two Source Energy Balance Model (TSEB) along with high-resolution data from sUAS were used to bridge the gap in ET issues related to spatial and temporal scales. Over homogeneous vegetation surfaces, relatively low spatial resolution information derived from Landsat (e.g., 30 m) might be appropriate for ET estimate, which can capture differences between fields. However, in agricultural landscapes with presence of vegetation rows and interrows, the homogeneity is less likely to be met and the ideal conditions may be difficult to identify. For most agricultural settings, row spacing can vary within a field (vineyards and orchards), making the agricultural landscape less homogenous. This leads to a key question related to how the contextual spatial domain/model grid size could influence the estimation of surface fluxes in canopy environments such as vineyards. Furthermore, temporal upscaling of instantaneous ET at daily or longer time scales is of great practical importance in managing water resources. While remote sensing-based ET models are promising tools to estimate instantaneous ET, additional models are needed to scale up the estimated or modeled instantaneous ET to daily values. Reliable and precise daily ET (ETd) estimation is essential for growers and water resources managers to understand the diurnal and seasonal variation in ET. In response to this issue, different existing extrapolation/upscaling daily ET (ETd) models were assessed using eddy covariance (EC) and sUAS measurements. On the other hand, ET estimation over semi-arid naturally vegetated regions becomes an issue due to high heterogeneity in such environments where vegetation tends to be randomly distributed over the land surface. This reflects the conditions of natural vegetation in river corridors. While significant efforts were made to estimate ET at agricultural landscapes, accurate spatial information of ET over riparian ecosystems is still challenging due to various species associated with variable amounts of bare soil and surface water. To achieve this, the TSEB model with high-resolution remote sensing data from sUAS were used to characterize the spatial heterogeneity and calculate the ET over a natural environment that features arid climate and various vegetation types at the San Rafael River corridor
