4 research outputs found

    An Elementary Algorithm for Reporting Intersections of Red/Blue Curve Segments

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    Let E_r and E_b be two sets of x-monotone and non-intersecting curve segments, E=E_r \cup E_b and |E|=n. We give a new sweep-line algorithm that reports the kk intersecting pairs of segments of E. Our algorithm uses only three simple predicates that allow to decide if two segments intersect, if a point is left or right to another point, and if a point is above, below or on a segment. These three predicates seem to be the simplest predicates that lead to subquadratic algorithms. Our algorithm is almost optimal in this restricted model of computation. Its time complexity is $O((n+k)\logn) and it requires O(n) space. The same algoritm has been described in our previous report [5]. That report presented also an algoritm for the general case but its analysis was not not correct

    Master index of Volumes 21–30

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    An elementary algorithm for reporting intersections of red/blue curve segments

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    Let E-r and E-b be two sets of x -monotone and non-intersecting curve segments, E = E-r boolean OR E-b and \E\ = n. We give a new sweep-line algorithm that reports the k intersecting pairs of segments of E. Our algorithm uses only three simple predicates that allow to decide if two segments intersect, if a point is left or right to another point, and if a point is above, below or on a segment. These three predicates seem to be the simplest predicates that lead to subquadratic algorithms. Our algorithm is almost optimal in this restricted model of computation. Its time complexity is O(n log n + k log log n) and it requires O(n) space.clos

    An elementary algorithm for reporting intersections of red/blue curve segments

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    Theme 2 - Genie logiciel et calcul symbolique - Projet PrismeSIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : 14802 E, issue : a.2000 n.3999 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc