4,160 research outputs found

    A Nonlinear Model of Spatiotemporal Retinal Processing: Simulations of X and Y Retinal Ganglion Cell Behavior

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    This article describes a nonlinear model of neural processing in the vertebrate retina, comprising model photoreceptors, model push-pull bipolar cells, and model ganglion cells. Previous analyses and simulations have shown that with a choice of parameters that mimics beta cells, the model exhibits X-like linear spatial summation (null response to contrast-reversed gratings) in spite of photoreceptor nonlinearities; on the other hand, a choice of parameters that mimics alpha cells leads to Y-like frequency doubling. This article extends the previous work by showing that the model can replicate qualitatively many of the original findings on X and Y cells with a fixed choice of parameters. The results generally support the hypothesis that X and Y cells can be seen as functional variants of a single neural circuit. The model also suggests that both depolarizing and hyperpolarizing bipolar cells converge onto both ON and OFF ganglion cell types. The push-pull connectivity enables ganglion cells to remain sensitive to deviations about the mean output level of nonlinear photoreceptors. These and other properties of the push-pull model are discussed in the general context of retinal processing of spatiotemporal luminance patterns.Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (BR-3122); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0499

    Neuromorphic analogue VLSI

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    Neuromorphic systems emulate the organization and function of nervous systems. They are usually composed of analogue electronic circuits that are fabricated in the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) medium using very large-scale integration (VLSI) technology. However, these neuromorphic systems are not another kind of digital computer in which abstract neural networks are simulated symbolically in terms of their mathematical behavior. Instead, they directly embody, in the physics of their CMOS circuits, analogues of the physical processes that underlie the computations of neural systems. The significance of neuromorphic systems is that they offer a method of exploring neural computation in a medium whose physical behavior is analogous to that of biological nervous systems and that operates in real time irrespective of size. The implications of this approach are both scientific and practical. The study of neuromorphic systems provides a bridge between levels of understanding. For example, it provides a link between the physical processes of neurons and their computational significance. In addition, the synthesis of neuromorphic systems transposes our knowledge of neuroscience into practical devices that can interact directly with the real world in the same way that biological nervous systems do

    Statistical Mechanics and Visual Signal Processing

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    The nervous system solves a wide variety of problems in signal processing. In many cases the performance of the nervous system is so good that it apporaches fundamental physical limits, such as the limits imposed by diffraction and photon shot noise in vision. In this paper we show how to use the language of statistical field theory to address and solve problems in signal processing, that is problems in which one must estimate some aspect of the environment from the data in an array of sensors. In the field theory formulation the optimal estimator can be written as an expectation value in an ensemble where the input data act as external field. Problems at low signal-to-noise ratio can be solved in perturbation theory, while high signal-to-noise ratios are treated with a saddle-point approximation. These ideas are illustrated in detail by an example of visual motion estimation which is chosen to model a problem solved by the fly's brain. In this problem the optimal estimator has a rich structure, adapting to various parameters of the environment such as the mean-square contrast and the correlation time of contrast fluctuations. This structure is in qualitative accord with existing measurements on motion sensitive neurons in the fly's brain, and we argue that the adaptive properties of the optimal estimator may help resolve conlficts among different interpretations of these data. Finally we propose some crucial direct tests of the adaptive behavior.Comment: 34pp, LaTeX, PUPT-143
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