9,116 research outputs found

    Mean Field Bayes Backpropagation: scalable training of multilayer neural networks with binary weights

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    Significant success has been reported recently using deep neural networks for classification. Such large networks can be computationally intensive, even after training is over. Implementing these trained networks in hardware chips with a limited precision of synaptic weights may improve their speed and energy efficiency by several orders of magnitude, thus enabling their integration into small and low-power electronic devices. With this motivation, we develop a computationally efficient learning algorithm for multilayer neural networks with binary weights, assuming all the hidden neurons have a fan-out of one. This algorithm, derived within a Bayesian probabilistic online setting, is shown to work well for both synthetic and real-world problems, performing comparably to algorithms with real-valued weights, while retaining computational tractability

    Neuro-memristive Circuits for Edge Computing: A review

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    The volume, veracity, variability, and velocity of data produced from the ever-increasing network of sensors connected to Internet pose challenges for power management, scalability, and sustainability of cloud computing infrastructure. Increasing the data processing capability of edge computing devices at lower power requirements can reduce several overheads for cloud computing solutions. This paper provides the review of neuromorphic CMOS-memristive architectures that can be integrated into edge computing devices. We discuss why the neuromorphic architectures are useful for edge devices and show the advantages, drawbacks and open problems in the field of neuro-memristive circuits for edge computing

    Hardware-efficient on-line learning through pipelined truncated-error backpropagation in binary-state networks

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) trained using backpropagation are powerful learning architectures that have achieved state-of-the-art performance in various benchmarks. Significant effort has been devoted to developing custom silicon devices to accelerate inference in ANNs. Accelerating the training phase, however, has attracted relatively little attention. In this paper, we describe a hardware-efficient on-line learning technique for feedforward multi-layer ANNs that is based on pipelined backpropagation. Learning is performed in parallel with inference in the forward pass, removing the need for an explicit backward pass and requiring no extra weight lookup. By using binary state variables in the feedforward network and ternary errors in truncated-error backpropagation, the need for any multiplications in the forward and backward passes is removed, and memory requirements for the pipelining are drastically reduced. Further reduction in addition operations owing to the sparsity in the forward neural and backpropagating error signal paths contributes to highly efficient hardware implementation. For proof-of-concept validation, we demonstrate on-line learning of MNIST handwritten digit classification on a Spartan 6 FPGA interfacing with an external 1Gb DDR2 DRAM, that shows small degradation in test error performance compared to an equivalently sized binary ANN trained off-line using standard back-propagation and exact errors. Our results highlight an attractive synergy between pipelined backpropagation and binary-state networks in substantially reducing computation and memory requirements, making pipelined on-line learning practical in deep networks.Comment: Now also consider 0/1 binary activations. Memory access statistics reporte

    Deep supervised learning using local errors

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    Error backpropagation is a highly effective mechanism for learning high-quality hierarchical features in deep networks. Updating the features or weights in one layer, however, requires waiting for the propagation of error signals from higher layers. Learning using delayed and non-local errors makes it hard to reconcile backpropagation with the learning mechanisms observed in biological neural networks as it requires the neurons to maintain a memory of the input long enough until the higher-layer errors arrive. In this paper, we propose an alternative learning mechanism where errors are generated locally in each layer using fixed, random auxiliary classifiers. Lower layers could thus be trained independently of higher layers and training could either proceed layer by layer, or simultaneously in all layers using local error information. We address biological plausibility concerns such as weight symmetry requirements and show that the proposed learning mechanism based on fixed, broad, and random tuning of each neuron to the classification categories outperforms the biologically-motivated feedback alignment learning technique on the MNIST, CIFAR10, and SVHN datasets, approaching the performance of standard backpropagation. Our approach highlights a potential biological mechanism for the supervised, or task-dependent, learning of feature hierarchies. In addition, we show that it is well suited for learning deep networks in custom hardware where it can drastically reduce memory traffic and data communication overheads