13 research outputs found

    An Efficient Transform from Sigma Protocols to NIZK with a CRS and Non-Programmable Random Oracle

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    In this short paper, we present a Fiat-Shamir type transform that takes any Sigma protocol for a relation RR and outputs a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof (not of knowledge) for the associated language LRL_R, in the common reference string model. As in the Fiat-Shamir transform, we use a hash function HH. However, zero-knowledge is achieved under standard assumptions in the common reference string model (without any random oracle), and soundness is achieved in the \emph{non-programmable} random oracle model. The concrete computational complexity of the transform is only slightly higher than the original Fiat-Shamir transform

    Cryptographic Tools for Privacy Preservation and Verifiable Randomness

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    Our society revolves around communication. The Internet is the biggest, cheapest and fastest digital communication channel used nowadays.Due to the continuous increase of daily communication among people worldwide, more and more data might be stolen, misused or tampered.We require to protect our communications and data by achieving privacy\ua0and\ua0confidentiality.Despite the two terms, "privacy"\ua0and "confidentiality",are often used as synonymous, in cryptography they are modelled in very different ways.Intuitively, cryptography can be seen as a tool-box in which every scheme, protocol or primitive is a tool that can be used to solve specific problems and provide specific communication security guarantees such as confidentiality. Privacy is instead not easy to describe and capture since it often depends on "which" information is available, "how"\ua0are these data used and/or "who" has access to our data.This licentiate thesis raises research questions and proposes solutions related to: the possibility of defining encryption schemes that provide both strong security and privacy guarantees; the importance of designing cryptographic protocols that are compliant with real-life privacy-laws or regulations; and the necessity of defining a post-quantum mechanism to achieve the verifiability of randomness.In more details, the thesis achievements are:(a) defining a new class of encryption schemes, by weakening the correctness property, that achieves Differential Privacy (DP), i.e., a mathematically sound definition of privacy;(b) formalizing a security model for a subset of articles in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), designing and implementing a cryptographic protocol based on the proposed GDPR-oriented security model, and;(c) proposing a methodology to compile a post-quantum interactive protocol for proving the correct computation of a pseudorandom function into a non-interactive one, yielding a post-quantum mechanism for verifiable randomness

    Proof-of-Stake Protocols for Privacy-Aware Blockchains

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    Proof-of-stake (PoS) protocols are emerging as one of the most promising alternative to the wasteful proof-of-work (PoW) protocols for consensus in Blockchains (or distributed ledgers). However, current PoS protocols inherently disclose both the identity and the wealth of the stakeholders, and thus seem incompatible with privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies (such as ZCash, Monero, etc.). In this paper we initiate the formal study for PoS protocols with privacy properties. Our results include: - A (theoretical) feasibility result showing that it is possible to construct a general class of private PoS (PPoS) protocols; and to add privacy to a wide class of PoS protocols, - A privacy-preserving version of a popular PoS protocol, Ouroboros Praos. Towards our result, we define the notion of anonymous verifiable random function, which we believe is of independent interest

    Fiat-Shamir for highly sound protocols is instantiable

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    The Fiat–Shamir (FS) transformation (Fiat and Shamir, Crypto '86) is a popular paradigm for constructing very efficient non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) arguments and signature schemes from a hash function and any three-move interactive protocol satisfying certain properties. Despite its wide-spread applicability both in theory and in practice, the known positive results for proving security of the FS paradigm are in the random oracle model only, i.e., they assume that the hash function is modeled as an external random function accessible to all parties. On the other hand, a sequence of negative results shows that for certain classes of interactive protocols, the FS transform cannot be instantiated in the standard model. We initiate the study of complementary positive results, namely, studying classes of interactive protocols where the FS transform does have standard-model instantiations. In particular, we show that for a class of “highly sound” protocols that we define, instantiating the FS transform via a q-wise independent hash function yields NIZK arguments and secure signature schemes. In the case of NIZK, we obtain a weaker “q-bounded” zero-knowledge flavor where the simulator works for all adversaries asking an a-priori bounded number of queries q; in the case of signatures, we obtain the weaker notion of random-message unforgeability against q-bounded random message attacks. Our main idea is that when the protocol is highly sound, then instead of using random-oracle programming, one can use complexity leveraging. The question is whether such highly sound protocols exist and if so, which protocols lie in this class. We answer this question in the affirmative in the common reference string (CRS) model and under strong assumptions. Namely, assuming indistinguishability obfuscation and puncturable pseudorandom functions we construct a compiler that transforms any 3-move interactive protocol with instance-independent commitments and simulators (a property satisfied by the Lapidot–Shamir protocol, Crypto '90) into a compiled protocol in the CRS model that is highly sound. We also present a second compiler, in order to be able to start from a larger class of protocols, which only requires instance-independent commitments (a property for example satisfied by the classical protocol for quadratic residuosity due to Blum, Crypto '81). For the second compiler we require dual-mode commitments. We hope that our work inspires more research on classes of (efficient) 3-move protocols where Fiat–Shamir is (efficiently) instantiable

    ALBATROSS: Publicly AttestabLe BATched Randomness Based On Secret Sharing

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    In this paper we present ALBATROSS, a family of multiparty randomness generation protocols with guaranteed output delivery and public verification that allows to trade off corruption tolerance for a much improved amortized computational complexity. Our basic stand alone protocol is based on publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) and is secure under in the random oracle model under the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) hardness assumption. We also address the important issue of constructing Universally Composable randomness beacons, showing two UC versions of Albatross: one based on simple UC NIZKs and another one based on novel efficient ``designated verifier\u27\u27 homomorphic commitments. Interestingly this latter version can be instantiated from a global random oracle under the weaker Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption. An execution of ALBATROSS with nn parties, out of which up to t=(1/2ϵ)nt=(1/2-\epsilon)\cdot n are corrupt for a constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0, generates Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) uniformly random values, requiring in the worst case an amortized cost per party of Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n) exponentiations per random value. We significantly improve on the SCRAPE protocol (Cascudo and David, ACNS 17), which required Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) exponentiations per party to generate one uniformly random value. This is mainly achieved via two techniques: first, the use of packed Shamir secret sharing for the PVSS; second, the use of linear tt-resilient functions (computed via a Fast Fourier Transform-based algorithm) to improve the randomness extraction

    Efficient Designated-Verifier Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge

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    We propose a framework for constructing efficient designated-verifier non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (DVNIZK) for a wide class of algebraic languages over abelian groups, under standard assumptions. The proofs obtained via our framework are proofs of knowledge, enjoy statistical, and unbounded soundness (the soundness holds even when the prover receives arbitrary feedbacks on previous proofs). Previously, no efficient DVNIZK system satisfying any of those three properties was known. Our framework allows proving arbitrary relations between cryptographic primitives such as Pedersen commitments, ElGamal encryptions, or Paillier encryptions, in an efficient way. For the latter, we further exhibit the first non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system in the standard model that is more efficient than proofs obtained via the Fiat-Shamir transform, with still-meaningful security guarantees and under standard assumptions. Our framework has numerous applications, in particular for the design of efficient privacy-preserving non-interactive authentication

    Efficient and Round-Optimal Oblivious Transfer and Commitment with Adaptive Security

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    We construct the most efficient two-round adaptively secure bit-OT in the Common Random String (CRS) model. The scheme is UC secure under the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption. It incurs O(1) exponentiations and sends O(1) group elements, whereas the state of the art requires O(k^2) exponentiations and communicates poly(k) bits, where k is the computational security parameter. Along the way, we obtain several other efficient UC-secure OT protocols under DDH : - The most efficient yet two-round adaptive string-OT protocol assuming programmable random oracle. Furthermore, the protocol can be made non-interactive in the simultaneous message setting, assuming random inputs for the sender. - The first two-round string-OT with amortized constant exponentiations and communication overhead which is secure in the observable random oracle model. - The first two-round receiver equivocal string-OT in the CRS model that incurs constant computation and communication overhead. We also obtain the first non-interactive adaptive string UC-commitment in the CRS model which incurs a sublinear communication overhead in the security parameter. Specifically, we commit to polylog(k) bits while communicating O(k) bits. Moreover, it is additively homomorphic in nature. We can also extend our results to the single CRS model where multiple sessions share the same CRS. As a corollary, we obtain a two-round adaptively secure MPC protocol in this model

    Non-Malleable Multi-Prover Interactive Proofs and Witness Signatures

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    We explore a new man-in-the-middle adversarial model for multi-prover interactive proofs (MIPs), and construct round-optimal, unconditionally secure, non-malleable MIPs. We compile from a large sub-class of Sigma protocols to a non-malleable MIP, avoiding the use of expensive NP-reductions to Graph Hamiltonicity or other NP-complete problems. Our compiler makes novel use of non-malleable codes - in particular, we rely on many-many non-malleable codes constructed recently by Chattopadhyay, Goyal and Li (STOC 2016). We introduce another (seemingly unrelated) primitive - witness signatures - motivated by the goal of removing central trust assumptions from cryptography. Witness signatures allow any party with a valid witness to an NP statement to sign a message on behalf of that statement. These signatures must be unforgeable - that is, signing a new message, even given several signatures, should be as hard as computing a witness to the NP statement itself. We first observe that most natural notions of witness signatures are impossible to achieve in the plain model. While still wanting to avoid a central trusted setup, we turn to the tamper proof hardware token model of Katz (Eurocrypt 2007). We show that non-malleable MIPs yield efficient, unconditional witness signatures in the hardware token model. However, our construction of unconditional witness signatures only supports bounded verification. We also obtain unbounded polynomial verification assuming the existence of one-way functions. Finally, we give a matching lower bound - obtaining unconditional unbounded-verifiable witness signatures with black-box extraction, is impossible even with access to an unbounded number of stateful tamper-proof hardware tokens

    A New Simple Technique to Bootstrap Various Lattice Zero-Knowledge Proofs to QROM Secure NIZKs

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    Many of the recent advanced lattice-based Σ\Sigma-/public-coin honest verifier (HVZK) interactive protocols based on the techniques developed by Lyubashevsky (Asiacrypt\u2709, Eurocrypt\u2712) can be transformed into a non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof in the random oracle model (ROM) using the Fiat-Shamir transform. Unfortunately, although they are known to be secure in the classical\mathit{classical} ROM, existing proof techniques are incapable of proving them secure in the quantum\mathit{quantum} ROM (QROM). Alternatively, while we could instead rely on the Unruh transform (Eurocrypt\u2715), the resulting QROM secure NIZK will incur a large overhead compared to the underlying interactive protocol. In this paper, we present a new simple semi-generic transform that compiles many existing lattice-based Σ\Sigma-/public-coin HVZK interactive protocols into QROM secure NIZKs. Our transform builds on a new primitive called extractable linear homomorphic commitment\textit{extractable linear homomorphic commitment} protocol. The resulting NIZK has several appealing features: it is not only a proof of knowledge but also straight-line extractable; the proof overhead is smaller compared to the Unruh transform; it enjoys a relatively small reduction loss; and it requires minimal background on quantum computation. To illustrate the generality of our technique, we show how to transform the recent Bootle et al.\u27s 5-round protocol with an exact sound proof (Crypto\u2719) into a QROM secure NIZK by increasing the proof size by a factor of 2.62.6. This compares favorably to the Unruh transform that requires a factor of more than 5050

    Efficient zero-knowledge arguments in the discrete log setting, revisited

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    Zero-knowledge arguments have become practical, and widely used, especially in the world of Blockchain, for example in Zcash. This work revisits zero-knowledge proofs in the discrete logarithm setting. First, we identify and carve out basic techniques (partly being used implicitly before) to optimize proofs in this setting. In particular, the linear combination of protocols is a useful tool to obtain zero-knowledge and/or reduce communication. With these techniques, we are able to devise zero-knowledge variants of the logarithmic communication arguments by Bootle et al.\ (EUROCRYPT \u2716) and Bünz et al. (S\&P \u2718) thereby introducing almost no overhead. We then construct a conceptually simple commit-and-prove argument for satisfiability of a set of quadratic equations. Unlike previous work, we are not restricted to rank 1 constraint systems (R1CS). This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first work demonstrating that general quadratic constraints, not just R1CS, are a natural relation in the dlog (or ideal linear commitment) setting. This enables new possibilities for optimisation, as, eg., any degree n2n^2 polynomial f(X)f(X) can now be ``evaluated\u27\u27 with at most 2n2n quadratic constraints. Our protocols are modular. We easily construct an efficient, logarithmic size shuffle proof, which can be used in electronic voting. Additionally, we take a closer look at quantitative security measures, eg. the efficiency of an extractor. We formalise short-circuit extraction, which allows us to give tighter bounds on the efficiency of an extractor