183 research outputs found

    DPRAODV: A Dynamic Learning System Against Blackhole Attack In AODV Based MANET

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    Security is an essential requirement in mobile ad hoc networks to provide protected communication between mobile nodes. Due to unique characteristics of MANETS, it creates a number of consequential challenges to its security design. To overcome the challenges, there is a need to build a multifence security solution that achieves both broad protection and desirable network performance. MANETs are vulnerable to various attacks, blackhole, is one of the possible attacks. Black hole is a type of routing attack where a malicious node advertise itself as having the shortest path to all nodes in the environment by sending fake route reply. By doing this, the malicious node can deprive the traffic from the source node. It can be used as a denial-of-service attack where it can drop the packets later. In this paper, we proposed a DPRAODV (Detection, Prevention and Reactive AODV) to prevent security threats of blackhole by notifying other nodes in the network of the incident. The simulation results in ns2 (ver-2.33) demonstrate that our protocol not only prevents blackhole attack but consequently improves the overall performance of (normal) AODV in presence of black hole attack

    Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSR, DYMO & ZRP in Cost 231 Walfisch-Ikegami Path Loss Propagation Model

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    A Mobile Ad hoc NETwork is a kind of wireless ad-hoc network, and is a self configuring network of mobile routers connected by wireless links. Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a wireless network without infrastructure. Self configurability and easy deployment feature of the MANET resulted in numerous applications in this modern era. Efficient routing protocols will make MANETs reliable. Various research communities are working in field of MANET and trying to adopt the protocols and technology in other applications as well. In this work, we present investigations on the behavior of various routing protocol of MANET with a Cost 231 Walfisch-Ikegami Propagation Model. We evaluate the performance of four different ad-hoc routing protocols on four performance metrics such as Average Jitter, Average End-to-End Delay, Throughput, and Packet Delivery Fraction with varying Pause Time. From the simulation results it is concluded that DSR is better in transmission of packets per unit time and maximum number of packets reached their destination successfully with some delays, i.e. PDF & Throughput is more and Average jitter & end-to-end delay is less. Whereas AODV & ZRP having almost same values in all of the performance metrics, they transmit packets with very less delay but transmits less packets to their destination as compare to DSR.

    Рутирачки алгоритми за услуги во MANET во реално време

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    Мобилните Ad Hoc Мрежи (MANET's) се безжични мрежи со повеќе прескокнувања, каде што сите јазли учествуваат во одржувањето на мрежната конекција. Повеќе од јасно е дека во мобилните средини, каде што јазлите континуирано се движат со големи брзини, обично е тешко да се оддржуваaт и обновaт рутирачките патеки. Кога големината на мрежата е голема и јазлите се мобилни, фреквенцијата на линкот е неуспешна и потрошувачката на енергија на јазлите е поголема. Неуспехот на линкот се идентификува само за време на преносот на пакетите. За да се надмине овој проблем, се користат алгоритми за отстранување на заостанатите патеки после одреден период на пауза на патеката. Целта на овој труд е да се проучат и анализираат протоколите за рутирање во MANET, со цел подобрување на испораката на пакети и намалување на контролните пораки. Ќе бидат анализирани два типа на рутирачки протоколи, и тоа: Протоколи Управувани со Табели и Протоколи на Барање

    Performance study of end-to-end traffic-aware routing

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    There has been a lot research effort on developing reactive routing algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) over the past few years. Most of these algorithms consider finding the shortest path from source to destination in building a route. However, this can lead to some network nodes being more overloaded than the others. In MANETs resources, such as node power and channel bandwidth are often at a premium and, therefore, it is important to optimise their use as much as possible. Consequently, a traffic-aware technique to distribute the load is very desirable in order to make good utilisation of nodes' resources. A number of traffic aware techniques have recently been proposed and can be classified into two categories: end-to-end and on-the-spot. The performance merits of the existing end-to-end traffic aware techniques have been analysed and compared against traditional routing algorithms. There has also been a performance comparison among the existing on-the-spot techniques. However, there has so far been no similar study that evaluates and compares the relative performance merits of end-to-end techniques. In this paper, we describe an extensive performance evaluation of two end-to-end techniques, based on degree of nodal activity and traffic density, using measures based on throughput, end-to-end delay and routing overhead

    Performance evaluation of a new end-to-end traffic-aware routing in MANETs

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    There has been a lot of research effort on developing reactive routing algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) over the past few years. Most of these algorithms consider finding the shortest path from source to destination in building a route. However, this can lead to some network nodes being more overloaded than the others. In MANETs resources, such as node power and channel bandwidth are often at a premium and, therefore, it is important to optimise their use as much as possible. Consequently, a traffic-aware technique to distribute the load is very desirable in order to make good utilisation of nodes' resources. Therefore a number of end-to-end traffic aware techniques have been proposed for reactive routing protocols to deal with this challenging issue. In this paper we contribute to this research effort by proposing a new traffic aware technique that can overcome the limitations of the existing methods. Results from an extensive comparative evaluation show that the new technique has superior performance over similar existing end-to-end techniques in terms of the achieved throughput, end-to-end delay and routing overhead