351 research outputs found

    TKP: Three level key pre-distribution with mobile sinks for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks are by its nature prone to various forms of security attacks. Authentication and secure communication have become the need of the day. Due to single point failure of a sink node or base station, mobile sinks are better in many wireless sensor networks applications for efficient data collection or aggregation, localized sensor reprogramming and for revoking compromised sensors. The existing sytems that make use of key predistribution schemes for pairwise key establishment between sensor nodes and mobile sinks, deploying mobile sinks for data collection has drawbacks. Here, an attacker can easily obtain many keys by capturing a few nodes and can gain control of the network by deploying a node preloaded with some compromised keys that will be the replica of compromised mobile sink. We propose an efficient three level key predistribution framework that uses any pairwise key predistribution in different levels. The new framework has two set of key pools one set of keys for the mobile sink nodes to access the sensor network and other set of keys for secure communication among the sensor nodes. It reduces the damage caused by mobile sink replication attack and stationary access node replication attack. To further reduce the communication time it uses a shortest distance to make pair between the nodes for comunication. Through results, we show that our security framework has a higher network resilience to a mobile sink replication attack as compared to the polynomial pool-based scheme with less communication tim

    A unified approach to combinatorial key predistribution schemes for sensor networks

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    There have been numerous recent proposals for key predistribution schemes for wireless sensor networks based on various types of combinatorial structures such as designs and codes. Many of these schemes have very similar properties and are analysed in a similar manner. We seek to provide a unified framework to study these kinds of schemes. To do so, we define a new, general class of designs, termed “partially balanced t-designs”, that is sufficiently general that it encompasses almost all of the designs that have been proposed for combinatorial key predistribution schemes. However, this new class of designs still has sufficient structure that we are able to derive general formulas for the metrics of the resulting key predistribution schemes. These metrics can be evaluated for a particular scheme simply by substituting appropriate parameters of the underlying combinatorial structure into our general formulas. We also compare various classes of schemes based on different designs, and point out that some existing proposed schemes are in fact identical, even though their descriptions may seem different. We believe that our general framework should facilitate the analysis of proposals for combinatorial key predistribution schemes and their comparison with existing schemes, and also allow researchers to easily evaluate which scheme or schemes present the best combination of performance metrics for a given application scenario

    An Identity Based Key Management Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Pairwise key establishment is one of the fundamental security services in sensor networks which enables sensor nodes in a sensor network to communicate securely with each other using cryptographic techniques. It is not feasible to apply traditional public key management techniques in resource-constrained sensor nodes, and also because the sensor nodes are vulnerable to physical capture. In this paper, we introduce a new scheme called the identity based key pre-distribution using a pseudo random function (IBPRF), which has better trade-off between communication overhead, network connectivity and resilience against node capture compared to the other key pre-distribution schemes. Our scheme can be easily adapted in mobile sensor networks. This scheme supports the addition of new sensor nodes after the initial deployment and also works for any deployment topology. In addition, we propose an improved version of our scheme to support large sensor networks.Comment: 7 pages, Published in Proceedings of 4th Asian International Mobile Computing Conference (AMOC 2006), Kolkata, India, pp. 70-76, January 4-7, 200

    A highly resilient and zone-based key predistribution protocol for multiphase wireless sensor networks

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    Pairwise key distribution among the sensor nodes is an essential problem for providing security in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The common approach for this problem is random key predistribution, which suffers from resiliency issues in case of node captures by adversaries. In the literature, the resiliency problem is addressed by zone-based deployment models that use prior deployment knowledge. Another remedy in the literature, which is for multiphase WSNs, aims to provide self-healing property via periodic deployments of sensor nodes with fresh keys over the sensor field. However, to the best of our knowledge, these two approaches have never been combined before in the literature. In this paper, we propose a zone-based key predistribution approach for multiphase WSNs. Our approach combines the best parts of these approaches and provides self-healing property with up to 9-fold more resiliency as compared to an existing scheme. Moreover, our scheme ensures almost 100% secure connectivity, which means a sensor node shares at least one key with almost all of its neighbors

    Dynamic resiliency analysis of key predistribution in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks have been analyzed for more than a decade from operational and security points of view. Several key predistribution schemes have been proposed in the literature. Although valuable and state-of-the-art proposals have been made, their corresponding security analyses have not been performed by considering the dynamic nature of networking behavior and the time dimension. The sole metric used for resiliency analysis of key predistribution schemes is "fraction of links compromised" which is roughly defined as the ratio of secure communication links that the adversary can compromise over all secure links. However, this metric does not consider the dynamic nature of the network; it just analyzes a snapshot of the network without considering the time dimension. For example, possible dead nodes may cause change of routes and some captured links become useless for the attacker as time goes by. Moreover, an attacker cannot perform sensor node capturing at once, but performs over time. That is why a methodology for dynamic security analysis is needed in order to analyze the change of resiliency in time a more realistic way. In this paper, we propose such a dynamic approach to measure the resiliency of key predistribution schemes in sensor networks. We take the time dimension into account with a new performance metric, "captured message fraction". This metric is defined as the percentage of the messages generated within the network to be forwarded to the base station (sink) that are captured and read by the attacker. Our results show that for the cases where the static fraction of links compromised metric indicates approximately 40% of the links are compromised, our proposed captured message fraction metric shows 80% of the messages are captured by the attacker. This clearly proves the limitations of the static resiliency analysis in the literature

    A resilient key predistribution scheme for multiphase wireless sensor networks

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    In wireless sensor networks, sensor nodes eventually die due to battery depletion. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in which new nodes are periodically redeployed with certain intervals, called generations, to replace the dead nodes are called multi-phase wireless sensor networks. In the literature, there are several key predistribution schemes proposed for secure operation of WSNs. However, these schemes are designed for single phase networks which are not resilient against continuous node capture attacks; even under temporary attacks on the network, the harm caused by the attacker does not heal in time. However, the periodic deployments in multi-phase sensor networks could be utilized to improve the resiliency of the WSNs by deploying nodes with fresh keys. In the literature, there is limited work done in this area. In this paper, we propose a key predistribution scheme for multi-phase wireless sensor networks which is highly resilient under node capture attacks. In our scheme, called RGM (random generation material) key predistribution scheme, each generation of deployment has its own random keying material and pairwise keys are established between node pairs of particular generations. These keys are specific to these generations. Therefore, a captured node cannot be abused to obtain keys of other generations. We compare the performance of our RGM scheme with a well-known multi-phase key predistribution scheme and showed that RGM achieves up to three-fold more resiliency. Even under heavy attacks, our scheme's resiliency performance is 50% better in steady state

    A Complete Hierarchical Key Management Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Heterogeneous cluster-based wireless sensor networks (WSN) attracted increasing attention recently. Obviously, the clustering makes the entire networks hierarchical; thus, several kinds of keys are required for hierarchical network topology. However, most existing key management schemes for it place more emphasis on pairwise key management schemes or key predistribution schemes and neglect the property of hierarchy. In this paper, we propose a complete hierarchical key management scheme which only utilizes symmetric cryptographic algorithms and low cost operations for heterogeneous cluster-based WSN. Our scheme considers four kinds of keys, which are an individual key, a cluster key, a master key, and pairwise keys, for each sensor node. Finally, the analysis and experiments demonstrate that the proposed scheme is secure and efficient; thus, it is suitable for heterogeneous cluster-based WSN