6 research outputs found

    Support Vector Machine based Decoding Algorithm for BCH Codes, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, nr 2

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    Modern communication systems require robust, adaptable and high performance decoders for efficient data transmission. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a margin based classification and regression technique. In this paper, decoding of Bose Chaudhuri Hocquenghem codes has been approached as a multi-class classification problem using SVM. In conventional decoding algorithms, the procedure for decoding is usually fixed irrespective of the SNR environment in which the transmission takes place, but SVM being a machinelearning algorithm is adaptable to the communication environment. Since the construction of SVM decoder model uses the training data set, application specific decoders can be designed by choosing the training size efficiently. With the soft margin width in SVM being controlled by an equation, which has been formulated as a quadratic programming problem, there are no local minima issues in SVM and is robust to outliers

    Fast syndrome-based Chase decoding of binary BCH codes through Wu list decoding

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    We present a new fast Chase decoding algorithm for binary BCH codes. The new algorithm reduces the complexity in comparison to a recent fast Chase decoding algorithm for Reed--Solomon (RS) codes by the authors (IEEE Trans. IT, 2022), by requiring only a single Koetter iteration per edge of the decoding tree. In comparison to the fast Chase algorithms presented by Kamiya (IEEE Trans. IT, 2001) and Wu (IEEE Trans. IT, 2012) for binary BCH codes, the polynomials updated throughout the algorithm of the current paper typically have a much lower degree. To achieve the complexity reduction, we build on a new isomorphism between two solution modules in the binary case, and on a degenerate case of the soft-decision (SD) version of the Wu list decoding algorithm. Roughly speaking, we prove that when the maximum list size is 11 in Wu list decoding of binary BCH codes, assigning a multiplicity of 11 to a coordinate has the same effect as flipping this coordinate in a Chase-decoding trial. The solution-module isomorphism also provides a systematic way to benefit from the binary alphabet for reducing the complexity in bounded-distance hard-decision (HD) decoding. Along the way, we briefly develop the Groebner-bases formulation of the Wu list decoding algorithm for binary BCH codes, which is missing in the literature

    A Flexible BCH decoder for Flash Memory Systems using Cascaded BCH codes

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    NAND ash memories are widely used in consumer electronics, such as tablets, personal computers, smartphones, and gaming systems. However, unlike other standard storage devices, these ash memories suffer from various random errors. In order to address these reliability issues, various error correction codes (ECC) are employed. Bose-Chaudhuri Hocquenghem (BCH) code is the most common ECC used to address the errors in modern ash memories. Because of the limitation of the realization of the BCH codes for more extensive error correction, the modern ash memory devices use Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes for error correction scheme. The realization of the LDPC decoders have greater complexity than BCH decoders, so these ECC decoders are implemented within the ash memory device. This thesis analyzes the limitation imposed by the state of the art implementation of BCH decoders and proposes a cascaded BCH code to address these limitations. In order to support a variety of ash memory devices, there are three main challenges to be addressed for BCH decoders. First, the latency of the BCH decoders, in the case of no error scenario, should be less than 100us. Second, there should be flexibility in supporting different ECC block size; more precisely, the solution should be able to support 256, 512, 1024, and 2048 bytes of ECC block. Third, there should be flexibility in supporting different bit errors. A recent development with Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) has attracted many researchers to use GPUs for non-graphical implementation. These GPUs are used in many consumer electronics as part of the system on chip (SOC) configuration. In this thesis we studied the limitation imposed by different implementations (VLSI, GPU, and CPU) of BCH decoders, and we propose a cascaded BCH code implemented using a hybrid approach to overcome the limitations of the BCH codes. By splitting the implementation across VLSI and GPUs, we have shown in this thesis that this method can provide flexibility over the block size and the bit error to be corrected

    Algorithm/Architecture Co-Design for Low-Power Neuromorphic Computing

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    The development of computing systems based on the conventional von Neumann architecture has slowed down in the past decade as complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology scaling becomes more and more difficult. To satisfy the ever-increasing demands in computing power, neuromorphic computing has emerged as an attractive alternative. This dissertation focuses on developing learning algorithm, hardware architecture, circuit components, and design methodologies for low-power neuromorphic computing that can be employed in various energy-constrained applications. A top-down approach is adopted in this research. Starting from the algorithm-architecture co-design, a hardware-friendly learning algorithm is developed for spiking neural networks (SNNs). The possibility of estimating gradients from spike timings is explored. The learning algorithm is developed for the ease of hardware implementation, as well as the compatibility with many well-established learning techniques developed for classic artificial neural networks (ANNs). An SNN hardware equipped with the proposed on-chip learning algorithm is implemented in CMOS technology. In this design, two unique features of SNNs, the event-driven computation and the inferring with a progressive precision, are leveraged to reduce the energy consumption. In addition to low-power SNN hardware, accelerators for ANNs are also presented to accelerate the adaptive dynamic programing algorithm. An efficient and flexible single-instruction-multiple-data architecture is proposed to exploit the inherent data-level parallelism in the inference and learning of ANNs. In addition, the accelerator is augmented with a virtual update technique, which helps improve the throughput and energy efficiency remarkably. Lastly, two techniques in the architecture-circuit level are introduced to mitigate the degraded reliability of the memory system in a neuromorphic hardware owing to the aggressively-scaled supply voltage and integration density. The first method uses on-chip feedback to compensate for the process variation and the second technique improves the throughput and energy efficiency of a conventional error-correction method.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144149/1/zhengn_1.pd


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