1,014 research outputs found

    Learning detectors quickly using structured covariance matrices

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    Computer vision is increasingly becoming interested in the rapid estimation of object detectors. Canonical hard negative mining strategies are slow as they require multiple passes of the large negative training set. Recent work has demonstrated that if the distribution of negative examples is assumed to be stationary, then Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) can learn comparable detectors without ever revisiting the negative set. Even with this insight, however, the time to learn a single object detector can still be on the order of tens of seconds on a modern desktop computer. This paper proposes to leverage the resulting structured covariance matrix to obtain detectors with identical performance in orders of magnitude less time and memory. We elucidate an important connection to the correlation filter literature, demonstrating that these can also be trained without ever revisiting the negative set

    Channel Covariance Matrix Estimation via Dimension Reduction for Hybrid MIMO MmWave Communication Systems

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    Hybrid massive MIMO structures with lower hardware complexity and power consumption have been considered as a potential candidate for millimeter wave (mmWave) communications. Channel covariance information can be used for designing transmitter precoders, receiver combiners, channel estimators, etc. However, hybrid structures allow only a lower-dimensional signal to be observed, which adds difficulties for channel covariance matrix estimation. In this paper, we formulate the channel covariance estimation as a structured low-rank matrix sensing problem via Kronecker product expansion and use a low-complexity algorithm to solve this problem. Numerical results with uniform linear arrays (ULA) and uniform squared planar arrays (USPA) are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method

    Applications and accuracy of the parallel diagonal dominant algorithm

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    The Parallel Diagonal Dominant (PDD) algorithm is a highly efficient, ideally scalable tridiagonal solver. In this paper, a detailed study of the PDD algorithm is given. First the PDD algorithm is introduced. Then the algorithm is extended to solve periodic tridiagonal systems. A variant, the reduced PDD algorithm, is also proposed. Accuracy analysis is provided for a class of tridiagonal systems, the symmetric, and anti-symmetric Toeplitz tridiagonal systems. Implementation results show that the analysis gives a good bound on the relative error, and the algorithm is a good candidate for the emerging massively parallel machines

    A simple parallel prefix algorithm for compact finite-difference schemes

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    A compact scheme is a discretization scheme that is advantageous in obtaining highly accurate solutions. However, the resulting systems from compact schemes are tridiagonal systems that are difficult to solve efficiently on parallel computers. Considering the almost symmetric Toeplitz structure, a parallel algorithm, simple parallel prefix (SPP), is proposed. The SPP algorithm requires less memory than the conventional LU decomposition and is highly efficient on parallel machines. It consists of a prefix communication pattern and AXPY operations. Both the computation and the communication can be truncated without degrading the accuracy when the system is diagonally dominant. A formal accuracy study was conducted to provide a simple truncation formula. Experimental results were measured on a MasPar MP-1 SIMD machine and on a Cray 2 vector machine. Experimental results show that the simple parallel prefix algorithm is a good algorithm for the compact scheme on high-performance computers

    Architectures for block Toeplitz systems

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    In this paper efficient VLSI architectures of highly concurrent algorithms for the solution of block linear systems with Toeplitz or near-to-Toeplitz entries are presented. The main features of the proposed scheme are the use of scalar only operations, multiplications/divisions and additions, and the local communication which enables the development of wavefront array architecture. Both the mean squared error and the total squared error formulations are described and a variety of implementations are given

    Very Large-Scale Singular Value Decomposition Using Tensor Train Networks

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    We propose new algorithms for singular value decomposition (SVD) of very large-scale matrices based on a low-rank tensor approximation technique called the tensor train (TT) format. The proposed algorithms can compute several dominant singular values and corresponding singular vectors for large-scale structured matrices given in a TT format. The computational complexity of the proposed methods scales logarithmically with the matrix size under the assumption that both the matrix and the singular vectors admit low-rank TT decompositions. The proposed methods, which are called the alternating least squares for SVD (ALS-SVD) and modified alternating least squares for SVD (MALS-SVD), compute the left and right singular vectors approximately through block TT decompositions. The very large-scale optimization problem is reduced to sequential small-scale optimization problems, and each core tensor of the block TT decompositions can be updated by applying any standard optimization methods. The optimal ranks of the block TT decompositions are determined adaptively during iteration process, so that we can achieve high approximation accuracy. Extensive numerical simulations are conducted for several types of TT-structured matrices such as Hilbert matrix, Toeplitz matrix, random matrix with prescribed singular values, and tridiagonal matrix. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods compared with standard SVD algorithms and TT-based algorithms developed for symmetric eigenvalue decomposition
