9 research outputs found

    Advanced Modeling of Anisotropic Synchronous Machine Drives for Sensorless Control

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    Synchronous machines are extensively used for home appliances and industrial applications thanks to their fast dynamic response, good overload capability and high energy density. A precise knowledge of the rotor position is required to control efficiently this kind of motors. In most of the applications resolvers or absolute encoders are installed on the rotor shaft. The employment of position sensors leads to significant drawbacks such as the increased size and cost of the system and a lower reliability of the drive, caused by additional hardware and cabling. In sensorless drives motor position is estimated and employed in the machine control. Thus, no position sensor is required by the drive and all the drawbacks entailed by the sensor are eliminated. Moreover, the position estimation could be useful for redundancy in case of system failures. Therefore, position estimation techniques are object of great interest in the electric drives field. Position estimation techniques can be divided into two main categories: methods that are suitable for medium or high speed and techniques suitable for low speed or standstill operations. In the former group the motor position is estimated through a reconstruction of the permanent magnet flux or back electromotive force (back-EMF). In case of synchronous reluctance machines it is possible to reconstruct the extended active flux or back-EMF. Stator voltages and currents measurements are needed for these reconstruction methods. Since these signals amplitude is proportional to the rotor speed, position estimation can be successfully performed only for medium and high speed machine operations. In the low speed range, sensorless schemes exploit the rotor magnetic anisotropy. Thus, position can be estimated only for anisotropic motors, i.e. synchronous reluctance motors (SynRM), permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance motors (PMA-SynRM) and interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSM). The rotor anisotropy is recognized thanks to an high frequency voltage injection in the stator windings. Several injection techniques have been proposed, differing from the signal typology. In particular, high frequency sinusoidal or square-wave carriers are often applied. The position information is usually extracted from the current response through a heterodyning demodulation that entails the use of low pass filters in the position estimator, limiting its dynamic. The aim of the research was proposing a new algorithm to estimate the rotor position from the HF current response, getting rid of the demodulation and its weaknesses. Thus, the ellipse fitting technique has been proposed. Robustness against signal processing delay effects and a reduced number of required filters are the main advantages of this novel approach. The inverse problem related to the ellipse fitting is solved implementing a recursive least squares algorithm. The proposed ellipse fitting technique is not affected by signal processing delay effects, and it requires the tuning of only one parameter, called forgetting factor, making the studied method suitable for industrial application thanks to its minimal setup effort. Besides the ellipse fitting technique for rotor position estimation, two other topics have been studied: - Computation of self-sensing capabilities of synchronous machines. - Online incremental inductances identification for SynRM.Synchronous machines are extensively used for home appliances and industrial applications thanks to their fast dynamic response, good overload capability and high energy density. A precise knowledge of the rotor position is required to control efficiently this kind of motors. In most of the applications resolvers or absolute encoders are installed on the rotor shaft. The employment of position sensors leads to significant drawbacks such as the increased size and cost of the system and a lower reliability of the drive, caused by additional hardware and cabling. In sensorless drives motor position is estimated and employed in the machine control. Thus, no position sensor is required by the drive and all the drawbacks entailed by the sensor are eliminated. Moreover, the position estimation could be useful for redundancy in case of system failures. Therefore, position estimation techniques are object of great interest in the electric drives field. Position estimation techniques can be divided into two main categories: methods that are suitable for medium or high speed and techniques suitable for low speed or standstill operations. In the former group the motor position is estimated through a reconstruction of the permanent magnet flux or back electromotive force (back-EMF). In case of synchronous reluctance machines it is possible to reconstruct the extended active flux or back-EMF. Stator voltages and currents measurements are needed for these reconstruction methods. Since these signals amplitude is proportional to the rotor speed, position estimation can be successfully performed only for medium and high speed machine operations. In the low speed range, sensorless schemes exploit the rotor magnetic anisotropy. Thus, position can be estimated only for anisotropic motors, i.e. synchronous reluctance motors (SynRM), permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance motors (PMA-SynRM) and interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSM). The rotor anisotropy is recognized thanks to an high frequency voltage injection in the stator windings. Several injection techniques have been proposed, differing from the signal typology. In particular, high frequency sinusoidal or square-wave carriers are often applied. The position information is usually extracted from the current response through a heterodyning demodulation that entails the use of low pass filters in the position estimator, limiting its dynamic. The aim of the research was proposing a new algorithm to estimate the rotor position from the HF current response, getting rid of the demodulation and its weaknesses. Thus, the ellipse fitting technique has been proposed. Robustness against signal processing delay effects and a reduced number of required filters are the main advantages of this novel approach. The inverse problem related to the ellipse fitting is solved implementing a recursive least squares algorithm. The proposed ellipse fitting technique is not affected by signal processing delay effects, and it requires the tuning of only one parameter, called forgetting factor, making the studied method suitable for industrial application thanks to its minimal setup effort. Besides the ellipse fitting technique for rotor position estimation, two other topics have been studied: - Computation of self-sensing capabilities of synchronous machines. - Online incremental inductances identification for SynRM

    Sensorless Commissioning and Control of High Anisotropy Synchronous Motor Drives

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    Improved Sensorless Control of Multiphase Synchronous Reluctance Machine Under Position Sensor Fault

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    This article presents an investigation on the self- sensing capability of a dual three-phase synchronous reluctance motor. Self-sensing capability refers to the ability of the motor to properly operate in a sensorless drive. The multiphase machine is decomposed into two different three-phase systems according to the multistator approach. Several supply scenarios are studied where the two three-phase windings are controlled at different operating points along a reference trajectory. The analysis is carried out both with finite element analysis simulations and experimental tests. In the first part of this article, the rotor is locked to derive the observer trajectories and find the regions in which the motor can operate without position sensor. A comparison between simulated and experimental results is given. Finally, a sensorless control strategy that allows exploiting the motor self-sensing capability under position sensor fault is developed and validated through experimental tests

    Advances in Rotating Electric Machines

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    It is difficult to imagine a modern society without rotating electric machines. Their use has been increasing not only in the traditional fields of application but also in more contemporary fields, including renewable energy conversion systems, electric aircraft, aerospace, electric vehicles, unmanned propulsion systems, robotics, etc. This has contributed to advances in the materials, design methodologies, modeling tools, and manufacturing processes of current electric machines, which are characterized by high compactness, low weight, high power density, high torque density, and high reliability. On the other hand, the growing use of electric machines and drives in more critical applications has pushed forward the research in the area of condition monitoring and fault tolerance, leading to the development of more reliable diagnostic techniques and more fault-tolerant machines. This book presents and disseminates the most recent advances related to the theory, design, modeling, application, control, and condition monitoring of all types of rotating electric machines

    Generalized Sensorless and Advanced Control of Synchronous Reluctance Machines

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    Control of a fractional-slot, concentrated-wound interior permanent magnet generator for direct-drive wind generation applications

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    This thesis assesses improvements to two types of control for a novel interior permanent magnet (PM) synchronous generator with fractional-slot, concentrated-wound stator designed for direct-drive wind energy conversion. The two control techniques assessed are a) field oriented control using a back-to-back converter arrangement and b) a current controller with a rectifier-connected boost converter. These were chosen to understand the potential and the limitations of the generator and its control. Modifications to the control techniques are proposed to improve the generator efficiency, the dynamic performance in the flux-weakening range and the torque ripple performance. The adequacy of the distributed-wound PM synchronous machine model for steady-state and dynamic control of this generator was experimentally validated under field oriented control using a back-to-back converter connected to the grid. The effectiveness of the existing current trajectory controls on the efficiency of the new generator was evaluated. A new flux-prioritized maximum torque per ampere technique which is independent of speed-dependent predefined trajectories was introduced, and a similar efficiency improvement was gained as the conventional loss minimization method in the partial load range. Thus, the control model validation and efficiency imrpovement of the new generator are the primary contributions. The dynamic performance of the generator, directly driven by a non-pitchable wind turbine emulator was investigated from cut-in speed to cut-out speed using maximum power point tracking and then constant power control above rated speed. A significant contribution was done in the power control above base wind speed that was achieved by utilizing the extended flux-weakening capability of the machine with its wide constant power-speed range. High torque ripple was observed when operated with a rectifier and boost converter using boost converter inductor current control. A new direct torque control technique using a machine rotor position based torque estimator was proposed to minimize this torque ripple. Eventhough the reduced torque ripple is still higher than that with back-to-back converter, the achieved ripple reduction is significant. The control of generator speed under each method is also demonstrated. Although the new method gives a faster speed dynamics than the conventional method, it shows slower speed response than that of back-to-back converter control. However, the significance of the study using a diode rectifier-connected boost converter control is highlighted with the achieved torque ripple minimization and performance enhancement of the generator. This study is expected to open new investigations in flux-weakening control of the PM generators using rectifier-connected boost converter. In this thesis, back to back converter control is demonstrated in order to optimally control the novel generator under the field oriented control, energy efficient current control and power control together with voltage control operating above rated speed. Torque ripple minimization of the generator is also presented when used with a diode rectifier-connected boost converter control

    Design and Multi-physical Fields Analysis of High Speed Permanent Magnet Machines

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    Due to the advantages of high power density, high efficiency and compact size, high speed permanent magnet machines (HSPMMs) have found wide application in industrial areas. Compared with a conventional speed permanent magnet machine, a HSPMM rotor can reach speeds of more than 10,000 rpm, which brings challenges with regard to electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical aspects of machine design. The higher power density also results in larger power loss per unit volume; due to the small machine size, machine thermal dissipation becomes difficult. Moreover, air frictional loss rises dramatically when the rotor is in high speed operation and this may also further increase rotor temperature. Therefore, research into HSPMM power losses and improving machine thermal dissipation capability is of significant interest. HSPMM mechanical issues also need to be considered to ensure safe and reliable machine operation. As rotor speeds rise, rotor strength becomes prominent and critical as the permanent magnets are vulnerable to the large centrifugal force. In addition, the machine rotor should also have enough rigidity and avoid operating at critical speeds. As such, this dissertation focuses on HSPMM design and research. Multi-physical fields analysis of a HSPMM is carried out to calculate machine power losses and temperature distribution, with factors influencing machine performance considered; HSPMM rotor mechanical research and analysis are also carried out and presented in this study. Firstly, the HSPMM design methodology and process are illustrated with machine rotor parameters, PM material, pole numbers and rotor sleeve considered for a 150 kW, 17000 rpm HSPMM. Then, HSPMM performance for different machine stator structures and PM pole arc pole pitches is investigated using the Finite Element Method (FEM) for the machine operating at both no load and full load conditions; HSPMM electromagnetic performance and how it is impacted by machine parameters is also studied. HSPMM power losses are comprehensively investigated in the following chapter. As machine core loss can be significantly increased with increasing machine frequency, it is critical to accurately estimate HSPMM iron loss. Based on the machine iron core magnetic field variation that is obtained by FEM analysis, machine steel iron core loss estimation for HSPMM is performed using an improved method with the influences of alternating and rotating magnetic fields, as well as harmonics effects, considered for high precision. Then the HSPMM air gap magnetic flux density distribution considering machine stator slotting effect is also analytically calculated with its effectiveness verified by FEM results. Then rotor eddy current loss is studied by time-stepping FEM, while the effects of rotor sleeve dimensions and properties, copper shielding composite rotor structure, air gap length, as well as slot opening width are further researched in depth. A PM bevelling method is also proposed and investigated to reduce HSPMM rotor eddy current loss while having little effect on machine output torque. Then a fluid field analysis is carried out to study HSPMM rotor air frictional loss when the rotor is in high speed operation. According to the characteristics of a machine axial forced air cooling system, the HSPMM temperature distribution is investigated by 3-D fluid–thermal coupling CFD modelling with the calculated power losses results. The machine thermal analysis theory and modelling method are also detailed and further explained. HSPMM thermal performance variation due to impacting factors of cooling air velocity, rotor eddy current loss and sleeve thermal conductivity are also comprehensively investigated and studied in this dissertation. The designed HSPMM is prototyped, and temperature experimental tests are also carried out to verify the effectiveness of the research and analysis for HSPMM. Then, thick-walled cylinder theory is introduced to study rotor mechanical strength analytically, while it also verifies the FEM calculation results. Then based on FEM analysis, HSPMM rotor stress distribution is investigated with sleeve material effects on rotor strength discussed. In order to alleviate the rotor sleeve stress, three pole filler materials are comparatively studied, while the temperature impacts on rotor mechanical stress is further considered; sleeve thickness and the interference between PM and sleeve are investigated in an integrated fashion for HSPMM rotor strength analysis, with some conclusions also drawn for HSPMM rotor mechanical design. HSPMM rotor critical speeds are also calculated by the established 3D rotor dynamic analysis FEM model to ensure the rotor is operating in a desirable condition

    Innovative solutions for converters and motor drives oriented to smart cities and communities

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    Alcune aree definite dall'Unione Europea nel contesto delle smart cities and communities si fondono pienamente con i motori elettrici come, per esempio, l'efficienza energetica, le tecnologie a basse emissioni di carbonio e la mobilità. I motori elettrici sono utilizzati in molteplici applicazioni industriali e non, consumando tra il 43% e il 46% dell'energia elettrica prodotta su scala mondiale.Nonostante alcune applicazioni siano contraddistinte da dinamiche elevate, come manipolatori o macchine utensili, la maggior parte di esse sono caratterizzate da basse dinamiche in quanto facenti parte di processi industriali, per esempio pompe, compressori, ventilatori o nastri trasportatori. Si è stimato che il costo dell'intero ciclo di vita di un motore elettrico è ascrivibile per il 92% - 95% all'energia consumata, il che indurrebbe un tempo di ritorno dall'investimento per installazione di un azionamento elettrico minore di due anni. Nonostante il notevole risparmio economico e ambientale ottenibile, è piuttosto sorprendente apprendere che solo il 10% - 15% di tutti i motori industriali siano controllati da azionamenti elettrici. Per quanto riguarda le diverse tecnologie di motori elettrici, i motori sincroni a riluttanza stanno ricevendo una notevole attenzione sia da ricercatori industriali che accademici. Il crescente interesse è principalmente motivato dalle loro intrinseche caratteristiche quali l'alta efficienza, il basso costo e il basso impatto ambientale dovuto alla mancanza di magneti permanenti. Per di più, le loro caratteristiche soddisfano appieno i requisiti imposti dalle smart cities and communities e sono adatti per tutte le applicazione, caratterizzate da una bassa dinamica, viste sopra. Per questi motivi, questa tecnologia di motori può essere posta al centro dei processi di rinnovamento di quelle applicazioni. Vi è ampio consenso sul potenziale incremento delle vendite sia di azionamenti elettrici che di motori sincroni a riluttanza. I motori sincroni a riluttanza sono soggetti a una marcata saturazione magnetica, rendendo i classici modelli a parametri concentrati poco adatti. La prima parte di questa tesi riguarda lo sviluppo di un innovativo modello magnetico per motori anisotropi. Si basa su una rete neurale non tradizionale, chiamata Radial Basis Function. La sua proprietà locale rende questo tipo di rete neurale particolarmente adatta ad un addestramento durante il normale funzionamento del motore. Si propone una completa procedura di design e addestramento della stessa. In particolare vengono fatte alcune considerazione le quali permettono di definire a priori alcuni parametri della rete neurale rendendo il problema di addestramento lineare. Si descrivono due algoritmi di addestramento, il primo veloce ma computazionalmente dispendioso perciò adatto per un'implementazione offline mentre il secondo idoneo ad un addestramento online. Infine, per concludere l'identificazione parametrica del motore, si propone uno schema basato sull'iniezione di una corrente continua il quale permette di stimare la resistenza di statore indipendentemente da tutti gli altri parametri della macchina. L'indipendenza parametrica permette un notevolmente miglioramento nell'accuratezza di stima del modello magnetico ottenuto con la rete neurale. La seconda parte di questa tesi, invece, tratta il controllo del motore e come sia possibile migliorarne le performance utilizzando il modello identificato. Innanzitutto, per incrementarne l'efficienza si presenta un innovativo metodo per trovare la curva a massima coppia per corrente. La tecnica proposta lavora in stretta simbiosi con l'identificazione del modello magnetico in quanto è in grado di capire dove si trova la curva cercata rispetto all'attuale punto di lavoro sfruttando la stima locale dei flussi magnetici. Identificata la direzione di movimento, l'azionamento continuamente muove il punto di lavoro coerentemente. Infine, si propongono tre diversi controlli di corrente pensati per gestire un motore fortemente non lineare, tutti basati sul modello stimato. Il primo è un controllore proporzionale-integrale nel quale i parametri vengono modificati al variare del punto di lavoro con lo scopo di mantenere la dinamica della corrente di motore costante. Il secondo è anch'esso basato su un controllore proporzionale-integrale ma a guadagni costanti accoppiato ad un'azione di feed--forward la quale compensa tutte le non linearità presenti nella mappa magnetica. Infine, il terzo è un controllo predittivo il quale determina direttamente la posizione degli switch tali per cui la funzione di costo è minimizzata. All'interno del controllo, è inserito un vincolo sulla corrente massima e si utilizza un particolare algoritmo per ottenere un lungo orizzonte di predizione. Tutti i metodi presentati nella tesi sono stata verificati attraverso dettagliate simulazioni e prove sperimentali, eccezione fatta per il controllo predittivo il quale è stato testato attraverso simulazioni

    An effective ellipse fitting technique of the current response locus to rotating HF voltage injection in IPMSM for sensorless rotor position estimation

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    Sensorless control schemes are object of great interest in the synchronous motor drives field. They permit to avoid the use of position sensors in the system, allowing several benefits. In this paper a sensorless control scheme is proposed for low speed or standstill operation of a synchronous motor drive, characterized by a rotor anisotropy. The method is based on a high frequency voltage injection in the stator motor windings. High frequency current response to this injection is obtained from the measured currents thanks to a high pass filter. These filtered currents describe an ellipse trajectory, that is deeply analysed considering all its components. In particular, ellipse major semi-axis tilt is related to the rotor position. A recursive least squares estimator is proposed for the ellipse equation coefficients identification. After some manipulations, the rotor position is extrapolated from these information