13 research outputs found

    Axioms for consensus functions on the n-cube

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    An elementary general result is proved that allows for simple characterizations of well-known location/consensus functions (median, mean and center) on the n-cube. In addition, alternate new characterizations are given for the median and anti-median functions on the n-cube.Comment: 12 page

    Axiomatic characterization of the absolute median on cube-free median networks

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    In Vohra, European J. Operational Research 90 (1996) 78 – 84, a characterization of the absolute median of a tree network using three simple axioms is presented. This note extends that result from tree networks to cube-free median networks. A special case of such networks is the grid structure of roads found in cities equipped with the Manhattan metric.

    Axiomatic Characterization of the Median and Antimedian Functions on Cocktail-Party Graphs and Complete Graphs

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    __Abstract__ A median (antimedian) of a profile of vertices on a graph GG is a vertex that minimizes (maximizes) the remoteness value, that is, the sum of the distances to the elements in the profile. The median (or antimedian) function has as output the set of medians (antimedians) of a profile. It is one of the basic models for the location of a desirable (or obnoxious) facility in a network. The median function is well studied. For instance it has been characterized axiomatically by three simple axioms on median graphs. The median function behaves nicely on many classes of graphs. In contrast the antimedian function does not have a nice behavior on most classes. So a nice axiomatic characterization may not be expected. In this paper an axiomatic characterization is obtained for the median and antimedian functions on complete graphs minus a perfect matching (also known as cocktail-party graphs). In addition a characterization of the antimedian function on complete graphs is presented

    Axiomatic characterization of the absolute median on cube-free median networks

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    In Vohra, European J. Operational Research 90 (1996) 78 – 84, a characterization of the absolute median of a tree network using three simple axioms is presented. This note extends that result from tree networks to cube-free median networks. A special case of such networks is the grid structure of roads found in cities equipped with the Manhattan metric

    Axiomatic Characterization of the Mean Function on Trees

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    A mean of a sequence π = (x1, x2, . . . , xk) of elements of a finite metric space (X, d) is an element x for which is minimum. The function Mean whose domain is the set of all finite sequences on X and is defined by Mean(π) = { x | x is a mean of π } is called the mean function on X. In this paper the mean function on finite trees is characterized axiomatically

    Axiomatic Characterization of the Median and Antimedian Function on a Complete Graph minus a Matching

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    __Abstract__ A median (antimedian) of a profile of vertices on a graph G is a vertex that minimizes (maximizes) the sum of the distances to the elements in the profile. The median (antimedian) function has as output the set of medians (antimedians) of a profile. It is one of the basic models for the location of a desirable (obnoxious) facility in a network. The median function is well studied. For instance it has been characterized axiomatically by three simple axioms on median graphs. The median function behaves nicely on many classes of graphs. In contrast the antimedian function does not have a nice behavior on most classes. So a nice axiomatic characterization may not be expected. In this paper an axiomatic characterization is obtained for the median and antimedian function on complete graphs minus a matching

    Axiomatic Characterization of the Mean Function on Trees

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    Axiomatic Characterization of the Antimedian Function on Paths and Hypercubes

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    An antimedian of a profile pi=(x1,x2,ldots,xk)\\pi = (x_1, x_2, \\ldots , x_k) of vertices of a graph GG is a vertex maximizing the sum of the distances to the elements of the profile. The antimedian function is defined on the set of all profiles on GG and has as output the set of antimedians of a profile. It is a typical location function for finding a location for an obnoxious facility. The `converse' of the antimedian function is the median function, where the distance sum is minimized. The median function is well studied. For instance it has been characterized axiomatically by three simple axioms on median graphs. The median function behaves nicely on many classes of graphs. In contrast the antimedian function does not have a nice behavior on most classes. So a nice axiomatic characterization may not be expected. In this paper such a characterization is obtained for the two classes of graphs on which the antimedian is well-behaved: paths and hypercubes

    A simple axiomatization of the median procedure on median graphs

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    A profile = (x1, ..., xk), of length k, in a finite connected graph G is a sequence of vertices of G, with repetitions allowed. A median x of is a vertex for which the sum of the distances from x to the vertices in the profile is minimum. The median function finds the set of all medians of a profile. Medians are important in location theory and consensus theory. A median graph is a graph for which every profile of length 3 has a unique median. Median graphs are well studied. They arise in many arenas, and have many applications. We establish a succinct axiomatic characterization of the median procedure on median graphs. This is a simplification of the characterization given by McMorris, Mulder and Roberts [17] in 1998. We show that the median procedure can be characterized on the class of all median graphs with only three simple and intuitively appealing axioms: anonymity, betweenness and consistency. We also extend a key result of the same paper, characterizing the median function for profiles of even length on median graphs