37 research outputs found

    The Use Of English Caption To Develop College Students’ Vocabulary Size

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan preferensi siswa, dan untuk membandingkan skor ukuran kosakata antara mahasiswa yang menonton film dengan dan tanpa teks bahasa Inggris, dan untuk mendeskripsikan manfaat menonton film dengan dan tanpa teks bahasa Inggris berdasarkan pilihan dan opini siswa.  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif.  Subjek penelitian ini adalah 42 mahasiswa yang kemudian dibagi menjadi yang biasanya menonton film dengan dan tanpa teks bahasa Inggris.  Instrumen penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah angket terbuka dan tes online.  Data dari angket terbuka dianalisis secara kualitatif sedangkan data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan uji t-test.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar peserta biasanya menonton film dengan teks bahasa Inggris.  Ada perbedaan skor yang signifikan antara kelompok siswa yang menonton film dengan dan tanpa teks bahasa Inggris karena signifikansi tes 0,042 dan 0,046 lebih rendah dari 0,05. Manfaat menonton film dengan teks bahasa Inggris adalah mendapatkan kosakata baru, meningkatkan pengucapan, melatih keterampilan mendengarkan, dan lebih mudah memahami film.  Manfaat menonton film tanpa teks bahasa Inggris adalah memahami film, semakin mudah dibaca, mengetahui makna langsung kosakata, menikmati film dan mendapatkan kosakata baru

    The Effects of Audio Comedy Test on Listening Comprehension Skills of EFL Learners

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    This study aims to investigate the effects of audio comedy on English listening comprehension test results of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. The English listening test comprises four sections; each section has a seven-minute comedy audio mode and 13 questions, and participants listen to the four sections successively. This study was conducted with 117 sophomore, junior and senior students at Sebelas Maret University in Indonesia. Two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was adopted to distinguish between male and female students on the four successive test sections measuring English listening comprehension skills. The findings are: 1. Successive practice tests will stimulate English listening skills; and 2. Successive practice tests will improve students’ English listening skills. The comedy audio mode creates a low-stress English listening atmosphere and reduces the learner’s anxiety

    Evaluating Language-learning Mobile Apps for Second-language Learners

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    As mobile technologies become more affordable and more advanced in function, researchers suggest that using mobile apps to assist English language learning are appropriate. This three-step evaluation study (designing a theory-driven rubric, selecting apps, and evaluating the apps) aims to investigate and evaluate the affordances of English language learning mobile apps for adult learners. The results of this evaluation study contribute to the literature of mobile learning targeting adult learners, and also broaden the knowledge body of integrating mobile learning into English Language Learning (ELL) classes

    Breaking Traditional Ways of Teaching: Communicative Second Language Teaching

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    This portfolio is a collection of the author’s beliefs about second languageteaching that represent the change of the author’s views about teaching. The first sectionof this portfolio contains the author’s teaching philosophy statements, which include adescription of a communicative classroom, the role of input, and brain-based research.Three artifacts support the teaching philosophy and reflect what the author had learnedduring the MSLT program. First, the language artifact is a collection of technologicalideas that can be helpful in teaching Russian to different level students. Second, theliteracy artifact is a literature review regarding benefits of authentic materials indevelopment of language skills, cultural awareness, and critical thinking. Last one, thecultural artifact provides research on declining an offer in a polite way. The last section isthe annotated bibliography which presents the main themes of this portfolio

    A Conceptual Framework for Integrating TPB With Context-Relevant Variables to Predict e-Learning Success During the Covid -19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the digitalization of some aspects of our lives including education. However, as we witness a phenomenal rise in the demand for online learning, the decision to migrate to online learning platforms is dependent on the learner’s preparedness to embrace it. The objective of this study is to conceptualize a framework that measures the tendency of learners to adopt online learning in an era characterised by so many disruptions. To do this, we adopt document analysis on databases such as SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO and Google Scholar using Boolean search engines; AND, OR, NOT, *, (), ‘’’’, +, -, &lt;,&gt;. mainly on current scientific manuscripts through the use of the keywords “e-learning”, “theory of planned behaviour”, “Covid 19”, “distance learning”, “environmental factors” and “academic technology adoption”. Subsequently, we integrate the theory of planned behaviour with other context-relevant variables as the bases of the study, and conceptualise a framework to predict e-learning success in the covid-19 era. This study contributes to the scientific body of knowledge on e-learning, particularly from the perspective of a forced mass adoption of e-learning occasioned by a global pandemic.</p

    A Conceptual Framework for Integrating TPB With Context-Relevant Variables to Predict e-Learning Success During the Covid -19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the digitalization of some aspects of our lives including education. However, as we witness a phenomenal rise in the demand for online learning, the decision to migrate to online learning platforms is dependent on the learner’s preparedness to embrace it. The objective of this study is to conceptualize a framework that measures the tendency of learners to adopt online learning in an era characterised by so many disruptions. To do this, we adopt document analysis on databases such as SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO and Google Scholar using Boolean search engines; AND, OR, NOT, *, (), ‘’’’, +, -, &lt;,&gt;. mainly on current scientific manuscripts through the use of the keywords “e-learning”, “theory of planned behaviour”, “Covid 19”, “distance learning”, “environmental factors” and “academic technology adoption”. Subsequently, we integrate the theory of planned behaviour with other context-relevant variables as the bases of the study, and conceptualise a framework to predict e-learning success in the covid-19 era. This study contributes to the scientific body of knowledge on e-learning, particularly from the perspective of a forced mass adoption of e-learning occasioned by a global pandemic

    A Conceptual Framework for Integrating TPB With Context-Relevant Variables to Predict e-Learning Success During the Covid -19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the digitalization of some aspects of our lives including education. However, as we witness a phenomenal rise in the demand for online learning, the decision to migrate to online learning platforms is dependent on the learner’s preparedness to embrace it. The objective of this study is to conceptualize a framework that measures the tendency of learners to adopt online learning in an era characterised by so many disruptions. To do this, we adopt document analysis on databases such as SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO and Google Scholar using Boolean search engines; AND, OR, NOT, *, (), ‘’’’, +, -, &lt;,&gt;. mainly on current scientific manuscripts through the use of the keywords “e-learning”, “theory of planned behaviour”, “Covid 19”, “distance learning”, “environmental factors” and “academic technology adoption”. Subsequently, we integrate the theory of planned behaviour with other context-relevant variables as the bases of the study, and conceptualise a framework to predict e-learning success in the covid-19 era. This study contributes to the scientific body of knowledge on e-learning, particularly from the perspective of a forced mass adoption of e-learning occasioned by a global pandemic


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    This paper focuses on analyzing the importance of character building in language teaching, and finding ways how to take advantages from engaging social studies issues within a pedagogical framework. Using social studies issues as topics in teaching English not only enable students to effectively acquire a foreign language with the knowledge and skills but also raise their awareness and critical thinking of our society problems. The globalization with its positive and negative affects has made our generation carried away by the currents of change of being a stranger in their own backyard and forget our own cultural identities. Many of the scenes and themes shown on the television, Internet and other media channels often run down the values and ideas of our national positive characters traits. In this point of view, teaching language by engaging social studies issues to build students’ character and national identity can enhance students understanding toward the importance of its moral values as their inspiration to be a better person, and improve their English as well. This paper will describe how an engagement of social studies issues can be an alternative learning tool utilized in language teaching to develop students’ character and national identity. Also, to provide the benefit from this approach students can get in learning English