3 research outputs found

    Analysis and optimization of VLSI Clock Distribution Networks for skew variability reduction

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    As VLSI technology moves into the Ultra-Deep Sub-Micron (UDSM) era, manufacturing variations, power supply noise and temperature variations greatly affect the performance and yield of VLSI circuits. Clock Distribution Network (CDN), which is one of the biggest and most important nets in any synchronous VLSI chip, is especially sensitive to these variations. To address this problem variability-aware analysis and optimization techniques for VLSI circuits are needed. In the first part of this thesis an analytical bound for the unwanted skew due to interconnect variation is established. Experimental results show that this bound is safer, tighter and computationally faster than existing approaches. This bound could be used in variation-aware clock tree synthesis.The second part of the thesis deals with optimizing a given clock tree to minimize the unwanted skew variations. Non-tree CDNs have been recognized as a promising approach to overcome the variation problem. We propose a novel non-tree CDN obtained by adding cross links in an existing clock tree. We analyze the effect of the link insertion on clock skew variability and propose link insertion schemes. The non-tree CDNs so obtained are shown to be highly tolerant to skew variability with very little increase in total wire-length. This can be used in applications such as ASIC design where a significant increase in the total wire-length is unacceptable

    Fault modeling, delay evaluation and path selection for delay test under process variation in nano-scale VLSI circuits

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    Delay test in nano-scale VLSI circuits becomes more difficult with shrinking technology feature sizes and rising clock frequencies. In this dissertation, we study three challenging issues in delay test: fault modeling, variational delay evaluation and path selection under process variation. Previous research of fault modeling on resistive spot defects, such as resistive opens and bridges in the interconnect, and resistive shorts in devices, lacked an accurate fault model. As a result it was difficult to perform fault simulation and select the best vectors. Conventional methods to compute variational delay under process variation are either slow or inaccurate. On the problem of path selection under process variation, previous approaches either choose too many paths, or missed the path that is necessary to be tested. We present new solutions in this dissertation. A new fault model that clearly and comprehensively expresses the relationship between electrical behaviors and resistive spots is proposed. Then the effect of process variations on path delays is modeled with a linear function and a fast method to compute coefficients of the linear function is also derived. Finally, we present the new path pruning algorithms that efficiently prune unimportant paths for test, and as a result we select as few as possible paths for test while the fault coverage is satisfied. The experimental results show that the new solutions are efficient and accurate

    Fast and Robust Design of CMOS VCO for Optimal Performance

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    The exponentially growing design complexity with technological advancement calls for a large scope in the analog and mixed signal integrated circuit design automation. In the automation process, performance optimization under different environmental constraints is of prime importance. The analog integrated circuits design strongly requires addressing multiple competing performance objectives for optimization with ability to find global solutions in a constrained environment. The integrated circuit (IC) performances are significantly affected by the device, interconnect and package parasitics. Inclusion of circuit parasitics in the design phase along with performance optimization has become a bare necessity for faster prototyping. Besides this, the fabrication process variations have a predominant effect on the circuit performance, which is directly linked to the acceptability of manufactured integrated circuit chips. This necessitates a manufacturing process tolerant design. The development of analog IC design methods exploiting the computational intelligence of evolutionary techniques for optimization, integrating the circuit parasitic in the design optimization process in a more meaningful way and developing process fluctuation tolerant optimal design is the central theme of this thesis. Evolutionary computing multi-objective optimization techniques such as Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II and Infeasibility Driven Evolutionary Algorithm are used in this thesis for the development of parasitic aware design techniques for analog ICs. The realistic physical and process constraints are integrated in the proposed design technique. A fast design methodology based on one of the efficient optimization technique is developed and an extensive worst case process variation analysis is performed. This work also presents a novel process corner variation aware analog IC design methodology, which would effectively increase the yield of chips in the acceptable performance window. The performance of all the presented techniques is demonstrated through the application to CMOS ring oscillators, current starved and xi differential voltage controlled oscillators, designed in Cadence Virtuoso Analog Design Environment