4 research outputs found

    Application of Definability to Query Answering over Knowledge Bases

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    Answering object queries (i.e. instance retrieval) is a central task in ontology based data access (OBDA). Performing this task involves reasoning with respect to a knowledge base K (i.e. ontology) over some description logic (DL) dialect L. As the expressive power of L grows, so does the complexity of reasoning with respect to K. Therefore, eliminating the need to reason with respect to a knowledge base K is desirable. In this work, we propose an optimization to improve performance of answering object queries by eliminating the need to reason with respect to the knowledge base and, instead, utilizing cached query results when possible. In particular given a DL dialect L, an object query C over some knowledge base K and a set of cached query results S={S1, ..., Sn} obtained from evaluating past queries, we rewrite C into an equivalent query D, that can be evaluated with respect to an empty knowledge base, using cached query results S' = {Si1, ..., Sim}, where S' is a subset of S. The new query D is an interpolant for the original query C with respect to K and S. To find D, we leverage a tool for enumerating interpolants of a given sentence with respect to some theory. We describe a procedure that maps a knowledge base K, expressed in terms of a description logic dialect of first order logic, and object query C into an equivalent theory and query that are input into the interpolant enumerating tool, and resulting interpolants into an object query D that can be evaluated over an empty knowledge base. We show the efficacy of our approach through experimental evaluation on a Lehigh University Benchmark (LUBM) data set, as well as on a synthetic data set, LUBMMOD, that we created by augmenting an LUBM ontology with additional axioms

    Answering Object Queries over Knowledge Bases with Expressive Underlying Description Logics

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    Many information sources can be viewed as collections of objects and descriptions about objects. The relationship between objects is often characterized by a set of constraints that semantically encode background knowledge of some domain. The most straightforward and fundamental way to access information in these repositories is to search for objects that satisfy certain selection criteria. This work considers a description logics (DL) based representation of such information sources and object queries, which allows for automated reasoning over the constraints accompanying objects. Formally, a knowledge base K=(T, A) captures constraints in the terminology (a TBox) T, and objects with their descriptions in the assertions (an ABox) A, using some DL dialect L. In such a setting, object descriptions are L-concepts and object identifiers correspond to individual names occurring in K. Correspondingly, object queries are the well known problem of instance retrieval in the underlying DL knowledge base K, which returns the identifiers of qualifying objects. This work generalizes instance retrieval over knowledge bases to provide users with answers in which both identifiers and descriptions of qualifying objects are given. The proposed query paradigm, called assertion retrieval, is favoured over instance retrieval since it provides more informative answers to users. A more compelling reason is related to performance: assertion retrieval enables a transfer of basic relational database techniques, such as caching and query rewriting, in the context of an assertion retrieval algebra. The main contributions of this work are two-fold: one concerns optimizing the fundamental reasoning task that underlies assertion retrieval, namely, instance checking, and the other establishes a query compilation framework based on the assertion retrieval algebra. The former is necessary because an assertion retrieval query can entail a large volume of instance checking requests in the form of K|= a:C, where "a" is an individual name and "C" is a L-concept. This work thus proposes a novel absorption technique, ABox absorption, to improve instance checking. ABox absorption handles knowledge bases that have an expressive underlying dialect L, for instance, that requires disjunctive knowledge. It works particularly well when knowledge bases contain a large number of concrete domain concepts for object descriptions. This work further presents a query compilation framework based on the assertion retrieval algebra to make assertion retrieval more practical. In the framework, a suite of rewriting rules is provided to generate a variety of query plans, with a focus on plans that avoid reasoning w.r.t. the background knowledge bases when sufficient cached results of earlier requests exist. ABox absorption and the query compilation framework have been implemented in a prototypical system, dubbed CARE Assertion Retrieval Engine (CARE). CARE also defines a simple yet effective cost model to search for the best plan generated by query rewriting. Empirical studies of CARE have shown that the proposed techniques in this work make assertion retrieval a practical application over a variety of domains

    Interpreting and Answering Keyword Queries using Web Knowledge Bases

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    Many keyword queries issued to Web search engines target information about real world entities, and interpreting these queries over Web knowledge bases can allow a search system to provide exact answers to keyword queries. Such an ability provides a useful service to end users, as their information need can be directly addressed and they need not scour textual results for the desired information. However, not all keyword queries can be addressed by even the most comprehensive knowledge base, and therefore equally important is the problem of recognizing when a reference knowledge base is not capable of modelling the keyword query's intention. This may be due to lack of coverage of the knowledge base or lack of expressiveness in the underlying query representation formalism. This thesis presents an approach to computing structured representations of keyword queries over a reference knowledge base. Keyword queries are annotated with occurrences of semantic constructs by learning a sequential labelling model from an annotated Web query log. Frequent query structures are then mined from the query log and are used along with the annotations to map keyword queries into a structured representation over the vocabulary of a reference knowledge base. The proposed approach exploits coarse linguistic structure in keyword queries, and combines it with rich structured query representations of information needs. As an intermediate representation formalism, a novel query language is proposed that blends keyword search with structured query processing over large Web knowledge bases. The formalism for structured keyword queries combines the flexibility of keyword search with the expressiveness of structures queries. A solution to the resulting disambiguation problem caused by introducing keywords as primitives in a structured query language is presented. Expressions in our proposed language are rewritten using the vocabulary of the knowledge base, and different possible rewritings are ranked based on their syntactic relationship to the keywords in the query as well as their semantic coherence in the underlying knowledge base. The problem of ranking knowledge base entities returned as a query result is also explored from the perspective of personalized result ranking. User interest models based on entity types are learned from a Web search session by cross referencing clicks on URLs with known entity homepages. The user interest model is then used to effectively rerank answer lists for a given user. A methodology for evaluating entity-based search engines is also proposed and empirically evaluated