5 research outputs found

    Case-based maintenance : Structuring and incrementing the Case.

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    International audienceTo avoid performance degradation and maintain the quality of results obtained by the case-based reasoning (CBR) systems, maintenance becomes necessary, especially for those systems designed to operate over long periods and which must handle large numbers of cases. CBR systems cannot be preserved without scanning the case base. For this reason, the latter must undergo maintenance operations.The techniques of case base’s dimension optimization is the analog of instance reduction size methodology (in the machine learning community). This study links these techniques by presenting case-based maintenance in the framework of instance based reduction, and provides: first an overview of CBM studies, second, a novel method of structuring and updating the case base and finally an application of industrial case is presented.The structuring combines a categorization algorithm with a measure of competence CM based on competence and performance criteria. Since the case base must progress over time through the addition of new cases, an auto-increment algorithm is installed in order to dynamically ensure the structuring and the quality of a case base. The proposed method was evaluated through a case base from an industrial plant. In addition, an experimental study of the competence and the performance was undertaken on reference benchmarks. This study showed that the proposed method gives better results than the best methods currently found in the literature

    Maintaining retrieval knowledge in a case-based reasoning system.

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    The knowledge stored in a case base is central to the problem solving of a case-based reasoning (CBR) system. Therefore, case-base maintenance is a key component of maintaining a CBR system. However, other knowledge sources, such as indexing and similarity knowledge for improved case retrieval, also play an important role in CBR problem solving. For many CBR applications, the refinement of this retrieval knowledge is a necessary component of CBR maintenance. This article focuses on optimization of the parameters and feature selections/weights for the indexing and nearest-neighbor algorithms used by CBR retrieval. Optimization is applied after case-base maintenance and refines the CBR retrieval to reflect changes that have occurred to cases in the case base. The optimization process is generic and automatic, using knowledge contained in the cases. In this article we demonstrate its effectiveness on a real tablet formulation application in two maintenance scenarios. One scenario, a growing case base, is provided by two snapshots of a formulation database. A change in the company's formulation policy results in a second, more fundamental requirement for CBR maintenance. We show that after case-base maintenance, the CBR system did indeed benefit from also refining the retrieval knowledge. We believe that existing CBR shells would benefit from including an option to automatically optimize the retrieval process

    Performance enhancement of active structures during service lives

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    This thesis describes a successful application of advanced computational methods to tasks in the field of active structural control. The control-task involves finding good control movements for a highly coupled, non-linear structure. It is demonstrated how these methods improve the accuracy of the analytical model. Also, stochastic search techniques are compared for the same task. Furthermore, the performance of the system can be enhanced during service life by storing, retrieving and adapting good solutions. The structure studied, a Tensegrity, is a special type of cable structure. Tensegrities stimulate the imagination of artists, researchers and engineers. Varying the amount of selftress changes structural shape as well as the load-bearing capacity. They offer unique applications, as deployable structures in the context of aerospace applications and more generally, as actively controlled structures. However, the non-linear behavior of tensegrities is difficult to model. Aspects of this work involve subjects such as tensegrity structures, active structural control, search algorithms and artificial intelligence. The focus of this thesis is on the last two subjects. This work demonstrates how advanced computing techniques can be used in order to increase solution quality. A hybrid approach, employing neural networks, increases the accuracy of the analytical model that is employed for simulating tensegrity structures. A comparison of three stochastic search techniques shows that computational time, first estimated to take centuries when adapting a "brute-force" approach, can be reduced to hours. Case-based reasoning (CBR) is used for a further tenfold decrease in computation time. The time needed to find good control solutions decreased from hours, when stochastic search is used, to minutes with CBR. CBR also provides possibilities for improving performance over service life. Successfully solved situations are stored as cases in a case-base. In new situations, a case close to the new situation is retrieved and then adapted. By storing additional cases, the system is able to retrieve better cases for adaptation. With increasing case-base size, adaptation time decreases. The combination of these techniques has much potential for improving the performance of complex structures during service lives. Results should contribute to the development of innovative structural solutions. Finally, it is expected that the findings in this thesis will become points of departure for subsequent studies

    A survey of the application of soft computing to investment and financial trading

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