458 research outputs found

    A Geometric Theory for Hypergraph Matching

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    We develop a theory for the existence of perfect matchings in hypergraphs under quite general conditions. Informally speaking, the obstructions to perfect matchings are geometric, and are of two distinct types: 'space barriers' from convex geometry, and 'divisibility barriers' from arithmetic lattice-based constructions. To formulate precise results, we introduce the setting of simplicial complexes with minimum degree sequences, which is a generalisation of the usual minimum degree condition. We determine the essentially best possible minimum degree sequence for finding an almost perfect matching. Furthermore, our main result establishes the stability property: under the same degree assumption, if there is no perfect matching then there must be a space or divisibility barrier. This allows the use of the stability method in proving exact results. Besides recovering previous results, we apply our theory to the solution of two open problems on hypergraph packings: the minimum degree threshold for packing tetrahedra in 3-graphs, and Fischer's conjecture on a multipartite form of the Hajnal-Szemer\'edi Theorem. Here we prove the exact result for tetrahedra and the asymptotic result for Fischer's conjecture; since the exact result for the latter is technical we defer it to a subsequent paper.Comment: Accepted for publication in Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. 101 pages. v2: minor changes including some additional diagrams and passages of expository tex

    Exact Covers via Determinants

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    Given a k-uniform hypergraph on n vertices, partitioned in k equal parts such that every hyperedge includes one vertex from each part, the k-dimensional matching problem asks whether there is a disjoint collection of the hyperedges which covers all vertices. We show it can be solved by a randomized polynomial space algorithm in time O*(2^(n(k-2)/k)). The O*() notation hides factors polynomial in n and k. When we drop the partition constraint and permit arbitrary hyperedges of cardinality k, we obtain the exact cover by k-sets problem. We show it can be solved by a randomized polynomial space algorithm in time O*(c_k^n), where c_3=1.496, c_4=1.642, c_5=1.721, and provide a general bound for larger k. Both results substantially improve on the previous best algorithms for these problems, especially for small k, and follow from the new observation that Lovasz' perfect matching detection via determinants (1979) admits an embedding in the recently proposed inclusion-exclusion counting scheme for set covers, despite its inability to count the perfect matchings

    Outlaw distributions and locally decodable codes

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    Locally decodable codes (LDCs) are error correcting codes that allow for decoding of a single message bit using a small number of queries to a corrupted encoding. Despite decades of study, the optimal trade-off between query complexity and codeword length is far from understood. In this work, we give a new characterization of LDCs using distributions over Boolean functions whose expectation is hard to approximate (in~L∞L_\infty~norm) with a small number of samples. We coin the term `outlaw distributions' for such distributions since they `defy' the Law of Large Numbers. We show that the existence of outlaw distributions over sufficiently `smooth' functions implies the existence of constant query LDCs and vice versa. We give several candidates for outlaw distributions over smooth functions coming from finite field incidence geometry, additive combinatorics and from hypergraph (non)expanders. We also prove a useful lemma showing that (smooth) LDCs which are only required to work on average over a random message and a random message index can be turned into true LDCs at the cost of only constant factors in the parameters.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of ITCS 201

    Hypergraph matchings and designs

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    We survey some aspects of the perfect matching problem in hypergraphs, with particular emphasis on structural characterisation of the existence problem in dense hypergraphs and the existence of designs.Comment: 19 pages, for the 2018 IC
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