4,967 research outputs found

    Parallel Discrete Event Simulation with Erlang

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    Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is a widely used technique in which the state of the simulator is updated by events happening at discrete points in time (hence the name). DES is used to model and analyze many kinds of systems, including computer architectures, communication networks, street traffic, and others. Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS) aims at improving the efficiency of DES by partitioning the simulation model across multiple processing elements, in order to enabling larger and/or more detailed studies to be carried out. The interest on PADS is increasing since the widespread availability of multicore processors and affordable high performance computing clusters. However, designing parallel simulation models requires considerable expertise, the result being that PADS techniques are not as widespread as they could be. In this paper we describe ErlangTW, a parallel simulation middleware based on the Time Warp synchronization protocol. ErlangTW is entirely written in Erlang, a concurrent, functional programming language specifically targeted at building distributed systems. We argue that writing parallel simulation models in Erlang is considerably easier than using conventional programming languages. Moreover, ErlangTW allows simulation models to be executed either on single-core, multicore and distributed computing architectures. We describe the design and prototype implementation of ErlangTW, and report some preliminary performance results on multicore and distributed architectures using the well known PHOLD benchmark.Comment: Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional High-Performance Computing (FHPC 2012) in conjunction with ICFP 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4503-1577-

    Transparent multi-core speculative parallelization of DES models with event and cross-state dependencies

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    In this article we tackle transparent parallelization of Discrete Event Simulation (DES) models to be run on top of multi-core machines according to speculative schemes. The innovation in our proposal lies in that we consider a more general programming and execution model, compared to the one targeted by state of the art PDES platforms, where the boundaries of the state portion accessible while processing an event at a specific simulation object do not limit access to the actual object state, or to shared global variables. Rather, the simulation object is allowed to access (and alter) the state of any other object, thus causing what we term cross-state dependency. We note that this model exactly complies with typical (easy to manage) sequential-style DES programming, where a (dynamically-allocated) state portion of object A can be accessed by object B in either read or write mode (or both) by, e.g., passing a pointer to B as the payload of a scheduled simulation event. However, while read/write memory accesses performed in the sequential run are always guaranteed to observe (and to give rise to) a consistent snapshot of the state of the simulation model, consistency is not automatically guaranteed in case of parallelization and concurrent execution of simulation objects with cross-state dependencies. We cope with such a consistency issue, and its application-transparent support, in the context of parallel and optimistic executions. This is achieved by introducing an advanced memory management architecture, able to efficiently detect read/write accesses by concurrent objects to whichever object state in an application transparent manner, together with advanced synchronization mechanisms providing the advantage of exploiting parallelism in the underlying multi-core architecture while transparently handling both cross-state and traditional event-based dependencies. Our proposal targets Linux and has been integrated with the ROOT-Sim open source optimistic simulation platform, although its design principles, and most parts of the developed software, are of general relevance. Copyright 2014 ACM

    An Evolutionary Algorithm to Optimize Log/Restore Operations within Optimistic Simulation Platforms

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    In this work we address state recoverability in advanced optimistic simulation systems by proposing an evolutionary algorithm to optimize at run-time the parameters associated with state log/restore activities. Optimization takes place by adaptively selecting for each simulation object both (i) the best suited log mode (incremental vs non-incremental) and (ii) the corresponding optimal value of the log interval. Our performance optimization approach allows to indirectly cope with hidden effects (e.g., locality) as well as cross-object effects due to the variation of log/restore parameters for different simulation objects (e.g., rollback thrashing). Both of them are not captured by literature solutions based on analytical models of the overhead associated with log/restore tasks. More in detail, our evolutionary algorithm dynamically adjusts the log/restore parameters of distinct simulation objects as a whole, towards a well suited configuration. In such a way, we prevent negative effects on performance due to the biasing of the optimization towards individual simulation objects, which may cause reduced gains (or even decrease) in performance just due to the aforementioned hidden and/or cross-object phenomena. We also present an application-transparent implementation of the evolutionary algorithm within the ROme OpTimistic Simulator (ROOT-Sim), namely an open source, general purpose simulation environment designed according to the optimistic synchronization paradigm

    A Non-Blocking Priority Queue for the Pending Event Set

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    The large diffusion of shared-memory multi-core machines has impacted the way Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) engines are built. While they were originally conceived as data-partitioned platforms, where each thread is in charge of managing a subset of simulation objects, nowadays the trend is to shift towards share-everything settings. In this scenario, any thread can (in principle) take care of CPU-dispatching pending events bound to whichever simulation object, which helps to fully share the load across the available CPU-cores. Hence, a fundamental aspect to be tackled is to provide an efficient globally-shared pending events’ set from which multiple worker threads can concurrently extract events to be processed, and into which they can concurrently insert new produced events to be processed in the future. To cope with this aspect, we present the design and implementation of a concurrent non-blocking pending events’ set data structure, which can be seen as a variant of a classical calendar queue. Early experimental data collected with a synthetic stress test are reported, showing excellent scalability of our proposal on a machine equipped with 32 CPU-cores
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