149 research outputs found

    A review of sentiment analysis research in Arabic language

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    Sentiment analysis is a task of natural language processing which has recently attracted increasing attention. However, sentiment analysis research has mainly been carried out for the English language. Although Arabic is ramping up as one of the most used languages on the Internet, only a few studies have focused on Arabic sentiment analysis so far. In this paper, we carry out an in-depth qualitative study of the most important research works in this context by presenting limits and strengths of existing approaches. In particular, we survey both approaches that leverage machine translation or transfer learning to adapt English resources to Arabic and approaches that stem directly from the Arabic language

    An Experimental Study on Sentiment Classification of Moroccan dialect texts in the web

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    With the rapid growth of the use of social media websites, obtaining the users' feedback automatically became a crucial task to evaluate their tendencies and behaviors online. Despite this great availability of information, and the increasing number of Arabic users only few research has managed to treat Arabic dialects. The purpose of this paper is to study the opinion and emotion expressed in real Moroccan texts precisely in the YouTube comments using some well-known and commonly used methods for sentiment analysis. In this paper, we present our work of Moroccan dialect comments classification using Machine Learning (ML) models and based on our collected and manually annotated YouTube Moroccan dialect dataset. By employing many text preprocessing and data representation techniques we aim to compare our classification results utilizing the most commonly used supervised classifiers: k-nearest neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes (NB), and deep learning (DL) classifiers such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LTSM). Experiments were performed using both raw and preprocessed data to show the importance of the preprocessing. In fact, the experimental results prove that DL models have a better performance for Moroccan Dialect than classical approaches and we achieved an accuracy of 90%.Comment: 13 pages, 5 tables, 2 figure

    Affective computing for smart operations: a survey and comparative analysis of the available tools, libraries and web services

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    In this paper, we make a deep search of the available tools in the market, at the current state of the art of Sentiment Analysis. Our aim is to optimize the human response in Datacenter Operations, using a combination of research tools, that allow us to decrease human error in general operations, managing Complex Infrastructures. The use of Sentiment Analysis tools is the first step for extending our capabilities for optimizing the human interface. Using different data collections from a variety of data sources, our research provides a very interesting outcome. In our final testing, we have found that the three main commercial platforms (IBM Watson, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure) get the same accuracy (89-90%). for the different datasets tested, based on Artificial Neural Network and Deep Learning techniques. The other stand-alone Applications or APIs, like Vader or MeaninCloud, get a similar accuracy level in some of the datasets, using a different approach, semantic Networks, such as Concepnet1, but the model can easily be optimized above 90% of accuracy, just adjusting some parameter of the semantic model. This paper points to future directions for optimizing DataCenter Operations Management and decreasing human error in complex environments

    An analysis of customer perception using lexicon-based sentiment analysis of Arabic Texts framework.

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    Sentiment Analysis (SA) employing Natural Language Processing (NLP) is pivotal in determining the positivity and negativity of customer feedback. Although significant research in SA is focused on English texts, there is a growing demand for SA in other widely spoken languages, such as Arabic. This is predominantly due to the global reach of social media which enables users to express opinions on products in any language and, in turn, necessitates a thorough understanding of customers' perceptions of new products based on social media conversations. However, the current research studies demonstrate inadequacies in furnishing text analysis for comprehending the perceptions of Arabic customers towards coffee and coffee products. Therefore, this study proposes a comprehensive Lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis on Arabic Texts (LSAnArTe) framework applied to social media data, to understand customer perceptions of coffee, a widely consumed product in the Arabic-speaking world. The LSAnArTe Framework incorporates the existing AraSenTi dictionary, an Arabic database of sentiment scores for Arabic words, and lemmatizes unknown words using the Qalasadi open platform. It classifies each word as positive, negative or neutral before conducting sentence-level sentiment classification. Data collected from X (formerly known as Twitter, resulted in a cleaned dataset of 10,769 tweets, is used to validate the proposed framework, which is then compared with Amazon Comprehend. The dataset was annotated manually to ensure maximum accuracy and reliability in validating the proposed LSAnArTe Framework. The results revealed that the proposed LSAnArTe Framework, with an accuracy score of 93.79 %, outperformed the Amazon Comprehend tool, which had an accuracy of 51.90 %

    A powerful comparison of deep learning frameworks for Arabic sentiment analysis

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    Deep learning (DL) is a machine learning (ML) subdomain that involves algorithms taken from the brain function named artificial neural networks (ANNs). Recently, DL approaches have gained major accomplishments across various Arabic natural language processing (ANLP) tasks, especially in the domain of Arabic sentiment analysis (ASA). For working on Arabic SA, researchers can use various DL libraries in their projects, but without justifying their choice or they choose a group of libraries relying on their particular programming language familiarity. We are basing in this work on Java and Python programming languages because they have a large set of deep learning libraries that are very useful in the ASA domain. This paper focuses on a comparative analysis of different valuable Python and Java libraries to conclude the most relevant and robust DL libraries for ASA. Throw this comparative analysis, and we find that: TensorFlow, Theano, and Keras Python frameworks are very popular and very used in this research domain
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