33,839 research outputs found

    Cooperation and Storage Tradeoffs in Power-Grids with Renewable Energy Resources

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    One of the most important challenges in smart grid systems is the integration of renewable energy resources into its design. In this work, two different techniques to mitigate the time varying and intermittent nature of renewable energy generation are considered. The first one is the use of storage, which smooths out the fluctuations in the renewable energy generation across time. The second technique is the concept of distributed generation combined with cooperation by exchanging energy among the distributed sources. This technique averages out the variation in energy production across space. This paper analyzes the trade-off between these two techniques. The problem is formulated as a stochastic optimization problem with the objective of minimizing the time average cost of energy exchange within the grid. First, an analytical model of the optimal cost is provided by investigating the steady state of the system for some specific scenarios. Then, an algorithm to solve the cost minimization problem using the technique of Lyapunov optimization is developed and results for the performance of the algorithm are provided. These results show that in the presence of limited storage devices, the grid can benefit greatly from cooperation, whereas in the presence of large storage capacity, cooperation does not yield much benefit. Further, it is observed that most of the gains from cooperation can be obtained by exchanging energy only among a few energy harvesting sources

    Scalable dimensioning of resilient Lambda Grids

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    The MDS Queue: Analysing the Latency Performance of Erasure Codes

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    In order to scale economically, data centers are increasingly evolving their data storage methods from the use of simple data replication to the use of more powerful erasure codes, which provide the same level of reliability as replication but at a significantly lower storage cost. In particular, it is well known that Maximum-Distance-Separable (MDS) codes, such as Reed-Solomon codes, provide the maximum storage efficiency. While the use of codes for providing improved reliability in archival storage systems, where the data is less frequently accessed (or so-called "cold data"), is well understood, the role of codes in the storage of more frequently accessed and active "hot data", where latency is the key metric, is less clear. In this paper, we study data storage systems based on MDS codes through the lens of queueing theory, and term this the "MDS queue." We analytically characterize the (average) latency performance of MDS queues, for which we present insightful scheduling policies that form upper and lower bounds to performance, and are observed to be quite tight. Extensive simulations are also provided and used to validate our theoretical analysis. We also employ the framework of the MDS queue to analyse different methods of performing so-called degraded reads (reading of partial data) in distributed data storage
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