19 research outputs found

    The Power of the Combined Basic LP and Affine Relaxation for Promise CSPs

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    In the field of constraint satisfaction problems (CSP), promise CSPs are an exciting new direction of study. In a promise CSP, each constraint comes in two forms: "strict" and "weak," and in the associated decision problem one must distinguish between being able to satisfy all the strict constraints versus not being able to satisfy all the weak constraints. The most commonly cited example of a promise CSP is the approximate graph coloring problem--which has recently seen exciting progress [BKO19, WZ20] benefiting from a systematic algebraic approach to promise CSPs based on "polymorphisms," operations that map tuples in the strict form of each constraint to tuples in the corresponding weak form. In this work, we present a simple algorithm which in polynomial time solves the decision problem for all promise CSPs that admit infinitely many symmetric polymorphisms, which are invariant under arbitrary coordinate permutations. This generalizes previous work of the first two authors [BG19]. We also extend this algorithm to a more general class of block-symmetric polymorphisms. As a corollary, this single algorithm solves all polynomial-time tractable Boolean CSPs simultaneously. These results give a new perspective on Schaefer's classic dichotomy theorem and shed further light on how symmetries of polymorphisms enable algorithms. Finally, we show that block symmetric polymorphisms are not only sufficient but also necessary for this algorithm to work, thus establishing its precise powerComment: 17 pages, to appear in SICOM

    Algebraic Theory of Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problems, First Steps

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    What makes a computational problem easy (e.g., in P, that is, solvable in polynomial time) or hard (e.g., NP-hard)? This fundamental question now has a satisfactory answer for a quite broad class of computational problems, so called fixed-template constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) -- it has turned out that their complexity is captured by a certain specific form of symmetry. This paper explains an extension of this theory to a much broader class of computational problems, the promise CSPs, which includes relaxed versions of CSPs such as the problem of finding a 137-coloring of a 3-colorable graph

    Promises Make Finite (Constraint Satisfaction) Problems Infinitary

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    The fixed template Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problem (PCSP) is a recently proposed significant generalization of the fixed template CSP, which includes approximation variants of satisfiability and graph coloring problems. All the currently known tractable (i.e., solvable in polynomial time) PCSPs over finite templates can be reduced, in a certain natural way, to tractable CSPs. However, such CSPs are often over infinite domains. We show that the infinity is in fact necessary by proving that a specific finite-domain PCSP, namely (1-in-3-SAT, Not-All-Equal-3-SAT), cannot be naturally reduced to a tractable finite-domain CSP, unless P=NP

    The combined basic LP and affine IP relaxation for promise VCSPs on infinite domains

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    Convex relaxations have been instrumental in solvability of constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), as well as in the three different generalisations of CSPs: valued CSPs, infinite-domain CSPs, and most recently promise CSPs. In this work, we extend an existing tractability result to the three generalisations of CSPs combined: We give a sufficient condition for the combined basic linear programming and affine integer programming relaxation for exact solvability of promise valued CSPs over infinite-domains. This extends a result of Brakensiek and Guruswami [SODA'20] for promise (non-valued) CSPs (on finite domains).Comment: Full version of an MFCS'20 pape

    Approximate Graph Colouring and the Hollow Shadow

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    We show that approximate graph colouring is not solved by constantly many levels of the lift-and-project hierarchy for the combined basic linear programming and affine integer programming relaxation. The proof involves a construction of tensors whose fixed-dimensional projections are equal up to reflection and satisfy a sparsity condition, which may be of independent interest.Comment: Generalises and subsumes results from Section 6 in arXiv:2203.02478; builds on and generalises results in arXiv:2210.0829

    Semidefinite programming and linear equations vs. homomorphism problems

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