13 research outputs found

    Hierarchy of general invariants for bivariate LPDOs

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    We study invariants under gauge transformations of linear partial differential operators on two variables. Using results of BK-factorization, we construct hierarchy of general invariants for operators of an arbitrary order. Properties of general invariants are studied and some examples are presented. We also show that classical Laplace invariants correspond to some particular cases of general invariants.Comment: to appear in J. "Theor.Math.Phys." in May 200

    Multiple Factorizations of Bivariate Linear Partial Differential Operators

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    We study the case when a bivariate Linear Partial Differential Operator (LPDO) of orders three or four has several different factorizations. We prove that a third-order bivariate LPDO has a first-order left and right factors such that their symbols are co-prime if and only if the operator has a factorization into three factors, the left one of which is exactly the initial left factor and the right one is exactly the initial right factor. We show that the condition that the symbols of the initial left and right factors are co-prime is essential, and that the analogous statement "as it is" is not true for LPDOs of order four. Then we consider completely reducible LPDOs, which are defined as an intersection of principal ideals. Such operators may also be required to have several different factorizations. Considering all possible cases, we ruled out some of them from the consideration due to the first result of the paper. The explicit formulae for the sufficient conditions for the complete reducibility of an LPDO were found also

    Formulas for Continued Fractions. An Automated Guess and Prove Approach

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    We describe a simple method that produces automatically closed forms for the coefficients of continued fractions expansions of a large number of special functions. The function is specified by a non-linear differential equation and initial conditions. This is used to generate the first few coefficients and from there a conjectured formula. This formula is then proved automatically thanks to a linear recurrence satisfied by some remainder terms. Extensive experiments show that this simple approach and its straightforward generalization to difference and qq-difference equations capture a large part of the formulas in the literature on continued fractions.Comment: Maple worksheet attache

    Factorization of Z-homogeneous polynomials in the First (q)-Weyl Algebra

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    We present algorithms to factorize weighted homogeneous elements in the first polynomial Weyl algebra and qq-Weyl algebra, which are both viewed as a Z\mathbb{Z}-graded rings. We show, that factorization of homogeneous polynomials can be almost completely reduced to commutative univariate factorization over the same base field with some additional uncomplicated combinatorial steps. This allows to deduce the complexity of our algorithms in detail. Furthermore, we will show for homogeneous polynomials that irreducibility in the polynomial first Weyl algebra also implies irreducibility in the rational one, which is of interest for practical reasons. We report on our implementation in the computer algebra system \textsc{Singular}. It outperforms for homogeneous polynomials currently available implementations dealing with factorization in the first Weyl algebra both in speed and elegancy of the results.Comment: 26 pages, Singular implementation, 2 algorithms, 1 figure, 2 table

    Algorithms for solving linear ordinary differential equations

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