2,420 research outputs found

    On Region Algebras, XML Databases, and Information Retrieval

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    This paper describes some new ideas on developing a logical algebra for databases that manage textual data and support information retrieval functionality. We describe a first prototype of such a system

    Exploiting Query Structure and Document Structure to Improve Document Retrieval Effectiveness

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    In this paper we present a systematic analysis of document retrieval using unstructured and structured queries within the score region algebra (SRA) structured retrieval framework. The behavior of di®erent retrieval models, namely Boolean, tf.idf, GPX, language models, and Okapi, is tested using the transparent SRA framework in our three-level structured retrieval system called TIJAH. The retrieval models are implemented along four elementary retrieval aspects: element and term selection, element score computation, score combination, and score propagation. The analysis is performed on a numerous experiments evaluated on TREC and CLEF collections, using manually generated unstructured and structured queries. Unstructured queries range from the short title queries to long title + description + narrative queries. For generating structured queries we exploit the knowledge of the document structure and the content used to semantically describe or classify documents. We show that such structured information can be utilized in retrieval engines to give more precise answers to user queries then when using unstructured queries

    A Database Approach to Content-based XML retrieval

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    This paper describes a rst prototype system for content-based retrieval from XML data. The system's design supports both XPath queries and complex information retrieval queries based on a language modelling approach to information retrieval. Evaluation using the INEX benchmark shows that it is beneficial if the system is biased to retrieve large XML fragments over small fragments

    Sound ranking algorithms for XML search

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    Ranking algorithms for XML should reflect the actual combined content and structure constraints of queries, while at the same time producing equal rankings for queries that are semantically equal. Ranking algorithms that produce different rankings for queries that are semantically equal are easily detected by tests on large databases: We call such algorithms not sound. We report the behavior of different approaches to ranking content-and-structure queries on pairs of queries for which we expect equal ranking results from the query semantics. We show that most of these approaches are not sound. Of the remaining approaches, only 3 adhere to the W3C XQuery Full-Text standard

    Hybrid XML Retrieval: Combining Information Retrieval and a Native XML Database

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    This paper investigates the impact of three approaches to XML retrieval: using Zettair, a full-text information retrieval system; using eXist, a native XML database; and using a hybrid system that takes full article answers from Zettair and uses eXist to extract elements from those articles. For the content-only topics, we undertake a preliminary analysis of the INEX 2003 relevance assessments in order to identify the types of highly relevant document components. Further analysis identifies two complementary sub-cases of relevance assessments ("General" and "Specific") and two categories of topics ("Broad" and "Narrow"). We develop a novel retrieval module that for a content-only topic utilises the information from the resulting answer list of a native XML database and dynamically determines the preferable units of retrieval, which we call "Coherent Retrieval Elements". The results of our experiments show that -- when each of the three systems is evaluated against different retrieval scenarios (such as different cases of relevance assessments, different topic categories and different choices of evaluation metrics) -- the XML retrieval systems exhibit varying behaviour and the best performance can be reached for different values of the retrieval parameters. In the case of INEX 2003 relevance assessments for the content-only topics, our newly developed hybrid XML retrieval system is substantially more effective than either Zettair or eXist, and yields a robust and a very effective XML retrieval.Comment: Postprint version. The editor version can be accessed through the DO

    A document management methodology based on similarity contents

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    The advent of the WWW and distributed information systems have made it possible to share documents between different users and organisations. However, this has created many problems related to the security, accessibility, right and most importantly the consistency of documents. It is important that the people involved in the documents management process have access to the most up-to-date version of documents, retrieve the correct documents and should be able to update the documents repository in such a way that his or her document are known to others. In this paper we propose a method for organising, storing and retrieving documents based on similarity contents. The method uses techniques based on information retrieval, document indexation and term extraction and indexing. This methodology is developed for the E-Cognos project which aims at developing tools for the management and sharing of documents in the construction domain

    Information Integration - the process of integration, evolution and versioning

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    At present, many information sources are available wherever you are. Most of the time, the information needed is spread across several of those information sources. Gathering this information is a tedious and time consuming job. Automating this process would assist the user in its task. Integration of the information sources provides a global information source with all information needed present. All of these information sources also change over time. With each change of the information source, the schema of this source can be changed as well. The data contained in the information source, however, cannot be changed every time, due to the huge amount of data that would have to be converted in order to conform to the most recent schema.\ud In this report we describe the current methods to information integration, evolution and versioning. We distinguish between integration of schemas and integration of the actual data. We also show some key issues when integrating XML data sources

    Qualitative Effects of Knowledge Rules in Probabilistic Data Integration

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    One of the problems in data integration is data overlap: the fact that different data sources have data on the same real world entities. Much development time in data integration projects is devoted to entity resolution. Often advanced similarity measurement techniques are used to remove semantic duplicates from the integration result or solve other semantic conflicts, but it proofs impossible to get rid of all semantic problems in data integration. An often-used rule of thumb states that about 90% of the development effort is devoted to solving the remaining 10% hard cases. In an attempt to significantly decrease human effort at data integration time, we have proposed an approach that stores any remaining semantic uncertainty and conflicts in a probabilistic database enabling it to already be meaningfully used. The main development effort in our approach is devoted to defining and tuning knowledge rules and thresholds. Rules and thresholds directly impact the size and quality of the integration result. We measure integration quality indirectly by measuring the quality of answers to queries on the integrated data set in an information retrieval-like way. The main contribution of this report is an experimental investigation of the effects and sensitivity of rule definition and threshold tuning on the integration quality. This proves that our approach indeed reduces development effort — and not merely shifts the effort to rule definition and threshold tuning — by showing that setting rough safe thresholds and defining only a few rules suffices to produce a ‘good enough’ integration that can be meaningfully used