425 research outputs found

    Network Path Discovery Mechanism for Failures in Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET) are form of wireless networks in which nodes can configure by themselves in free and dynamic manner to form temporary network topology. These networks do not have any fixed infrastructure and any centralized administration. Routing is the most challenging task in MANETs as the network topology keeps on changing due to mobility of nodes. Routing involves task of discovering route to destination node for a source to send data packets. In MANET, as there is no fixed infrastructure, nodes act as routers or packet forwarding devices. Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol used for routing in MANETs is considered most suited for such networks and is selected for introducing a new approach for path discovery. AODV looks for route only when any of the node is having data packets ready to be sent to some destination. But under node mobility and variable node density the performance of AODV reduced. In this paper a Network Path Discovery AODV protocol (NPDAODV) is proposed, which considers node speed, signal strength, distance between nodes and queue occupancy while discovering network path. Also the newly proposed protocol is compared with AMAODV, an earlier work. Network Simulator (NS2) is used to perform the comparative simulations to study the proposed work

    Survey on Performance Analysis of AODV, DSR and DSDV in MANET

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    Routing is a crucial issue in MANET due to the absence of fixed infrastructure and centralized administration. Many routing protocols like Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), and Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) have been proposed to find the optimized path from source node to destination nodes. This paper analyzed the performance of AODV, DSR and DSDV on the basis of sent packets, received packets and Quality of Service (QoS) metrics like throughput, end to end delay, packet delivery ratio, packet loss ratio with varying network load and network size. Index Terms: AODV, DSR, DSDV, QoS, Routing Protocols. DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/11-3-03 Publication date:May 31st 2020

    Opportunistic Networks: Present Scenario- A Mirror Review

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    Opportunistic Network is form of Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) and regarded as extension to Mobile Ad Hoc Network. OPPNETS are designed to operate especially in those environments which are surrounded by various issues like- High Error Rate, Intermittent Connectivity, High Delay and no defined route between source to destination node. OPPNETS works on the principle of “Store-and-Forward” mechanism as intermediate nodes perform the task of routing from node to node. The intermediate nodes store the messages in their memory until the suitable node is not located in communication range to transfer the message to the destination. OPPNETs suffer from various issues like High Delay, Energy Efficiency of Nodes, Security, High Error Rate and High Latency. The aim of this research paper is to overview various routing protocols available till date for OPPNETs and classify the protocols in terms of their performance. The paper also gives quick review of various Mobility Models and Simulation tools available for OPPNETs simulation

    A comparative analysis for Detecting Uncertain Deterioration of Node Energy in MANET through Trust Based Solution

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    Energy is consumed in MANET during the transmission and reception of data, propagation of control packets, retransmission and overhearing. We concentrate in reducing the energy consumption during the transmission and reception of data. Each node in MANET transmits data with the maximum energy regardless of the distance between the nodes. Also the mobile nodes expend some energy in transmission and reception of data. We have utilized the metrics received signal strength, link quality and the distance between the nodes to compute the energy required to transmit the data from a node to its neighboring node. The energy computed is involved in the selection of the optimal path which requires minimum energy to route the data from source to destination. Nodes within an ad hoc network generally rely on batteries (or exhaustive energy sources) for energy. Since these energy sources have a limited lifetime, power availability is one of the most important constraints for the operation of the ad hoc network

    Probabilistic route discovery for Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs)

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    Mobile wireless ad hoc networks (MANETs) have become of increasing interest in view of their promise to extend connectivity beyond traditional fixed infrastructure networks. In MANETs, the task of routing is distributed among network nodes which act as both end points and routers in a wireless multi-hop network environment. To discover a route to a specific destination node, existing on-demand routing protocols employ a broadcast scheme referred to as simple flooding whereby a route request packet (RREQ) originating from a source node is blindly disseminated to the rest of the network nodes. This can lead to excessive redundant retransmissions, causing high channel contention and packet collisions in the network, a phenomenon called a broadcast storm. To reduce the deleterious impact of flooding RREQ packets, a number of route discovery algorithms have been suggested over the past few years based on, for example, location, zoning or clustering. Most such approaches however involve considerably increased complexity requiring additional hardware or the maintenance of complex state information. This research argues that such requirements can be largely alleviated without sacrificing performance gains through the use of probabilistic broadcast methods, where an intermediate node rebroadcasts RREQ packets based on some suitable forwarding probability rather than in the traditional deterministic manner. Although several probabilistic broadcast algorithms have been suggested for MANETs in the past, most of these have focused on “pure” broadcast scenarios with relatively little investigation of the performance impact on specific applications such as route discovery. As a consequence, there has been so far very little study of the performance of probabilistic route discovery applied to the well-established MANET routing protocols. In an effort to fill this gap, the first part of this thesis evaluates the performance of the routing protocols Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) augmented with probabilistic route discovery, taking into account parameters such as network density, traffic density and nodal mobility. The results reveal encouraging benefits in overall routing control overhead but also show that network operating conditions have a critical impact on the optimality of the forwarding probabilities. In most existing probabilistic broadcast algorithms, including the one used here for preliminary investigations, each forwarding node is allowed to rebroadcast a received packet with a fixed forwarding probability regardless of its relative location with respect to the locations of the source and destination pairs. However, in a route discovery operation, if the location of the destination node is known, the dissemination of the RREQ packets can be directed towards this location. Motivated by this, the second part of the research proposes a probabilistic route discovery approach that aims to reduce further the routing overhead by limiting the dissemination of the RREQ packets towards the anticipated location of the destination. This approach combines elements of the fixed probabilistic and flooding-based route discovery approaches. The results indicate that in a relatively dense network, these combined effects can reduce the routing overhead very significantly when compared with that of the fixed probabilistic route discovery. Typically in a MANET there are regions of varying node density. Under such conditions, fixed probabilistic route discovery can suffer from a degree of inflexibility, since every node is assigned the same forwarding probability regardless of local conditions. Ideally, the forwarding probability should be high for a node located in a sparse region of the network while relatively lower for a node located in a denser region of the network. As a result, it can be helpful to identify and categorise mobile nodes in the various regions of the network and appropriately adjust their forwarding probabilities. To this end the research examines probabilistic route discovery methods that dynamically adjust the forwarding probability at a node, based on local node density, which is estimated using number of neighbours as a parameter. Results from this study return significantly superior performance measures compared with fixed probabilistic variants. Although the probabilistic route discovery methods suggested above can significantly reduce the routing control overhead without degrading the overall network throughput, there remains the problem of how to select efficiently forwarding probabilities that will optimize the performance of a broadcast under any given conditions. In an attempt to address this issue, the final part of this thesis proposes and evaluates the feasibility of a node estimating its own forwarding probability dynamically based on locally collected information. The technique examined involves each node piggybacking a list of its 1-hop neighbours in its transmitted RREQ packets. Based on this list, relay nodes can determine the number of neighbours that have been already covered by a broadcast and thus compute the forwarding probabilities most suited to individual circumstances