3 research outputs found

    Implementaci贸n Multi-FPGA de modelos articiales del cerebro

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    Proyecto de investigaci贸n (C贸digo: 1360013) Instituto Tecnol贸gico de Costa Rica. Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n y Extensi贸n (VIE). Escuela de Ingenier铆a Electr贸nica, 2019A research and development project has been completed. The project has been nanced and supported by Vicerrector a de Investigaci on y Extensi on, Vicerrector a de Docencia and Escuela de Ingenier a Electr onica from Tecnol贸gico de Costa Rica, and the Neuroscience Department at Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands This project intended to develop the base of a massive FPGA-based simulation network for biologically-meaningful brain modeling. The network is able to model di erent models of biologically-accurate arti cial neural networks. An accessible Web-based platform provides access for researchers interested in using the platform for their studies Neuroscience, and related elds. The nal result of the project is a exible, scalable, Multi-FPGA board platform, accessible via a web graphic interface, including three neural models tipically used in neuroscience. The project has produced three Scopus-indexed publications. Published results show that the platform is competitive against similar platforms recently reported in the literature.Se ha concluido un proyecto de investigaci贸n y desarrollo financiado y apoyado por la Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n y Extensi贸n, la Vicerrector铆a de Docencia y la Escuela de Ingenier铆a Electr贸nica del Tecnol贸gico de Costa Rica, el Departamento de Neurociencia del Centro M茅dico Erasmus en Rotterdam, Pa铆ses Bajos. Este proyecto pretend铆a desarrollar una red masiva basada en FPGAs para simulaciones biol贸gicamente significativas de modelos cerebrales. La red deb铆a ser capaz de modelar distintos modelos de redes neuronales biol贸gicamente precisas. Una interfaz Web proveer铆a de acceso a investigadores en el mundo entero que quieran usar la plataforma para sus estudios en neurociencia. El resultado final incluye una plataforma flexible y escalable de varias tarjetas con sistemas FPGA, accesible v铆a una interfaz gr谩fica, y que trae ya integrados los tres modelos neuronales usados t铆picamente por los investigadores en neurociencia. El proyecto ha producido tres publicaciones indexadas Scopus. Los resultados publicados muestras que la plataforma es competitiva cuando se compara con plataformas similares recientemente reportadas en la literatura

    Sistema de detecci贸n on de patrones ac煤sticos de disparos de armas de fuego y motosierras en bosques tropicales basado en un algoritmo de correlaci贸n de bitstream.

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    Proyecto de Graduaci贸n (Licenciatura en Ingenier铆a Electr贸nica) Instituto Tecnol贸gico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingenier铆a Electr贸nica, 2016.Costa Rica has a fourth of its national territory that corresponds to protected forest areas, which area constantly foraged by poachers and illegal loggers. Determining where and whendoes an illegal act happen is a hard task to accomplish for the rangers given the big extensionof protected area. This project proposes a proof of concept of an acoustic detector that indicates when does an event of illegal hunting or logging happen. The solution proposed is based on a crosscorrelationalgorithm implemented in a FPGA. The design problem is partioned in two: adetection algorithm based on Signal Theory and a module devoted to data acquisition. Bothmodules are graphically implemented on LabVIEW and ported to a National InstrumentsmyRIO for their testing. The _rst implemented module consists of a binary detector of acoustics patterns, based oan adaptive threshold comparator, from which a ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristic) curve can be obtained. This type of curves plots the sensibility of a binary detector. The input signal to this detector is pre-preocessed with a particular algorithm to enhance the detectability of the signal. In this case, a cross-correlation processing is used. Since the FPGA porting of this algorithm is being developed in a parallel project, a high level implementation is used as reference model. The second module developed in this project is the data acquisition stage. Here a sigmadeltamodulator must be emulated, and then it will be substituted by a real circuit. Thiswill provide the necessary data for the cross-correlation algorithm