4,931 research outputs found

    Efficient Machine Learning Approach for Optimizing Scientific Computing Applications on Emerging HPC Architectures

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    Efficient parallel implementations of scientific applications on multi-core CPUs with accelerators such as GPUs and Xeon Phis is challenging. This requires - exploiting the data parallel architecture of the accelerator along with the vector pipelines of modern x86 CPU architectures, load balancing, and efficient memory transfer between different devices. It is relatively easy to meet these requirements for highly-structured scientific applications. In contrast, a number of scientific and engineering applications are unstructured. Getting performance on accelerators for these applications is extremely challenging because many of these applications employ irregular algorithms which exhibit data-dependent control-flow and irregular memory accesses. Furthermore, these applications are often iterative with dependency between steps, and thus making it hard to parallelize across steps. As a result, parallelism in these applications is often limited to a single step. Numerical simulation of charged particles beam dynamics is one such application where the distribution of work and memory access pattern at each time step is irregular. Applications with these properties tend to present significant branch and memory divergence, load imbalance between different processor cores, and poor compute and memory utilization. Prior research on parallelizing such irregular applications have been focused around optimizing the irregular, data-dependent memory accesses and control-flow during a single step of the application independent of the other steps, with the assumption that these patterns are completely unpredictable. We observed that the structure of computation leading to control-flow divergence and irregular memory accesses in one step is similar to that in the next step. It is possible to predict this structure in the current step by observing the computation structure of previous steps. In this dissertation, we present novel machine learning based optimization techniques to address the parallel implementation challenges of such irregular applications on different HPC architectures. In particular, we use supervised learning to predict the computation structure and use it to address the control-flow and memory access irregularities in the parallel implementation of such applications on GPUs, Xeon Phis, and heterogeneous architectures composed of multi-core CPUs with GPUs or Xeon Phis. We use numerical simulation of charged particles beam dynamics simulation as a motivating example throughout the dissertation to present our new approach, though they should be equally applicable to a wide range of irregular applications. The machine learning approach presented here use predictive analytics and forecasting techniques to adaptively model and track the irregular memory access pattern at each time step of the simulation to anticipate the future memory access pattern. Access pattern forecasts can then be used to formulate optimization decisions during application execution which improves the performance of the application at a future time step based on the observations from earlier time steps. In heterogeneous architectures, forecasts can also be used to improve the memory performance and resource utilization of all the processing units to deliver a good aggregate performance. We used these optimization techniques and anticipation strategy to design a cache-aware, memory efficient parallel algorithm to address the irregularities in the parallel implementation of charged particles beam dynamics simulation on different HPC architectures. Experimental result using a diverse mix of HPC architectures shows that our approach in using anticipation strategy is effective in maximizing data reuse, ensuring workload balance, minimizing branch and memory divergence, and in improving resource utilization

    Distributed-memory large deformation diffeomorphic 3D image registration

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    We present a parallel distributed-memory algorithm for large deformation diffeomorphic registration of volumetric images that produces large isochoric deformations (locally volume preserving). Image registration is a key technology in medical image analysis. Our algorithm uses a partial differential equation constrained optimal control formulation. Finding the optimal deformation map requires the solution of a highly nonlinear problem that involves pseudo-differential operators, biharmonic operators, and pure advection operators both forward and back- ward in time. A key issue is the time to solution, which poses the demand for efficient optimization methods as well as an effective utilization of high performance computing resources. To address this problem we use a preconditioned, inexact, Gauss-Newton- Krylov solver. Our algorithm integrates several components: a spectral discretization in space, a semi-Lagrangian formulation in time, analytic adjoints, different regularization functionals (including volume-preserving ones), a spectral preconditioner, a highly optimized distributed Fast Fourier Transform, and a cubic interpolation scheme for the semi-Lagrangian time-stepping. We demonstrate the scalability of our algorithm on images with resolution of up to 102431024^3 on the "Maverick" and "Stampede" systems at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). The critical problem in the medical imaging application domain is strong scaling, that is, solving registration problems of a moderate size of 2563256^3---a typical resolution for medical images. We are able to solve the registration problem for images of this size in less than five seconds on 64 x86 nodes of TACC's "Maverick" system.Comment: accepted for publication at SC16 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA; November 201

    Gunrock: A High-Performance Graph Processing Library on the GPU

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    For large-scale graph analytics on the GPU, the irregularity of data access and control flow, and the complexity of programming GPUs have been two significant challenges for developing a programmable high-performance graph library. "Gunrock", our graph-processing system designed specifically for the GPU, uses a high-level, bulk-synchronous, data-centric abstraction focused on operations on a vertex or edge frontier. Gunrock achieves a balance between performance and expressiveness by coupling high performance GPU computing primitives and optimization strategies with a high-level programming model that allows programmers to quickly develop new graph primitives with small code size and minimal GPU programming knowledge. We evaluate Gunrock on five key graph primitives and show that Gunrock has on average at least an order of magnitude speedup over Boost and PowerGraph, comparable performance to the fastest GPU hardwired primitives, and better performance than any other GPU high-level graph library.Comment: 14 pages, accepted by PPoPP'16 (removed the text repetition in the previous version v5

    Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler for Expressing Fast and Portable Code

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    This paper introduces Tiramisu, a polyhedral framework designed to generate high performance code for multiple platforms including multicores, GPUs, and distributed machines. Tiramisu introduces a scheduling language with novel extensions to explicitly manage the complexities that arise when targeting these systems. The framework is designed for the areas of image processing, stencils, linear algebra and deep learning. Tiramisu has two main features: it relies on a flexible representation based on the polyhedral model and it has a rich scheduling language allowing fine-grained control of optimizations. Tiramisu uses a four-level intermediate representation that allows full separation between the algorithms, loop transformations, data layouts, and communication. This separation simplifies targeting multiple hardware architectures with the same algorithm. We evaluate Tiramisu by writing a set of image processing, deep learning, and linear algebra benchmarks and compare them with state-of-the-art compilers and hand-tuned libraries. We show that Tiramisu matches or outperforms existing compilers and libraries on different hardware architectures, including multicore CPUs, GPUs, and distributed machines.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1803.0041

    A fast GPU Monte Carlo Radiative Heat Transfer Implementation for Coupling with Direct Numerical Simulation

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    We implemented a fast Reciprocal Monte Carlo algorithm, to accurately solve radiative heat transfer in turbulent flows of non-grey participating media that can be coupled to fully resolved turbulent flows, namely to Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). The spectrally varying absorption coefficient is treated in a narrow-band fashion with a correlated-k distribution. The implementation is verified with analytical solutions and validated with results from literature and line-by-line Monte Carlo computations. The method is implemented on GPU with a thorough attention to memory transfer and computational efficiency. The bottlenecks that dominate the computational expenses are addressed and several techniques are proposed to optimize the GPU execution. By implementing the proposed algorithmic accelerations, a speed-up of up to 3 orders of magnitude can be achieved, while maintaining the same accuracy

    Accelerating The Discontinuous Galerkin Cell-Vertex Scheme (Dg-Cvs) Solver On Cpu-Gpu Heterogeneous Systems

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    Dg-Cvs (Discontinuous Galerkin Cell-Vertex Scheme) is an efficient, accurate and robust numerical solver for general hyperbolic conservation laws. It can solve a broad range of conservation laws such as the shallow water equation and Magnetohydrodynamics equations. Dg-Cvs is a Riemann-Solver-free high order space-time method for arbitrary space conservation laws. It fuses the discontinuous Galerkin (dg) method and the conservation element/solution element (ce/se) method to take advantage of the best features of both methods. Thanks to the ce/se method, the time derivative of the solution is treated as an independent unknown, which is amendable to gpu\u27s parallel execution. In this thesis, we use a cpu-gpu heterogeneous processor to accelerate Dg-Cvs to demonstrate that complex scientific applications can benefit from a heterogeneous computing system. There are challenges that such scientific program poses on the gpu architecture such as thread divergence and low kernel occupancy. We developed optimizations to address these concerns. Our proposed optimizations include thread remapping to minimize thread divergence and register pressure reduction to increase kernel occupancy. Our experiment results show that Dg-Cvs on gpu outperforms cpu by up to 57\% before optimization and 145\% afterwards. We also use Dg-Cvs as a real world application to explore the possibility of using shared virtual memory (svm) for tighter collaboration between cpu and gpu. However, svm did not help improve the performance due to the overhead of address translation and atomic operations. We developed a microbenchmark to better understand the performance impact of svm
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