3 research outputs found

    Amortized Rotation Cost in AVL Trees

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    An AVL tree is the original type of balanced binary search tree. An insertion in an nn-node AVL tree takes at most two rotations, but a deletion in an nn-node AVL tree can take Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n). A natural question is whether deletions can take many rotations not only in the worst case but in the amortized case as well. A sequence of nn successive deletions in an nn-node tree takes O(n)O(n) rotations, but what happens when insertions are intermixed with deletions? Heaupler, Sen, and Tarjan conjectured that alternating insertions and deletions in an nn-node AVL tree can cause each deletion to do Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) rotations, but they provided no construction to justify their claim. We provide such a construction: we show that, for infinitely many nn, there is a set EE of {\it expensive} nn-node AVL trees with the property that, given any tree in EE, deleting a certain leaf and then reinserting it produces a tree in EE, with the deletion having done Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n) rotations. One can do an arbitrary number of such expensive deletion-insertion pairs. The difficulty in obtaining such a construction is that in general the tree produced by an expensive deletion-insertion pair is not the original tree. Indeed, if the trees in EE have even height kk, 2k/22^{k/2} deletion-insertion pairs are required to reproduce the original tree

    Gap terminology and related combinatorial properties for AVL trees and Fibonacci-isomorphic trees

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    We introduce gaps that are edges or external pointers in AVL trees such that the height difference between the subtrees rooted at their two endpoints is equal to 2. Using gaps we prove the Basic-Theorem that illustrates how the size of an AVL tree (and its subtrees) can be represented by a series of powers of 2 of the heights of the gaps, this theorem is the first such simple formula to characterize the number of nodes in an AVL tree. Then, we study the extreme case of AVL trees, the perfectly unbalanced AVL trees, by introducing Fibonacci-isomorphic trees that are isomorphic to Fibonacci trees of the same height and showing that they have the maximum number of gaps in AVL trees. Note that two ordered trees (such as AVL trees) are isomorphic iff there exists a one-to-one correspondence between their nodes that preserves not only adjacency relations in the trees, but also the roots. In the rest of the paper, we study combinatorial properties of Fibonacci-isomorphic trees. (C) 2018 Kalasalingam University. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    New Combinatorial Properties and Algorithms for AVL Trees

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    In this thesis, new properties of AVL trees and a new partitioning of binary search trees named core partitioning scheme are discussed, this scheme is applied to three binary search trees namely AVL trees, weight-balanced trees, and plain binary search trees. We introduce the core partitioning scheme, which maintains a balanced search tree as a dynamic collection of complete balanced binary trees called cores. Using this technique we achieve the same theoretical efficiency of modern cache-oblivious data structures by using classic data structures such as weight-balanced trees or height balanced trees (e.g. AVL trees). We preserve the original topology and algorithms of the given balanced search tree using a simple post-processing with guaranteed performance to completely rebuild the changed cores (possibly all of them) after each update. Using our core partitioning scheme, we simultaneously achieve good memory allocation, space-efficient representation, and cache-obliviousness. We also apply this scheme to arbitrary binary search trees which can be unbalanced and we produce a new data structure, called Cache-Oblivious General Balanced Tree (COG-tree). Using our scheme, searching a key requires O(log_B n) block transfers and O(log n) comparisons in the external-memory and in the cache-oblivious model. These complexities are theoretically efficient. Interestingly, the core partition for weight-balanced trees and COG-tree can be maintained with amortized O(log_B n) block transfers per update, whereas maintaining the core partition for AVL trees requires more than a poly-logarithmic amortized cost. Studying the properties of these trees also lead us to some other new properties of AVL trees and trees with bounded degree, namely, we present and study gaps in AVL trees and we prove Tarjan et al.'s conjecture on the number of rotations in a sequence of deletions and insertions