2 research outputs found

    Сравнительная оценка схем соединения обмоток синхронных генераторов в составе источников постоянного тока

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    The article deals with the schemes of DC sources based on a multiphase synchronous generator with excitation from permanent magnets and a rectifier. It evaluates various options for constructing circuits with the number of phases changing from two to ten along with the different generator windings connections, i.e. N-beam star and a closed ring of N sections. It is proved that, ceteris paribus compared to multiphase windings in terms of specific electric losses, windings with a small, i.e. 2 to 4, number of phases are preferable. The advantages of closed multiphase windings compared to open windings in terms of specific electric losses and maintaining output characteristics during single failures. Mathematical models were used to analyze the ripple of the rectifier output voltage for a different number of phases and various schemes of the windings connection, both in the normal mode and with the faulty rectifier diodes. The influence of the inductance of the generator winding on the value of voltage ripples is estimated. The authors make a conclusion that the closed windings are significantly more preferable as far as the rectified voltage ripples are concerned. Рассматриваются схемы источников постоянного тока на основе многофазного синхронного генератора с возбуждением от постоянных магнитов и выпрямителя. Проведена оценка различных вариантов построения схем при изменении числа фаз от двух до десяти и способов соединения обмотки генератора: N-лучевая звезда или замкнутое кольцо из N секций. Доказано, что при прочих равных условиях по удельным электрическим потерям обмотки с малым числом фаз, от двух до четырёх, оказываются предпочтительней многофазных обмоток. Показаны преимущества замкнутых многофазных обмоток перед разомкнутыми обмотками как с точки зрения удельных электрических потерь, так и с точки зрения сохранения выходных характеристик при единичных отказах. С помощью математических моделей проведён анализ пульсаций выходного напряжения выпрямителя для различного числа фаз и различных схем соединения обмоток как в штатном режиме, так и при обрыве диодов в выпрямителе. Оценено влияние индуктивности обмотки генератора на величину пульсаций напряжения. Делается вывод о существенном преимуществе замкнутых обмоток перед разомкнутыми с точки зрения пульсаций выпрямленного напряжения

    Alternator Torque Model Based on Equivalent Circuit of Synchronous Generator for Electric Power Management

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    This paper presents an alternator model suitable for electric power management research. The proposed model estimates the alternator driving torque under various driving conditions, such as engine speed, output current, and generation voltage. The base equations of the proposed model are derived from the equivalent circuit and the phasor diagram of the field-wound-type synchronous generator. Model parameters that affect power conversion efficiency were defined and identified through open and short load tests on a bench. Validation tests were also performed to evaluate model accuracy under several representative driving conditions. Through a case study, we show that the proposed model is the effective way to research power management.This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Korea, through the Energy Resource R&D Program under Grant 2006ETR11P091C; by the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Korean government under Grant 2011-0017495; and by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy through the Industrial Strategy Technology Development Program under Grant 10039673 and Grant 10042633. The review of this paper was coordinated by Dr. C. C. Mi. (Corresponding author: M. Sunwoo.