6 research outputs found

    Alternative Weighting Schemes for ELMo Embeddings

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    ELMo embeddings (Peters et. al, 2018) had a huge impact on the NLP community and may recent publications use these embeddings to boost the performance for downstream NLP tasks. However, integration of ELMo embeddings in existent NLP architectures is not straightforward. In contrast to traditional word embeddings, like GloVe or word2vec embeddings, the bi-directional language model of ELMo produces three 1024 dimensional vectors per token in a sentence. Peters et al. proposed to learn a task-specific weighting of these three vectors for downstream tasks. However, this proposed weighting scheme is not feasible for certain tasks, and, as we will show, it does not necessarily yield optimal performance. We evaluate different methods that combine the three vectors from the language model in order to achieve the best possible performance in downstream NLP tasks. We notice that the third layer of the published language model often decreases the performance. By learning a weighted average of only the first two layers, we are able to improve the performance for many datasets. Due to the reduced complexity of the language model, we have a training speed-up of 19-44% for the downstream task

    Identifying communicative functions in discourse with content types

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    Texts are not monolithic entities but rather coherent collections of micro illocutionary acts which help to convey a unitary message of content and purpose. Identifying such text segments is challenging because they require a fine-grained level of analysis even within a single sentence. At the same time, accessing them facilitates the analysis of the communicative functions of a text as well as the identification of relevant information. We propose an empirical framework for modelling micro illocutionary acts at clause level, that we call content types, grounded on linguistic theories of text types, in particular on the framework proposed by Werlich in 1976. We make available a newly annotated corpus of 279 documents (for a total of more than 180,000 tokens) belonging to different genres and temporal periods, based on a dedicated annotation scheme. We obtain an average Cohen’s kappa of 0.89 at token level. We achieve an average F1 score of 74.99% on the automatic classification of content types using a bi-LSTM model. Similar results are obtained on contemporary and historical documents, while performances on genres are more varied. This work promotes a discourse-oriented approach to information extraction and cross-fertilisation across disciplines through a computationally-aided linguistic analysis

    Short-text semantic similarity (STSS): Techniques, challenges and future perspectives

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    In natural language processing, short-text semantic similarity (STSS) is a very prominent field. It has a significant impact on a broad range of applications, such as question-answering systems, information retrieval, entity recognition, text analytics, sentiment classification, and so on. Despite their widespread use, many traditional machine learning techniques are incapable of identifying the semantics of short text. Traditional methods are based on ontologies, knowledge graphs, and corpus-based methods. The performance of these methods is influenced by the manually defined rules. Applying such measures is still difficult, since it poses various semantic challenges. In the existing literature, the most recent advances in short-text semantic similarity (STSS) research are not included. This study presents the systematic literature review (SLR) with the aim to (i) explain short sentence barriers in semantic similarity, (ii) identify the most appropriate standard deep learning techniques for the semantics of a short text, (iii) classify the language models that produce high-level contextual semantic information, (iv) determine appropriate datasets that are only intended for short text, and (v) highlight research challenges and proposed future improvements. To the best of our knowledge, we have provided an in-depth, comprehensive, and systematic review of short text semantic similarity trends, which will assist the researchers to reuse and enhance the semantic information.Yayasan UTP Pre-commercialization grant (YUTP-PRG) [015PBC-005]; Computer and Information Science Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONASYayasan UTP, YUTP: 015PBC-00

    Detección de diferentes aspectos de discurso de odio en redes sociales

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    Tesis (Lic. en Cs. de la Computación)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación, 2022.En este trabajo, buscamos detectar de forma automática las diferentes y diversas unidades argumentativas que se presentan en el discurso de odio, empleando arquitecturas de aprendizaje profundo, con el objetivo de que sirvan de utilidad para las tareas de generación automática de contranarrativas. Además, realizamos un análisis a nivel cualitativo sobre estas arquitecturas y modelos lineales, y de lenguaje, siendo estos últimos de gran interés en los últimos años por llegar al estado del arte en diversas tareas del aprendizaje automático.In this work, we seek to automatically detect the different and diverse argumentative units that are present in hate speech, using deep learning architectures, with the aim of making them useful for the automatic generation of counter-narratives. In addition, we carry out a qualitative analysis of these architectures, and linear and language models, the latter being of great interest in recent years for reaching the state of the art in various machine learning tasks.Fil: Martinez, Lautaro. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina