7 research outputs found

    Beyond Worst-Case Analysis for Joins with Minesweeper

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    We describe a new algorithm, Minesweeper, that is able to satisfy stronger runtime guarantees than previous join algorithms (colloquially, `beyond worst-case guarantees') for data in indexed search trees. Our first contribution is developing a framework to measure this stronger notion of complexity, which we call {\it certificate complexity}, that extends notions of Barbay et al. and Demaine et al.; a certificate is a set of propositional formulae that certifies that the output is correct. This notion captures a natural class of join algorithms. In addition, the certificate allows us to define a strictly stronger notion of runtime complexity than traditional worst-case guarantees. Our second contribution is to develop a dichotomy theorem for the certificate-based notion of complexity. Roughly, we show that Minesweeper evaluates β\beta-acyclic queries in time linear in the certificate plus the output size, while for any β\beta-cyclic query there is some instance that takes superlinear time in the certificate (and for which the output is no larger than the certificate size). We also extend our certificate-complexity analysis to queries with bounded treewidth and the triangle query.Comment: [This is the full version of our PODS'2014 paper.

    Efficient Evaluation of Set Expressions

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    In this thesis, we study the problem of evaluating set expressions over sorted sets in the comparison model. The problem arises in the context of evaluating search queries in text database systems; most text search engines maintain an inverted list, which consists of a set of documents that contain each possible word. Thus, answering a query is reduced to computing the union, the intersection, or a more complex set expression over sets of documents containing the words in the query. At the first step, for a given expression on a number of sets and the sizes of the sets, we investigate the worst-case complexity of evaluating the expression in terms of the sizes of the sets. We prove lower bounds and provide algorithms with the matching running time up to a constant factor. We then refine the problem further and design an algorithm that computes such expressions according to the degree by which the input sets are interleaved rather than only considering sets sizes. %We prove the running time of our algorithm is asymptotically optimal. We prove the optimality of our algorithm by way of presenting a matching lower bound sensitive to the interleaving measure. The algorithms we present are different in the set of set operators they allow in input expressions. We provide algorithms that are worst-case optimal for inputs with union, intersection, and symmetric difference operators. One of the algorithms we provide also supports minus and complement operators and is conjectured to be optimal when an input is allowed to contain these operators as well. We also provide a worst-case optimal algorithm for the form of problem where the input may contain "threshold'" operators, which generalize union and intersection operators: for a number t, a t-threshold operator selects elements that appear in at least in t of the operand sets. Finally, the adaptive algorithm we provide supports union and intersection operators

    Scalable succinct indexing for large text collections

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    Self-indexes save space by emulating operations of traditional data structures using basic operations on bitvectors. Succinct text indexes provide full-text search functionality which is traditionally provided by suffix trees and suffix arrays for a given text, while using space equivalent to the compressed representation of the text. Succinct text indexes can therefore provide full-text search functionality over inputs much larger than what is viable using traditional uncompressed suffix-based data structures. Fields such as Information Retrieval involve the processing of massive text collections. However, the in-memory space requirements of succinct text indexes during construction have hampered their adoption for large text collections. One promising approach to support larger data sets is to avoid constructing the full suffix array by using alternative indexing representations. This thesis focuses on several aspects related to the scalability of text indexes to larger data sets. We identify practical improvements in the core building blocks of all succinct text indexing algorithms, and subsequently improve the index performance on large data sets. We evaluate our findings using several standard text collections and demonstrate: (1) the practical applications of our improved indexing techniques; and (2) that succinct text indexes are a practical alternative to inverted indexes for a variety of top-k ranked document retrieval problems