1,372 research outputs found

    Discrete-Continuous ADMM for Transductive Inference in Higher-Order MRFs

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    This paper introduces a novel algorithm for transductive inference in higher-order MRFs, where the unary energies are parameterized by a variable classifier. The considered task is posed as a joint optimization problem in the continuous classifier parameters and the discrete label variables. In contrast to prior approaches such as convex relaxations, we propose an advantageous decoupling of the objective function into discrete and continuous subproblems and a novel, efficient optimization method related to ADMM. This approach preserves integrality of the discrete label variables and guarantees global convergence to a critical point. We demonstrate the advantages of our approach in several experiments including video object segmentation on the DAVIS data set and interactive image segmentation

    RIFLE: Robust Inference from Low Order Marginals

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    The ubiquity of missing values in real-world datasets poses a challenge for statistical inference and can prevent similar datasets from being analyzed in the same study, precluding many existing datasets from being used for new analyses. While an extensive collection of packages and algorithms have been developed for data imputation, the overwhelming majority perform poorly if there are many missing values and low sample size, which are unfortunately common characteristics in empirical data. Such low-accuracy estimations adversely affect the performance of downstream statistical models. We develop a statistical inference framework for predicting the target variable without imputing missing values. Our framework, RIFLE (Robust InFerence via Low-order moment Estimations), estimates low-order moments with corresponding confidence intervals to learn a distributionally robust model. We specialize our framework to linear regression and normal discriminant analysis, and we provide convergence and performance guarantees. This framework can also be adapted to impute missing data. In numerical experiments, we compare RIFLE with state-of-the-art approaches (including MICE, Amelia, MissForest, KNN-imputer, MIDA, and Mean Imputer). Our experiments demonstrate that RIFLE outperforms other benchmark algorithms when the percentage of missing values is high and/or when the number of data points is relatively small. RIFLE is publicly available.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    Non-convex Optimization for Machine Learning

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    A vast majority of machine learning algorithms train their models and perform inference by solving optimization problems. In order to capture the learning and prediction problems accurately, structural constraints such as sparsity or low rank are frequently imposed or else the objective itself is designed to be a non-convex function. This is especially true of algorithms that operate in high-dimensional spaces or that train non-linear models such as tensor models and deep networks. The freedom to express the learning problem as a non-convex optimization problem gives immense modeling power to the algorithm designer, but often such problems are NP-hard to solve. A popular workaround to this has been to relax non-convex problems to convex ones and use traditional methods to solve the (convex) relaxed optimization problems. However this approach may be lossy and nevertheless presents significant challenges for large scale optimization. On the other hand, direct approaches to non-convex optimization have met with resounding success in several domains and remain the methods of choice for the practitioner, as they frequently outperform relaxation-based techniques - popular heuristics include projected gradient descent and alternating minimization. However, these are often poorly understood in terms of their convergence and other properties. This monograph presents a selection of recent advances that bridge a long-standing gap in our understanding of these heuristics. The monograph will lead the reader through several widely used non-convex optimization techniques, as well as applications thereof. The goal of this monograph is to both, introduce the rich literature in this area, as well as equip the reader with the tools and techniques needed to analyze these simple procedures for non-convex problems.Comment: The official publication is available from now publishers via http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/220000005