8 research outputs found

    Tomorrow's Metamaterials: Manipulation of Electromagnetic Waves in Space, Time and Spacetime

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    Metamaterials represent one of the most vibrant fields of modern science and technology. They are generally dispersive structures in the direct and reciprocal space and time domains. Upon this consideration, I overview here a number of metamaterial innovations developed by colleagues and myself in the holistic framework of space and time dispersion engineering. Moreover, I provide some thoughts regarding the future perspectives of the area

    Generalized Coupled-line All-Pass Phasers

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    Generalized coupled-line all-pass phasers, based on transversally-cascaded (TC), longitudinally-cascaded (LC) and hybrid-cascaded (HC) coupled transmission line sections, are presented and demonstrated using analytical, full-wave and experimental results. It is shown that for N commensurate coupled-line sections, LC and TC phasers exhibit N group delay peaks per coupled-line section harmonic frequency band, in contrast to the TC configuration, which exhibits only one peak within this band. It is also shown that for a given maximum achievable coupling-coefficient, the HC configuration provides the largest group delay swing. A wave-interference analysis is finally applied to the various coupled-line phasers, explaining their unique group delay characteristics based on physical wave-propagation mechanisms.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Design of Dispersive Delay Structures (DDSs) Formed by Coupled C-Sections Using Predistortion with Space Mapping

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    The concept of space mapping is applied, for the first time, to the design of microwave dispersive delay structures (DDSs). DDSs are components providing specified group delay versus frequency responses for real-time radio systems. The DDSs considered in this paper are formed by cascaded coupled C-sections. It is first shown that aggressive space mapping does not provide sufficient accuracy in the synthesis of DDSs. To address this issue, we propose a predistortion space mapping technique. Compared to aggressive space mapping, this technique provides enhanced accuracy, while compared to output space mapping, it provides greater implementation simplicity. Two full-wave and one experimental examples are provided to illustrate the proposed predistortion space mapping technique

    Dispersion Engineered Real-Time Analog Signal Processing Components and Systems

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    Résumé Avec la demande croissante pour une plus grande efficacité d’utilisation du spectre de fréquences et l’émergence de systèmes à bande ultra large (UWB) qui en découle, l’analyse d’environnements RF en temps réel est devenue d’une importance capitale. Traditionnellement, ceci est fait en utilisant des techniques d’analyse des signaux en temps réel basées soit sur une approche digitale, soit sur une approche analogique. Les appareils digitaux sont plus attrayants aux basses fréquences à cause de leur grande flexibilité, de leur taille compacte, de leur faible coût et de leur grande fiabilité. Par contre, aux plus hautes fréquences, notamment aux fréquences micro-ondes, les appareils digitaux ont des problèmes fondamentaux tels des performances faibles, un coût élevé des convertisseurs A/D et D/A et une consommation de puissance excessive. À ces fréquences, des appareils et systèmes analogiques sont requis pour des applications d’analyse des signaux en temps réel. À cause de leur mode d’opération fondamentalement analogique, ces systèmes sont appel´es analyseurs analogiques de signaux, et l’opération qu’ils effectuent est appelée analyse analogique de signaux (ASP). Cette thèse présente les plus récentes avancées au niveau des ASP. Le concept d’ASP est introduit au chapitre 1. La contribution de cette thèse au domaine des ASP est également présentée au chapitre 1. Le cœur d’un analyseur analogique de signaux en temps réel est une structure de délai dispersive (DDS). Dans une structure dispersive, la vélocité de groupe vg est une fonction de la fréquence, ce qui cause une dépendance en fréquence du délai de groupe. Par conséquent, un signal à large bande qui se propage le long d’une telle structure est sujet à un espacement dans le temps puisque ses différentes composantes spectrales voyagent avec différentes vitesses de groupes, et sont donc réarrangées dans le temps. En exploitant ce réarrangement temporel, les différentes composantes spectrales d’un signal à large bande peuvent être directement transposées dans le domaine temporel et peuvent alors être analysées en temps réel pour diverses applications. Ce concept, qui constitue le fondement des techniques ASP, est décrit au chapitre 2. En se basant sur ces principes de dispersion, le présent travail contribue au développement de nouveaux systèmes et composantes ASP ainsi qu’au développement de nouvelles DDS.----------Abstract With the ever increasing demand on higher spectral efficiencies and the related emergence of ultra-wideband (UWB) systems, monitoring RF environments in real-time has become of paramount interest. This is traditionally done using real-time signal processing techniques based on either digital or analog approaches. Digital devices are most attractive at low frequencies due to their high flexibility, compact size, low cost, and strong reliability. However, at higher frequencies, such as millimeter-wave frequencies, digital devices suffer of fundamental issues, such as poor performance, high cost for A/D and D/A converters, and excessive power consumption. At such frequencies, analog devices and systems are required for real-time signal processing applications. Owing to their fundamentally analog mode of operation, these systems are referred to as Analog Signal Processors, and the operation as Analog Signal Processing (ASP). This dissertation presents the most recent advances in these ASP concepts which are introduced in Chapter 1 along with the contribution of this thesis in this domain. The core of an analog real-time signal processor is a dispersive delay structure (DDS). In a dispersive structure, the group velocity vg is a function of frequency, which results in a frequency-dependent group delay. Consequently, a wide-band signal traveling along such a structure experiences time spreading, since its different spectral components travel with different group velocities and are therefore temporally rearranged. By exploiting this temporal rearrangement, the various spectral components of a wideband signal can be directly mapped onto time domain and can then be processed in real-time for various applications. This concept is described in Chapter 2 which forms the background of ASP techniques. Based on these dispersion principles, this work contributes to the development of novel ASP systems and devices along with the developments of novel DDSs. Two types of DDSs are used in this work: a) Composite Right/Left-Handed (CRLH) transmission lines (TL), and b) all-pass dispersive structures. In particular, the all-pass dispersive delay networks are investigated in greater details based on C-section all-pass networks in various configurations along with novel synthesis procedures and electromagnetic analysis to synthesize arbitrary group delay responses of the DDSs

    Synthesis and monolithic integration of analogue signal processing networks

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    Data traffic of future 5G telecommunication systems is projected to increase 10 000-fold compared to current rates. 5G fronthaul links are therefore expected to operate in the mm-wave spectrum with some preliminary International Telecommunication Union specifications set for the 71-76 and 81-86 GHz bands. Processing 5 GHz as a single contiguous band in real-time, using existing digital signal processing (DSP) systems, is exceedingly challenging. A similar challenge exists in radio astronomy, with the Square Kilometer Array project expecting data throughput rates of 15 Tbits/s at its completion. Speed improvements on existing state-of-the-art DSPs of 2-3 orders of magnitude are therefore required to meet future demands. One possible mitigating approach to processing wideband data in real-time is to replace some DSP blocks with analog signal processing (ASP) equivalents, since analogue devices outperform their digital counterparts in terms of cost, power consumption and the maximum attainable bandwidth. The fundamental building block of any ASP is an all-pass network of prescribed response, which can always be synthesized by cascaded first- and second-order all-pass sections (with two cascaded first-order sections being a special case of the latter). The monolithic integration of all-pass networks in commercial CMOS and BiCMOS technology nodes is a key consideration for commercial adaptation of ASPs, since it supports mass production at reduced costs and operating power requirements, making the ASP approach feasible. However, this integration has presented a number of yet unsolved challenges. Firstly, the state-of-the-art methods for synthesizing quasi-arbitrary group delay functions using all-pass elements lack a theoretical synthesis procedure that guarantees minimum-order networks. In this work an analytically-based solution to the synthesis problem is presented that produces an all-pass network with a response approximating the required group delay to within an arbitrary minimax error. This method is shown to work for any physical realization of second-order all-pass elements, is guaranteed to converge to a global optimum solution without any choice of seed values as an input, and allows synthesis of pre-defined networks described either analytically or numerically. Secondly, second-order all-pass networks are currently primarily implemented in off-chip planar media, which is unsuited for high volume production. Component sensitivity, process tolerances and on-chip parasitics often make proposed on-chip designs impractical. Consequently, to date, no measured results of a dispersive on-chip second-order all-pass network suitable for ASP applications (delay Q-value (QD) larger than 1) have been presented in either CMOS or BiCMOS technology nodes. In this work, the first ever on-chip CMOS second-order all-pass network is proposed with a measured QD-value larger than 1. Measurements indicate a post-tuning bandwidth of 280 MHz, peak-to-nominal delay variation of 10 ns, QD-value of 1.15 and magnitude variation of 3.1 dB. An active on-chip mm-wave second-order all-pass network is further demonstrated in a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology node with a bandwidth of 40 GHz, peak-to-nominal delay of 62 ps, QD-value of 3.6 and a magnitude ripple of 1.4 dB. This is the first time that measurement results of a mm-wave bandwidth second-order all-pass network have been reported. This work therefore presents the first step to monolithically integrating ASP solutions to conventional DSP problems, thereby enabling ultra-wideband signal processing on-chip in commercial technology nodes.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2018.Square Kilometer Array (SKA) project - postgraduate scholarshipElectrical, Electronic and Computer EngineeringPhDUnrestricte