1,206 research outputs found

    On bi-unitary perfect polynomials over F2F_2

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    We give all bi-unitary non splitting even perfect polynomials over the prime field of two elements, which are divisible by Mersenne irreducible polynomials raised to special exponents. We also identify all bi-unitary perfect polynomials over the same field, with at most four irreducible factors. We then complete, in this manner, a list given by J.T. B. Beard Jr

    Fixed points of the sum of divisors function on ({{mathbb{F}}}_2[x])

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    We work on an analogue of a classical arithmetic problem over polynomials. More precisely, we study the fixed points (F) of the sum of divisors function (sigma : {mathbb{F}}_2[x] mapsto {mathbb{F}}_2[x]) (defined mutatis mutandi like the usual sum of divisors over the integers) of the form (F := A^2 cdot S), (S) square-free, with (omega(S) leq 3), coprime with (A), for (A) even, of whatever degree, under some conditions. This gives a characterization of (5) of the (11) known fixed points of (sigma) in ({mathbb{F}}_2[x])

    Algebraic techniques in designing quantum synchronizable codes

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    Quantum synchronizable codes are quantum error-correcting codes that can correct the effects of quantum noise as well as block synchronization errors. We improve the previously known general framework for designing quantum synchronizable codes through more extensive use of the theory of finite fields. This makes it possible to widen the range of tolerable magnitude of block synchronization errors while giving mathematical insight into the algebraic mechanism of synchronization recovery. Also given are families of quantum synchronizable codes based on punctured Reed-Muller codes and their ambient spaces.Comment: 9 pages, no figures. The framework presented in this article supersedes the one given in arXiv:1206.0260 by the first autho

    The effect of convolving families of L-functions on the underlying group symmetries

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    L-functions for GL_n(A_Q) and GL_m(A_Q), respectively, such that, as N,M --> oo, the statistical behavior (1-level density) of the low-lying zeros of L-functions in F_N (resp., G_M) agrees with that of the eigenvalues near 1 of matrices in G_1 (resp., G_2) as the size of the matrices tend to infinity, where each G_i is one of the classical compact groups (unitary, symplectic or orthogonal). Assuming that the convolved families of L-functions F_N x G_M are automorphic, we study their 1-level density. (We also study convolved families of the form f x G_M for a fixed f.) Under natural assumptions on the families (which hold in many cases) we can associate to each family L of L-functions a symmetry constant c_L equal to 0 (resp., 1 or -1) if the corresponding low-lying zero statistics agree with those of the unitary (resp., symplectic or orthogonal) group. Our main result is that c_{F x G} = c_G * c_G: the symmetry type of the convolved family is the product of the symmetry types of the two families. A similar statement holds for the convolved families f x G_M. We provide examples built from Dirichlet L-functions and holomorphic modular forms and their symmetric powers. An interesting special case is to convolve two families of elliptic curves with rank. In this case the symmetry group of the convolution is independent of the ranks, in accordance with the general principle of multiplicativity of the symmetry constants (but the ranks persist, before taking the limit N,M --> oo, as lower-order terms).Comment: 41 pages, version 2.1, cleaned up some of the text and weakened slightly some of the conditions in the main theorem, fixed a typ

    Cyclone Codes

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    We introduce Cyclone codes which are rateless erasure resilient codes. They combine Pair codes with Luby Transform (LT) codes by computing a code symbol from a random set of data symbols using bitwise XOR and cyclic shift operations. The number of data symbols is chosen according to the Robust Soliton distribution. XOR and cyclic shift operations establish a unitary commutative ring if data symbols have a length of p1p-1 bits, for some prime number pp. We consider the graph given by code symbols combining two data symbols. If n/2n/2 such random pairs are given for nn data symbols, then a giant component appears, which can be resolved in linear time. We can extend Cyclone codes to data symbols of arbitrary even length, provided the Goldbach conjecture holds. Applying results for this giant component, it follows that Cyclone codes have the same encoding and decoding time complexity as LT codes, while the overhead is upper-bounded by those of LT codes. Simulations indicate that Cyclone codes significantly decreases the overhead of extra coding symbols

    Quantum Hypothesis Testing with Group Structure

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    The problem of discriminating between many quantum channels with certainty is analyzed under the assumption of prior knowledge of algebraic relations among possible channels. It is shown, by explicit construction of a novel family of quantum algorithms, that when the set of possible channels faithfully represents a finite subgroup of SU(2) (e.g., Cn,D2n,A4,S4,A5C_n, D_{2n}, A_4, S_4, A_5) the recently-developed techniques of quantum signal processing can be modified to constitute subroutines for quantum hypothesis testing. These algorithms, for group quantum hypothesis testing (G-QHT), intuitively encode discrete properties of the channel set in SU(2) and improve query complexity at least quadratically in nn, the size of the channel set and group, compared to na\"ive repetition of binary hypothesis testing. Intriguingly, performance is completely defined by explicit group homomorphisms; these in turn inform simple constraints on polynomials embedded in unitary matrices. These constructions demonstrate a flexible technique for mapping questions in quantum inference to the well-understood subfields of functional approximation and discrete algebra. Extensions to larger groups and noisy settings are discussed, as well as paths by which improved protocols for quantum hypothesis testing against structured channel sets have application in the transmission of reference frames, proofs of security in quantum cryptography, and algorithms for property testing.Comment: 22 pages + 9 figures + 3 table