145,276 research outputs found

    On additive properties of sets defined by the Thue-Morse word

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    In this paper we study some additive properties of subsets of the set \nats of positive integers: A subset AA of \nats is called {\it kk-summable} (where k\in\ben) if AA contains \textstyle \big{\sum_{n\in F}x_n | \emp\neq F\subseteq {1,2,...,k\} \big} for some kk-term sequence of natural numbers x1<x2<...<xkx_1<x_2 < ... < x_k. We say A \subseteq \nats is finite FS-big if AA is kk-summable for each positive integer kk. We say is A \subseteq \nats is infinite FS-big if for each positive integer k,k, AA contains {\sum_{n\in F}x_n | \emp\neq F\subseteq \nats and #F\leq k} for some infinite sequence of natural numbers x1<x2<...x_1<x_2 < ... . We say A\subseteq \nats is an IP-set if AA contains {\sum_{n\in F}x_n | \emp\neq F\subseteq \nats and #F<\infty} for some infinite sequence of natural numbers x1<x2<...x_1<x_2 < ... . By the Finite Sums Theorem [5], the collection of all IP-sets is partition regular, i.e., if AA is an IP-set then for any finite partition of AA, one cell of the partition is an IP-set. Here we prove that the collection of all finite FS-big sets is also partition regular. Let \TM =011010011001011010... denote the Thue-Morse word fixed by the morphism 0010\mapsto 01 and 1101\mapsto 10. For each factor uu of \TM we consider the set \TM\big|_u\subseteq \nats of all occurrences of uu in \TM. In this note we characterize the sets \TM\big|_u in terms of the additive properties defined above. Using the Thue-Morse word we show that the collection of all infinite FS-big sets is not partition regular

    A New Lower Bound for the Distinct Distance Constant

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    The reciprocal sum of Zhang sequence is not equal to the Distinct Distance Constant. This note introduces a B2B_2-sequence with larger reciprocal sum, and provides a more precise estimation of the reciprocal sums of Mian-Chowla sequence and Zhang sequence.Comment: 4 pages, 3 ancillary table

    Arithmetic-Progression-Weighted Subsequence Sums

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    Let GG be an abelian group, let SS be a sequence of terms s1,s2,...,snGs_1,s_2,...,s_{n}\in G not all contained in a coset of a proper subgroup of GG, and let WW be a sequence of nn consecutive integers. Let WS={w1s1+...+wnsn:  wiatermofW,wiwjforij},W\odot S=\{w_1s_1+...+w_ns_n:\;w_i {a term of} W,\, w_i\neq w_j{for} i\neq j\}, which is a particular kind of weighted restricted sumset. We show that WSmin{G1,n}|W\odot S|\geq \min\{|G|-1,\,n\}, that WS=GW\odot S=G if nG+1n\geq |G|+1, and also characterize all sequences SS of length G|G| with WSGW\odot S\neq G. This result then allows us to characterize when a linear equation a1x1+...+arxrαmodn,a_1x_1+...+a_rx_r\equiv \alpha\mod n, where α,a1,...,arZ\alpha,a_1,..., a_r\in \Z are given, has a solution (x1,...,xr)Zr(x_1,...,x_r)\in \Z^r modulo nn with all xix_i distinct modulo nn. As a second simple corollary, we also show that there are maximal length minimal zero-sum sequences over a rank 2 finite abelian group GCn1Cn2G\cong C_{n_1}\oplus C_{n_2} (where n1n2n_1\mid n_2 and n23n_2\geq 3) having kk distinct terms, for any k[3,min{n1+1,exp(G)}]k\in [3,\min\{n_1+1,\,\exp(G)\}]. Indeed, apart from a few simple restrictions, any pattern of multiplicities is realizable for such a maximal length minimal zero-sum sequence

    "Weak yet strong'' restrictions of Hindman's Finite Sums Theorem

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    We present a natural restriction of Hindman’s Finite Sums Theorem that admits a simple combinatorial proof (one that does not also prove the full Finite Sums Theorem) and low computability-theoretic and proof-theoretic upper bounds, yet implies the existence of the Turing Jump, thus realizing the only known lower bound for the full Finite Sums Theorem. This is the first example of this kind. In fact we isolate a rich family of similar restrictions of Hindman’s Theorem with analogous propertie

    On a Conjecture of Hamidoune for Subsequence Sums

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    Let G be an abelian group of order m, let S be a sequence of terms from G with k distinct terms, let m ∧ S denote the set of all elements that are a sum of some m-term subsequence of S, and let |S| be the length of S. We show that if |S| ≥ m + 1, and if the multiplicity of each term of S is at most m − k + 2, then either |m ∧ S| ≥ min{m, |S| − m + k − 1}, or there exists a proper, nontrivial subgroup Ha of index a, such that m ∧ S is a union of Ha-cosets, Ha ⊆ m ∧ S, and all but e terms of S are from the same Ha-coset, where e ≤ min{|S|−m+k−2 |Ha| − 1, a − 2} and |m ∧ S| ≥ (e + 1)|Ha|. This confirms a conjecture of Y. O. Hamidoune