884,106 research outputs found

    Are all Boer-Mulders functions alike?

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    Chirally odd generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and the Boer-Mulders function provide valuable information about spin-orbit correlations for quarks in nucleons and other hadrons. We compare results for the relevant GPD EˉTq\bar{E}^q_T from a variety of phenomenological models as well as recent lattice results. We find that EˉTq>0\bar{E}^q_T>0 for nucleons as well as the pion and for both uu and dd quark. As a result, the corresponding Boer Mulders functions are all expected to be negative. The sign of EˉTq\bar{E}^q_T arises from the relative sign between the upper and lower Dirac components for the quark wave functions.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Are Business Cycles All Alike?

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    This paper examines two questions. The first is whether economic fluctuations-business cycles-are due to an accumulation of nall shocks or instead mostly to infrequent large shocks. The paper concludes that neither of these two extreme views accurately characterize fluctuations. The second question is whether fluctuations are due mostly to one source of shocks, for example monetary, or instead to many sources. The paper concludes that evidence strongly supports the hypothesis of many, about equally important, sources of shocks.To analyze the empirical evidence and to reach these conclusions, the paper uses two different statistical approaches. The first is estimation ofa structural model, using a set of just identifying restrictions. The secondis non-structural and may be described as a formalization of the Burns Mitchell techniques. Both approaches are somewhat novel and should be of independent interest.

    Earth & Mars: As Different as They are Alike

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    This poster shows a visual comparison of Mars and Earth. The back contains panels that go into detail on Mars science and explorations. It contains eleven lessons and resources for teachers. Educational levels: Primary elementary, Intermediate elementary, Middle school, High school

    Alike Underneath

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    We investigate whether business cycles are all alike computing the welfare costs of business cycles for European-Union (EU) as the solution of the problem proposed by Lucas (1987). Because these countries have a long tradition of integration and trade, it is a "natural experiment" to investigate how similar their welfare costs of business cycles are. Using standard assumptions on preferences and a reasonable reduced form for consumption, we computed welfare costs using three alternative trend-cycle decomposition methods, but focusing on the multivariate Beveridge-Nelson decomposition. Our results show that welfare costs are very different across EU countries and between US and EU countries, and thus it is a strong evidence that business cycles are not alike in Europe.

    What do You Call a Naked Grizzly?

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    Homophones are words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Examples of sound-alike words are flair and flare, colonel and kernel, and poor, pore and pour. Here is a puzzle designed to test your ear for homophones

    Medical errors related to look-alike and sound-alike drugs

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    Despite recent developments in the inventory management, introduction of electronic drug trolleys and cabinets, color coding of the filled syringes and many more interventions, medication errors could not be eliminated. The most common of these are syringe swap and human errors regarding wrong drug administration due to look-alike drug containers or sound-alike names of the drugs belonging to diverse groups. Many of the fatalities, that occur in third world countries due to these causes, go unnoticed and unregistered. This special article complements two special editorials on the same topic by Professor Joseph D. Tobias et al and Professor Robert Stoelting, a case report, a patient’s perspective and a ‘Cliniquiz’ being published in the current issue of the journal. It discusses salient features of this issue as well as preventive measures and recommendations. Key words: Medications; Medications errors; Adverse drug events; Look-alike drugs; Sound-alike drugs Tall man lettering; Medication Errors Reporting Program; Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Citation: Ismail S and Taqi A. Medical errors related to look-alike and sound-alike drug

    Solvent extraction of Vanadium (IV) with di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid and tributyl phosphate

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    Vanadium pregnant solution recovered from the Syrian Petroleum coke by means of salt roasting was acidified by dilute sulfuric acid. Solvent extraction of tetravalent vanadium with a mixture of di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (DEHPA) and Tributylphosphate (TBP) was carried out. Kinetic effects are involved in competitive extraction of other metals such as iron and aluminum

    Sudden stops : are global and local investors alike ?

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    The main goal of this paper is to characterize the determinants of sudden stops caused by domestic vis-a-vis foreign residents. Are the decisions of domestic investors to invest abroad or of foreign investors to cut off funds from the domestic economy governed by the same set of determinants? Given the distribution of different types of sudden stop episodes over time and its different macroeconomic consequences, the authors argue that the determinants may not be alike. Using an effective sample of 82 countries with annual information over the period 1970-2007, the analysis finds that global investors are less likely to stop bringing their capital when their economy is growing and the world interest rate is lower. Domestic agents are more willing to invest abroad if the macroeconomic performance of the domestic economy is poor (high inflation), the financial system is weak, and there are high external savings (current account surpluses). Increasing financial openness makes the domestic country more vulnerable to sudden stops caused by either local or global investors. Finally, countries with higher shares of foreign direct investment are less prone to inflow-driven sudden stops, whereas the opposite holds for outflow-driven sudden stops.Debt Markets,Emerging Markets,Currencies and Exchange Rates,Economic Theory&Research,Access to Finance

    A Sound-Alike Dictionary

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    Alan Frank\u27s article, Consonant-Characterized Words, is related to a topic of considerable logological interest, that of characterizing spoken words by their consonantal sounds. This is best illustrated by rearranging the 150 words that he found containing the consonants NRST plus an assortment of vowels into 24 groups, one for each possible order of consonants. Within each group, words have been arranged by increasing number of syllables
