776 research outputs found

    Real-Time Audio-to-Score Alignment of Music Performances Containing Errors and Arbitrary Repeats and Skips

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    This paper discusses real-time alignment of audio signals of music performance to the corresponding score (a.k.a. score following) which can handle tempo changes, errors and arbitrary repeats and/or skips (repeats/skips) in performances. This type of score following is particularly useful in automatic accompaniment for practices and rehearsals, where errors and repeats/skips are often made. Simple extensions of the algorithms previously proposed in the literature are not applicable in these situations for scores of practical length due to the problem of large computational complexity. To cope with this problem, we present two hidden Markov models of monophonic performance with errors and arbitrary repeats/skips, and derive efficient score-following algorithms with an assumption that the prior probability distributions of score positions before and after repeats/skips are independent from each other. We confirmed real-time operation of the algorithms with music scores of practical length (around 10000 notes) on a modern laptop and their tracking ability to the input performance within 0.7 s on average after repeats/skips in clarinet performance data. Further improvements and extension for polyphonic signals are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, version accepted in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processin

    Singing voice correction using canonical time warping

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    Expressive singing voice correction is an appealing but challenging problem. A robust time-warping algorithm which synchronizes two singing recordings can provide a promising solution. We thereby propose to address the problem by canonical time warping (CTW) which aligns amateur singing recordings to professional ones. A new pitch contour is generated given the alignment information, and a pitch-corrected singing is synthesized back through the vocoder. The objective evaluation shows that CTW is robust against pitch-shifting and time-stretching effects, and the subjective test demonstrates that CTW prevails the other methods including DTW and the commercial auto-tuning software. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method in a practical, real-world scenario

    Performance Following: Real-Time Prediction of Musical Sequences Without a Score

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    (c)2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works


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    EPSRC Doctoral Training Award; EPSRC Leadership Fellowshi

    Rhythm extraction from polyphonic symbolic music

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    International audienceWe focus on the rhythmic component of symbolic music similarity, proposing several ways to extract a monophonic rhythmic signature from a symbolic poly- phonic score. To go beyond the simple extraction of all time intervals between onsets (noteson extraction), we select notes according to their length (short and long extractions) or their intensities (intensity+/− extractions). Once the rhythm is extracted, we use dynamic programming to compare several sequences. We report results of analysis on the size of rhythm patterns that are specific to a unique piece, as well as experiments on similarity queries (ragtime music and Bach chorale variations). These results show that long and intensity+ extractions are often good choices for rhythm extraction. Our conclusions are that, even from polyphonic symbolic music, rhythm alone can be enough to identify a piece or to perform pertinent music similarity queries, especially when using wise rhythm extractions

    MSTRE-Net: Multistreaming Acoustic Modeling for Automatic Lyrics Transcription

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    This paper makes several contributions to automatic lyrics transcription (ALT) research. Our main contribution is a novel variant of the Multistreaming Time-Delay Neural Network (MTDNN) architecture, called MSTRE-Net, which processes the temporal information using multiple streams in parallel with varying resolutions keeping the network more compact, and thus with a faster inference and an improved recognition rate than having identical TDNN streams. In addition, two novel preprocessing steps prior to training the acoustic model are proposed. First, we suggest using recordings from both monophonic and polyphonic domains during training the acoustic model. Second, we tag monophonic and polyphonic recordings with distinct labels for discriminating non-vocal silence and music instances during alignment. Moreover, we present a new test set with a considerably larger size and a higher musical variability compared to the existing datasets used in ALT literature, while maintaining the gender balance of the singers. Our best performing model sets the state-of-the-art in lyrics transcription by a large margin. For reproducibility, we publicly share the identifiers to retrieve the data used in this paper

    The effect of using pitch and duration for symbolic music retrieval

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    Quite reasonable retrieval effectiveness is achieved for retrieving polyphonic (multiple notes at once) music that is symbolically encoded via melody queries, using relatively simple pattern matching techniques based on pitch sequences. Earlier work showed that adding duration information was not particularly helpful for improving retrieval effectiveness. In this paper we demonstrate that defining the duration information as the time interval between consecutive notes does lead to more effective retrieval when combined with pitch-based pattern matching in our collection of over 14 000 MIDI files