31 research outputs found

    K-vec: A New Approach for Aligning Parallel Texts

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    Various methods have been proposed for aligning texts in two or more languages such as the Canadian Parliamentary Debates(Hansards). Some of these methods generate a bilingual lexicon as a by-product. We present an alternative alignment strategy which we call K-vec, that starts by estimating the lexicon. For example, it discovers that the English word "fisheries" is similar to the French "pe^ches" by noting that the distribution of "fisheries" in the English text is similar to the distribution of "pe^ches" in the French. K-vec does not depend on sentence boundaries.Comment: 7 pages, uuencoded, compressed PostScript; Proc. COLING-9

    Sentence Alignment using MR and GA

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    In this paper, two new approaches to align English-Arabic sentences in bilingual parallel corpora based on mathematical regression (MR) and genetic algorithm (GA) classifiers are presented. A feature vector is extracted from the text pair under consideration. This vector contains text features such as length, punctuation score, and cognate score values. A set of manually prepared training data was assigned to train the mathematical regression and genetic algorithm models. Another set of data was used for testing. The results of (MR) and (GA) outperform the results of length based approach. Moreover these new approaches are valid for any languages pair and are quite flexible since the feature vector may contain more, less or different features, such as a lexical matching feature and Hanzi characters in Japanese-Chinese texts, than the ones used in the current research

    Towards Bilingual Term Extraction in Comparable Patents

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    PACLIC 23 / City University of Hong Kong / 3-5 December 200

    Constructing a Large-Scale English-Persian Parallel Corpus

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    In recent years the exploitation of large text corpora in solving various kinds of linguistic problems, including those of translation, is commonplace. Yet a large-scale English-Persian corpus is still unavailable, because of certain difficulties and the amount of work required to overcome them.The project reported here is an attempt to constitute an English-Persian parallel corpus composed of digital texts and Web documents containing little or no noise. The Internet is useful because translations of existing texts are often published on the Web. The task is to find parallel pages in English and Persian, to judge their translation quality, and to download and align them. The corpus so created is of course open; that is, more material can be added as the need arises.One of the main activities associated with building such a corpus is to develop software for parallel concordancing, in which a user can enter a search string in one language and see all the citations for that string in it and corresponding sentences in the target language. Our intention is to construct general translation memory software using the present English-Persian parallel corpus.Au cours des dernières années, l’exploitation de grands corpus de textes pour résoudre des problèmes linguistiques, notamment des problèmes de traduction, est devenue une pratique courante. Jusqu’à récemment, aucun corpus bilingue anglais-persan à grande échelle n’avait été constitué, en raison des difficultés qu’implique une telle entreprise.Cet article présente un projet réalisé en vue de colliger des corpus de textes numériques variés, tels que des documents du réseau Internet, avec le moins de bruit possible. L’utilisation d’Internet peut être considérée comme une aide précieuse car, souvent, il existe des traductions antérieures qui sont déjà publiées sur le Web. La tâche consiste à trouver les pages parallèles en anglais et en persan, à évaluer la qualité de leur traduction, à les télécharger et à les aligner. Le corpus ainsi obtenu est un corpus ouvert, soit un corpus auquel de nouvelles données peuvent être ajoutées, selon les besoins.Une des principales conséquences de l’élaboration d’un tel corpus est la mise au point d’un logiciel de concordance parallèle, dans lequel l’utilisateur pourrait introduire une chaîne de caractères dans une langue et afficher toutes les citations concernant cette chaîne dans la langue recherchée ainsi que des phrases correspondantes dans la langue cible. L’étape suivante serait d’utiliser ce corpus parallèle pour construire un logiciel de traduction générale.Le corpus bilingue aligné se trouve être utile dans beaucoup d’autres cas, entre autres pour la traduction par ordinateur, pour lever les ambiguïtés de sens, pour le rétablissement des données interlangues, en lexicographie ainsi que pour l’apprentissage des langues

    Sentence alignment of Hungarian-English parallel corpora using a hybrid algorithm

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    We present an efficient hybrid method for aligning sentences with their translations in a parallel bilingual corpus. The new algorithm is composed of a length-based and anchor matching method that uses Named Entity recognition. This algorithm combines the speed of length-based models with the accuracy of anchor finding methods. The accuracy of finding cognates for Hungarian-English language pair is extremely low, hence we thought of using a novel approach that includes Named Entity recognition. Due to the well selected anchors it was found to outperform the best two sentence alignment algorithms so far published for the Hungarian-English language pair

    A Geometric Approach to Mapping Bitext Correspondence

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    The first step in most corpus-based multilingual NLP work is to construct a detailed map of the correspondence between a text and its translation. Several automatic methods for this task have been proposed in recent years. Yet even the best of these methods can err by several typeset pages. The Smooth Injective Map Recognizer (SIMR) is a new bitext mapping algorithm. SIMR's errors are smaller than those of the previous front-runner by more than a factor of 4. Its robustness has enabled new commercial-quality applications. The greedy nature of the algorithm makes it independent of memory resources. Unlike other bitext mapping algorithms, SIMR allows crossing correspondences to account for word order differences. Its output can be converted quickly and easily into a sentence alignment. SIMR's output has been used to align over 200 megabytes of the Canadian Hansards for publication by the Linguistic Data Consortium.Comment: 15 pages, minor revisions on Sept. 30, 199