11 research outputs found

    ACIS 2013: Information systems: Transforming the Future: Proceedings of the 24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems

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    Edited volume of the ACIS 2013 conference proceedings. Reproduced with kind permission from the copyright owner


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    In recent years, the use of various social media applications has received growing attention from local government agencies. This is because social media applications have the potential to offer public value to those agencies as well as citizens through enhancing public engagement and public services innovation. Despite the growth in the literature on social media, there is still a limited understanding of how the key stakeholders of local government agencies, around the world in general and Saudi Arabia in particular, can receive public value created through us-ing various social media applications. To address this concern, this proposed study is initiated to develop a model for investigating public value creation using social media applications. The model is influenced by multiple theoretical lenses (e.g. trust in social media, social media capability, public engagement, public services innovation, public value theory, and stakeholder theory). This proposed research is based on a qualitative methodology with several phases of research (e.g. pilot study, multiple-case study and domain expert panel) for the Saudi Arabian local government context. The expected contribution of this research is a model with constructive associations between several variables identified from multiple streams of literature (e.g. social media, information systems literature and public administration literature). Furthermore, a classification of public services innovation associated with four types of public value are proposed. The findings of the study are expected to benefit public managers as well as citizens to better utilise social media for public value creation. Keywords: Trust in social media, social media capability, public engagement, public service innovation, public value, stakeholder theory

    A Research Model on Social Media-Enabled Public Value: A Refinement Using an Online Focus Group

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    Government agencies, including municipalities around the globe, have begun using various social media applications to provide useful and even innovative services to citizens through fostering an improved engagement with them. The success of government agencies in creating and delivering innovative services is often interpreted using the lens of public value. Despite a growth in the scholarly literature on social media and public value, scant attention has so far been paid by IS and e-government scholars to explain how citizens government officials alike perceive public value created by social media applications. We thus report on the development of an initial research model to explain public value creation using social media applications. We further refine the model using an online focus group (OFG) comprising eight participants from three groups: academics, government officials, and citizen representatives

    Public value creation using social media applications for the local government context: a pilot case study

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    The use of social media applications is receiving a growing attention from the local government agencies. This is because social media applications have the potential to offer many public values to those agencies as well as benefit citizens through enhancing public engagement and public services innovation. Despite the growth in the literature on social media, there is still limited understanding on how public value created through using various social media applications for local government context. To address this concern, we report on the development of a model to investigate public value creation using social media applications. The model is evaluated using a pilot case study at a large Saudi Arabian municipality. The model and empirical evidence together contribute towards establishing a theoretical foundation for research into the impact of social media applications for public value creation. In addition, council managers can learn useful lessons drawing on our findings

    Aligning Capabilities and Social Media Affordances for Open Innovation in Governments

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    In recent years the proliferation of a new technological evolution has aroused great interest from science and practice: social media. Subsuming different types of online applications where users can create, edit and share content, social media enables new forms of interaction with others. Organisations already recognise its relevance and start leveraging on it. Furthermore, organisations identify the role of service innovation as one major driver for economic growth and competitive advantage. Nevertheless, although social media affords organisations to interact with their customers, the potential for utilising it for improving their service innovation activities is almost unexploited yet. Therefore, this paper aims at providing a framework for supporting the use of social media affordances for service innovation. Its applicability is tested in the domain “government”. Based on theoretical constructs a conceptual analysis is presented, tested in a specific domain and supplemented by potential future research and implications for theory and practice

    O papel dos Hackathons promovidos no setor público brasileiro : um estudo na perspectiva de inovação aberta, citizen-sourcing e motivação dos participantes

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração, 2017.O Hackathon é uma estratégia de citizen-sourcing que convida hackers a criar projetos que transformem informações de interesse público em soluções digitais, acessíveis a todos os cidadãos. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral investigar as iniciativas de Hackathons utilizadas como estratégia de citizen-sourcing para inovação aberta no setor público brasileiro, considerando-se a perspectiva de agentes públicos promotores das iniciativas e a motivação de cidadãos participantes. A pesquisa tem natureza exploratório-descritiva e abordagem mista. O método utilizado foi estudo de múltiplos casos (20 Hackathons) e teve como procedimento de coleta de dados pesquisa documental, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com nove agentes públicos promotores de Hackathons e levantamento de opinião com participantes desse tipo de iniciativa no setor público. Como técnica de análise dos dados, foram utilizadas análise documental, análise de conteúdo com categorização a priori e a posteriori, testes de diferenças entre grupos, análises correlacionais, análise fatorial confirmatória, modelo de regressão de Poisson e Modelo de Equações Estruturais. Foram identificados 47 Hackathons realizados no período de 2012 a 2016 pelo setor público. Os principais objetivos desses eventos, sob a ótica de agentes públicos promotores, são: geração de inovações, promoção da participação social e aumento da transparência. Foi aplicado um levantamento de opinião com 308 participantes de Hackathons no setor público e os resultados demonstraram que aprendizado, recompensas financeiras e divertimento influenciam a atitude do sujeito relativa à sua participação em Hackathons (R2 = 67,5%). Entretanto, a atitude pouco explica a variabilidade do número de participações (R2 = 2,1%). Propõe-se, ainda, um framework com fases para o processo decisório para promoção de Hackathons com a finalidade de potencializar o alcance dos objetivos das iniciativas. Este trabalho aprofunda os conhecimentos a respeito de citizensourcing ao discutir os objetivos e resultados de Hackathons sob a ótica de agentes públicos e ao construir uma escala (instrumento psicométrico) de motivação de participantes de citizensourcing utilizando os casos de Hackathons.The Hackathon is a citizen-sourcing strategy that invites hackers to create projects that transform public-interest information into digital solutions accessible to all citizens. This research aimed to investigate the Hackathon initiatives, used as a citizen-sourcing strategy for open innovation in the Brazilian public sector, considering the perspective of public agents that promoted the initiatives and the motivation of participating citizens. The research has exploratory-descriptive nature and mixed approach. The method used was a multiple case study (20 Hackathons) and had procedures of data collection: documental research, semi-structured interviews with nine public agents promoters of Hackathons and survey with participants of this type of initiative in the public sector. The data analysis techniques were document analysis, content analysis using a priori and a posteriori classification, group differences testes, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Poisson regression model and Structural Equations Model. It was identified 47 Hackathons conducted in the period from 2012 to 2016 by the public sector. The main objectives of these events, from the perspective of public promoters, are: generation of innovations, promotion of social participation and increase of transparency. A survey with 308 Hackathons participants in the public sector demonstrated that learning, financial rewards and fun influence the attitude relative to subjects participation in Hackathons (R2 = 67,5%). However, the attitude weakly explains the variability of the number of participations (R2 = 2,1%). It was proposed a framework with decision-making process for promotion of Hackathons in order to maximize the achievement of the objectives of the initiatives. This work deepens the knowledge regarding citizen-sourcing discussing the objectives and results of Hackathons under an optics of public agents and builds a motivational scale (psychometric instrument) of citizen-sourcing participants using cases of Hackathons

    The Role of Digital Technologies Regarding Employee Intrapreneurial and Innovative Behavior

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    Drawing on a resource perspective, this thesis scrutinizes the role of digital technologies regarding employee intrapreneurial and innovative behavior. This is done by conducting four independent empirical studies which examine how digital technologies foster and inhibit employee intrapreneurial and innovative behavior. The first study investigates employee-perceived information technology support for innovation, work overload, and invasion of privacy as mediators of the relationship between digital affordances and employee corporate entrepreneurship participation likelihood. The second study examines the relationship between digital technology support and employee intrapreneurial behavior and how this relationship is moderated by management support for innovation and intrapreneurial self-efficacy. Analyzing employee techno-work engagement and employee-perceived techno-strain as mediators, the third study investigates the relationships of employee-perceived digital technology usefulness and complexity with employee innovative performance. Finally, the fourth study examines the indirect effects of perceived daily techno-support and techno-stressors on daily employee innovative behavior through daily high-activated moods. Findings revealed digital affordances to foster employee corporate entrepreneurship participation likelihood through employee-perceived information technology support for innovation and reduced work overload perceptions. Support by different digital technologies was also found to promote employee intrapreneurial behavior, but its relative impact varied with different levels of management support for innovation and intrapreneurial self-efficacy. Moreover, employee-perceived digital technology usefulness fostered employee innovative performance through employee techno-work engagement, while employee-perceived digital technology complexity had negative sequential indirect effects through employee-perceived digital technology usefulness and employee-perceived techno-strain on the one hand and employee techno-work engagement on the other hand. Perceived daily techno-support had a beneficial effect through daily high-activated positive mood. Perceived daily techno-stressors fostered daily employee innovative behavior through daily high-activated negative mood but inhibited that behavior through daily high-activated positive mood. Thus, findings indicate that by offering potentials for both resource gains and losses, digital technologies might be a double-edged sword for employee intrapreneurial and innovative behavior. Hence, with this, the thesis advances the research on employee intrapreneurial and innovative behavior as well as the digital entrepreneurship and innovation literature

    A framework for social media use in project management

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    There has been rapid adoption of social media (SM) in business functions such as marketing and advertising. This being primarily due to its capability to communicate information. There has been less widespread adoption of SM for other business functions and the potential of SM is not comprehensively understood. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the potential of SM for project management and to understand some of the difficulties that arise from SM use. The research specifically investigated how SM is being used for project activities and the maturity of the management processes that govern SM use. Implications for underlying theories such as virtual team, social capital and process maturity have also been analysed. An expert panel of project management practitioners from various geographic regions were invited to participate in this research. To facilitate the investigation, the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) from Project Management Institute (PMI) was used as the term of reference comprising forty seven project management activities. The research utilised two methods, firstly a Delphi Study of three rounds was used to identify the fundamentals of the phenomenon and attempt to align the expert views, and secondly, Structured Case Study interviews took place to explore the rationale and motivation of responses given by selected panellists. It further investigates the impact on project team performance and the robustness of processes that supports SM use by assessing the contribution to relationship building, trusts, coordination, cohesion and team virtuality. Key findings from the Delphi Study indicate that not all SM categories offer benefit for project activities. A list of SM categories that are most and least useful for all forty seven PMBOK process activities (across the project lifecycle) was identified. The two knowledge areas that are significantly benefitted are communication and stakeholder management while procurement management had limited use for SM. The findings also led to factors that could enable and inhibit the use of SM. Structured Case study confirmed that project team performance is enhanced through the use of SM as it improves social capital factors of relationship building, coordination and cohesion, however, trust development is not easily achieved. SM tools support mobility, facilitate effective and efficient information sharing, provide a single information repository and offer wider stakeholder reach surpassing geographic limitations constrained only by internet connectivity which in composite results in cost savings for project team communication. These factors increase team virtuality but the perception that SM use is free or of minimal costs, may encourage circumvention of control mechanisms such as senior management reviews and approvals. Findings indicate that lack of formulated business processes to manage SM use will lead to poor governance. Therefore, a Social Media Maturity Model (SM Cube hereafter) was propagated. SM Cube will help project professionals evaluate the robustness of SM enabling processes. This research proffers a mechanism to determine maturity of support processes for SM use thereby adding originality to the body of knowledge. Project professional can use this research as a guideline or framework to introduce SM for their project management. It extends the process maturity, virtual team and social capital theories