239 research outputs found

    Large-scale learning of sign language by watching TV

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    The goal of this work is to automatically learn a large number of signs from sign language-interpreted TV broadcasts. We achieve this by exploiting supervisory information available in the subtitles of the broadcasts. However, this information is both weak and noisy and this leads to a challenging correspondence problem when trying to identify the temporal window of the sign. We make the following contributions: (i) we show that, somewhat counter-intuitively, mouth patterns are highly informative for isolating words in a language for the Deaf, and their co-occurrence with signing can be used to significantly reduce the correspondence search space; and (ii) we develop a multiple instance learning method using an efficient discriminative search, which determines a candidate list for the sign with both high recall and precision. We demonstrate the method on videos from BBC TV broadcasts, and achieve higher accuracy and recall than previous methods, despite using much simpler features

    Zero-Shot Sign Language Recognition: Can Textual Data Uncover Sign Languages?

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    We introduce the problem of zero-shot sign language recognition (ZSSLR), where the goal is to leverage models learned over the seen sign class examples to recognize the instances of unseen signs. To this end, we propose to utilize the readily available descriptions in sign language dictionaries as an intermediate-level semantic representation for knowledge transfer. We introduce a new benchmark dataset called ASL-Text that consists of 250 sign language classes and their accompanying textual descriptions. Compared to the ZSL datasets in other domains (such as object recognition), our dataset consists of limited number of training examples for a large number of classes, which imposes a significant challenge. We propose a framework that operates over the body and hand regions by means of 3D-CNNs, and models longer temporal relationships via bidirectional LSTMs. By leveraging the descriptive text embeddings along with these spatio-temporal representations within a zero-shot learning framework, we show that textual data can indeed be useful in uncovering sign languages. We anticipate that the introduced approach and the accompanying dataset will provide a basis for further exploration of this new zero-shot learning problem.Comment: To appear in British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 201

    Posterior Regularization for Structured Latent Varaible Models

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    We present posterior regularization, a probabilistic framework for structured, weakly supervised learning. Our framework efficiently incorporates indirect supervision via constraints on posterior distributions of probabilistic models with latent variables. Posterior regularization separates model complexity from the complexity of structural constraints it is desired to satisfy. By directly imposing decomposable regularization on the posterior moments of latent variables during learning, we retain the computational efficiency of the unconstrained model while ensuring desired constraints hold in expectation. We present an efficient algorithm for learning with posterior regularization and illustrate its versatility on a diverse set of structural constraints such as bijectivity, symmetry and group sparsity in several large scale experiments, including multi-view learning, cross-lingual dependency grammar induction, unsupervised part-of-speech induction, and bitext word alignment

    BSL-1K: Scaling up co-articulated sign language recognition using mouthing cues

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    Recent progress in fine-grained gesture and action classification, and machine translation, point to the possibility of automated sign language recognition becoming a reality. A key stumbling block in making progress towards this goal is a lack of appropriate training data, stemming from the high complexity of sign annotation and a limited supply of qualified annotators. In this work, we introduce a new scalable approach to data collection for sign recognition in continuous videos. We make use of weakly-aligned subtitles for broadcast footage together with a keyword spotting method to automatically localise sign-instances for a vocabulary of 1,000 signs in 1,000 hours of video. We make the following contributions: (1) We show how to use mouthing cues from signers to obtain high-quality annotations from video data - the result is the BSL-1K dataset, a collection of British Sign Language (BSL) signs of unprecedented scale; (2) We show that we can use BSL-1K to train strong sign recognition models for co-articulated signs in BSL and that these models additionally form excellent pretraining for other sign languages and benchmarks - we exceed the state of the art on both the MSASL and WLASL benchmarks. Finally, (3) we propose new large-scale evaluation sets for the tasks of sign recognition and sign spotting and provide baselines which we hope will serve to stimulate research in this area.Comment: Appears in: European Conference on Computer Vision 2020 (ECCV 2020). 28 page

    Sign Language Recognition

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    This chapter covers the key aspects of sign-language recognition (SLR), starting with a brief introduction to the motivations and requirements, followed by a précis of sign linguistics and their impact on the field. The types of data available and the relative merits are explored allowing examination of the features which can be extracted. Classifying the manual aspects of sign (similar to gestures) is then discussed from a tracking and non-tracking viewpoint before summarising some of the approaches to the non-manual aspects of sign languages. Methods for combining the sign classification results into full SLR are given showing the progression towards speech recognition techniques and the further adaptations required for the sign specific case. Finally the current frontiers are discussed and the recent research presented. This covers the task of continuous sign recognition, the work towards true signer independence, how to effectively combine the different modalities of sign, making use of the current linguistic research and adapting to larger more noisy data set

    Aligning Neural Machine Translation Models: Human Feedback in Training and Inference

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    Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a recent technique to improve the quality of the text generated by a language model, making it closer to what humans would generate. A core ingredient in RLHF's success in aligning and improving large language models (LLMs) is its reward model, trained using human feedback on model outputs. In machine translation (MT), where metrics trained from human annotations can readily be used as reward models, recent methods using minimum Bayes risk decoding and reranking have succeeded in improving the final quality of translation. In this study, we comprehensively explore and compare techniques for integrating quality metrics as reward models into the MT pipeline. This includes using the reward model for data filtering, during the training phase through RL, and at inference time by employing reranking techniques, and we assess the effects of combining these in a unified approach. Our experimental results, conducted across multiple translation tasks, underscore the crucial role of effective data filtering, based on estimated quality, in harnessing the full potential of RL in enhancing MT quality. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate the effectiveness of combining RL training with reranking techniques, showcasing substantial improvements in translation quality.Comment: 14 pages, work-in-progres

    Fully Convolutional Networks for Continuous Sign Language Recognition

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    Continuous sign language recognition (SLR) is a challenging task that requires learning on both spatial and temporal dimensions of signing frame sequences. Most recent work accomplishes this by using CNN and RNN hybrid networks. However, training these networks is generally non-trivial, and most of them fail in learning unseen sequence patterns, causing an unsatisfactory performance for online recognition. In this paper, we propose a fully convolutional network (FCN) for online SLR to concurrently learn spatial and temporal features from weakly annotated video sequences with only sentence-level annotations given. A gloss feature enhancement (GFE) module is introduced in the proposed network to enforce better sequence alignment learning. The proposed network is end-to-end trainable without any pre-training. We conduct experiments on two large scale SLR datasets. Experiments show that our method for continuous SLR is effective and performs well in online recognition.Comment: Accepted to ECCV202

    Deep Visual Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Classification Tasks:A Survey

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