25 research outputs found

    Capacity Optimization of Spatial Preemptive Scheduling for Joint URLLC-eMBB Traffic in 5G New Radio

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    Rate-Energy Balanced Precoding Design for SWIPT based Two-Way Relay Systems

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    Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) technique is a popular strategy to convey both information and RF energy for harvesting at receivers. In this regard, we consider a two-way relay system with multiple users and a multi-antenna relay employing SWIPT strategy, where splitting the received signal leads to a rate-energy trade-off. In literature, the works on transceiver design have been studied using computationally intensive and suboptimal convex relaxation based schemes. In this paper, we study the balanced precoder design using chordal distance (CD) decomposition, which incurs much lower complexity, and is flexible to dynamic energy requirements. It is analyzed that given a non-negative value of CD, the achieved harvested energy for the proposed balanced precoder is higher than that for the perfect interference alignment (IA) precoder. The corresponding loss in sum rates is also analyzed via an upper bound. Simulation results add that the IA schemes based on mean-squared error are better suited for the SWIPT maximization than the subspace alignment-based methods.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2101.1216

    Feedback-Topology Designs for Interference Alignment in MIMO Interference Channels

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    Interference alignment (IA) is a joint-transmission technique that achieves the capacity of the interference channel for high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Most prior work on IA is based on the impractical assumption that perfect and global channel-state information(CSI) is available at all transmitters. To implement IA, each receiver has to feed back CSI to all interferers, resulting in overwhelming feedback overhead. In particular, the sum feedback rate of each receiver scales quadratically with the number of users even if the quantized CSI is fed back. To substantially suppress feedback overhead, this paper focuses on designing efficient arrangements of feedback links, called feedback topologies, under the IA constraint. For the multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) K-user interference channel, we propose the feedback topology that supports sequential CSI exchange (feedback and feedforward) between transmitters and receivers so as to achieve IA progressively. This feedback topology is shown to reduce the network feedback overhead from a cubic function of K to a linear one. To reduce the delay in the sequential CSI exchange, an alternative feedback topology is designed for supporting two-hop feedback via a control station, which also achieves the linear feedback scaling with K. Next, given the proposed feedback topologies, the feedback-bit allocation algorithm is designed for allocating feedback bits by each receiver to different feedback links so as to regulate the residual interference caused by the finite-rate feedback. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed bit allocation leads to significant throughput gains especially in strong interference environments.Comment: 28 pages; 11 figures ; submitted to IEEE Trans. on Signal Processin

    Enabling Efficient Communications Over Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Channels Using Hybrid Beamforming

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    The use of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) over millimeter wave (mmWave) channels is the new frontier for fulfilling the exigent requirements of next-generation wireless systems and solving the wireless network impending crunch. Massive MIMO systems and mmWave channels offer larger numbers of antennas, higher carrier frequencies, and wider signaling bandwidths. Unleashing the full potentials of these tremendous degrees of freedom (dimensions) hinges on the practical deployment of those technologies. Hybrid analog and digital beamforming is considered as a stepping-stone to the practical deployment of mmWave massive MIMO systems since it significantly reduces their operating and implementation costs, energy consumption, and system design complexity. The prevalence of adopting mmWave and massive MIMO technologies in next-generation wireless systems necessitates developing agile and cost-efficient hybrid beamforming solutions that match the various use-cases of these systems. In this thesis, we propose hybrid precoding and combining solutions that are tailored to the needs of these specific cases and account for the main limitations of hybrid processing. The proposed solutions leverage the sparsity and spatial correlation of mmWave massive MIMO channels to reduce the feedback overhead and computational complexity of hybrid processing. Real-time use-cases of next-generation wireless communication, including connected cars, virtual-reality/augmented-reality, and high definition video transmission, require high-capacity and low-latency wireless transmission. On the physical layer level, this entails adopting near capacity-achieving transmission schemes with very low computational delay. Motivated by this, we propose low-complexity hybrid precoding and combining schemes for massive MIMO systems with partially and fully-connected antenna array structures. Leveraging the disparity in the dimensionality of the analog and the digital processing matrices, we develop a two-stage channel diagonalization design approach in order to reduce the computational complexity of the hybrid precoding and combining while maintaining high spectral efficiency. Particularly, the analog processing stage is designed to maximize the antenna array gain in order to avoid performing computationally intensive operations such as matrix inversion and singular value decomposition in high dimensions. On the other hand, the low-dimensional digital processing stage is designed to maximize the spectral efficiency of the systems. Computational complexity analysis shows that the proposed schemes offer significant savings compared to prior works where asymptotic computational complexity reductions ranging between 80%80\% and 98%98\%. Simulation results validate that the spectral efficiency of the proposed schemes is near-optimal where in certain scenarios the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) gap to the optimal fully-digital spectral efficiency is less than 11 dB. On the other hand, integrating mmWave and massive MIMO into the cellular use-cases requires adopting hybrid beamforming schemes that utilize limited channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) in order to adapt the transmitted signals to the current channel. This is so mainly because obtaining perfect CSIT in frequency division duplexing (FDD) architecture, which dominates the cellular systems, poses serious concerns due to its large training and excessive feedback overhead. Motivated by this, we develop low-overhead hybrid precoding algorithms for selecting the baseband digital and radio frequency (RF) analog precoders from statistically skewed DFT-based codebooks. The proposed algorithms aim at maximizing the spectral efficiency based on minimizing the chordal distance between the optimal unconstrained precoder and the hybrid beamformer and maximizing the signal to interference noise ratio for the single-user and multi-user cases, respectively. Mathematical analysis shows that the proposed algorithms are asymptotically optimal as the number of transmit antennas goes to infinity and the mmWave channel has a limited number of paths. Moreover, it shows that the performance gap between the lower and upper bounds depends heavily on how many DFT columns are aligned to the largest eigenvectors of the transmit antenna array response of the mmWave channel or equivalently the transmit channel covariance matrix when only the statistical channel knowledge is available at the transmitter. Further, we verify the performance of the proposed algorithms numerically where the obtained results illustrate that the spectral efficiency of the proposed algorithms can approach that of the optimal precoder in certain scenarios. Furthermore, these results illustrate that the proposed hybrid precoding schemes have superior spectral efficiency performance while requiring lower (or at most comparable) channel feedback overhead in comparison with the prior art

    Multiuser MIMO techniques with feedback

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    Kooperative Antennenanlagen haben vor kurzem einen heißen Forschungsthema geworden, da Sie deutlich höhere spektrale Effizienz als herkömmliche zelluläre Systeme versprechen. Der Gewinn wird durch die Eliminierung von Inter-Zelle Störungen (ICI) durch Koordinierung der-Antenne Übertragungen erworben. Vor kurzem, verteilte Organisation Methoden vorgeschlagen. Eine der größten Herausforderungen für das Dezentrale kooperative Antennensystem ist Kanalschätzung für den Downlink Kanal besonders wenn FDD verwendet wird. Alle zugehörigen Basisstationen im genossenschaftlichen Bereich müssen die vollständige Kanal Informationen zu Wissen, die entsprechenden precoding Gewicht Matrix zu berechnen. Diese Information ist von mobilen Stationen übertragen werden Stationen mit Uplink Ressourcen zu stützen. Wird als mehrere Basisstationen und mehreren mobilen Stationen in kooperativen Antennensysteme und jede Basisstation und Mobilstation beteiligt sind, können mit mehreren Antennen ausgestattet sein, die Anzahl der Kanal Parameter wieder gefüttert werden erwartet, groß zu sein. In dieser Arbeit wird ein effizientes Feedback Techniken der downlink Kanal Informationen sind für die Multi-user Multiple Input Multiple Output Fall vorgeschlagen, der insbesondere auf verteilte kooperative Antennensysteme zielt. Zuerst wird ein Unterraum-basiertes Kanalquantisierungsverfahren vorgeschlagen, das ein vorbestimmtes Codebuch verwendet. Ein iterativer Codebuchentwurfsalgorithmus wird vorgeschlagen, der zu einem lokalen optimalen Codebuch konvergiert. Darüber hinaus werden Feedback-Overhead-Reduktionsverfahren entwickelt, die die zeitliche Korrelation des Kanals ausnutzen. Es wird gezeigt, dass das vorgeschlagene adaptive Codebuchverfahren in Verbindung mit einem Datenkomprimierungsschema eine Leistung nahe an dem perfekten Kanalfall erzielt, was viel weniger Rückkopplungsoverhead im Vergleich zu anderen Techniken erfordert. Das auf dem Unterraum basierende Kanalquantisierungsverfahren wird erweitert, indem mehrere Antennen auf der Senderseite und/oder auf der Empfängerseite eingeführt werden, und die Leistung eines Vorcodierungs- (/Decodierungs-) Schemas mit regulierter Blockdiagonalisierung (RBD) wurde untersucht. Es wird ein kosteneffizientes Decodierungsmatrixquantisierungsverfahren vorgeschlagen, dass eine komplexe Berechnung an der Mobilstation vermeiden kann, während es nur eine leichte Verschlechterung zeigt. Die Arbeit wird abgeschlossen, indem die vorgeschlagenen Feedback-Methoden hinsichtlich ihrer Leistung, ihres erforderlichen Feedback-Overheads und ihrer Rechenkomplexität verglichen werden.Cooperative antenna systems have recently become a hot research topic, as they promise significantly higher spectral efficiency than conventional cellular systems. The gain is acquired by eliminating inter-cell interference (ICI) through coordination of the base antenna transmissions. Recently, distributed organization methods have been suggested. One of the main challenges of the distributed cooperative antenna system is channel estimation for the downlink channel especially when FDD is used. All of the associated base stations in the cooperative area need to know the full channel state information to calculate the corresponding precoding weight matrix. This information has to be transferred from mobile stations to base stations by using uplink resources. As several base stations and several mobile stations are involved in cooperative antenna systems and each base station and mobile station may be equipped with multiple antennas, the number of channel state parameters to be fed back is expected to be big. In this thesis, efficient feedback techniques of the downlink channel state information are proposed for the multi-user multiple-input multiple-output case, targeting distributed cooperative antenna systems in particular. First, a subspace based channel quantization method is proposed which employs a predefined codebook. An iterative codebook design algorithm is proposed which converges to a local optimum codebook. Furthermore, feedback overhead reduction methods are devised exploiting temporal correlation of the channel. It is shown that the proposed adaptive codebook method in conjunction with a data compression scheme achieves a performance close to the perfect channel case, requiring much less feedback overhead compared with other techniques. The subspace based channel quantization method is extended by introducing multiple antennas at the transmitter side and/or at the receiver side and the performance of a regularized block diagonalization (RBD) precoding(/decoding) scheme has been investigated as well as a zero-forcing (ZF) precoding scheme. A cost-efficient decoding matrix quantization method is proposed which can avoid a complex computation at the mobile station while showing only a slight degradation. The thesis is concluded by comparing the proposed feedback methods in terms of their performance, their required feedback overhead, and their computational complexity. The techniques that are developed in this thesis can be useful and applicable for 5G, which is envisioned to support the high granularity/resolution codebook and its efficient deployment schemes. Keywords: MU-MIMO, COOPA, limited feedback, CSI, CQ, feedback overhead reduction, Givens rotatio

    Opportunistic Spatial Preemptive Scheduling for URLLC and eMBB Coexistence in Multi-User 5G Networks

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    Air Interface for Next Generation Mobile Communication Networks: Physical Layer Design:A LTE-A Uplink Case Study

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