14 research outputs found

    Algorithms on Minimizing the Maximum Sensor Movement for Barrier Coverage of a Linear Domain

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    In this paper, we study the problem of moving nn sensors on a line to form a barrier coverage of a specified segment of the line such that the maximum moving distance of the sensors is minimized. Previously, it was an open question whether this problem on sensors with arbitrary sensing ranges is solvable in polynomial time. We settle this open question positively by giving an O(n2logn)O(n^2 \log n) time algorithm. For the special case when all sensors have the same-size sensing range, the previously best solution takes O(n2)O(n^2) time. We present an O(nlogn)O(n \log n) time algorithm for this case; further, if all sensors are initially located on the coverage segment, our algorithm takes O(n)O(n) time. Also, we extend our techniques to the cycle version of the problem where the barrier coverage is for a simple cycle and the sensors are allowed to move only along the cycle. For sensors with the same-size sensing range, we solve the cycle version in O(n)O(n) time, improving the previously best O(n2)O(n^2) time solution.Comment: This version corrected an error in the proof of Lemma 2 in the previous version and the version published in DCG 2013. Lemma 2 is for proving the correctness of an algorithm (see the footnote of Page 9 for why the previous proof is incorrect). Everything else of the paper does not change. All algorithms in the paper are exactly the same as before and their time complexities do not change eithe

    On the Displacement for Covering a dd-dimensional Cube with Randomly Placed Sensors

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    Consider nn sensors placed randomly and independently with the uniform distribution in a dd-dimensional unit cube (d2d\ge 2). The sensors have identical sensing range equal to rr, for some r>0r >0. We are interested in moving the sensors from their initial positions to new positions so as to ensure that the dd-dimensional unit cube is completely covered, i.e., every point in the dd-dimensional cube is within the range of a sensor. If the ii-th sensor is displaced a distance did_i, what is a displacement of minimum cost? As cost measure for the displacement of the team of sensors we consider the aa-total movement defined as the sum Ma:=i=1ndiaM_a:= \sum_{i=1}^n d_i^a, for some constant a>0a>0. We assume that rr and nn are chosen so as to allow full coverage of the dd-dimensional unit cube and a>0a > 0. The main contribution of the paper is to show the existence of a tradeoff between the dd-dimensional cube, sensing radius and aa-total movement. The main results can be summarized as follows for the case of the dd-dimensional cube. If the dd-dimensional cube sensing radius is 12n1/d\frac{1}{2n^{1/d}} and n=mdn=m^d, for some mNm\in N, then we present an algorithm that uses O(n1a2d)O\left(n^{1-\frac{a}{2d}}\right) total expected movement (see Algorithm 2 and Theorem 5). If the dd-dimensional cube sensing radius is greater than 33/d(31/d1)(31/d1)12n1/d\frac{3^{3/d}}{(3^{1/d}-1)(3^{1/d}-1)}\frac{1}{2n^{1/d}} and nn is a natural number then the total expected movement is O(n1a2d(lnnn)a2d)O\left(n^{1-\frac{a}{2d}}\left(\frac{\ln n}{n}\right)^{\frac{a}{2d}}\right) (see Algorithm 3 and Theorem 7). In addition, we simulate Algorithm 2 and discuss the results of our simulations

    Movement-efficient Sensor Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    We study a mobile wireless sensor network (MWSN) consisting of multiple mobile sensors or robots. Two key issues in MWSNs - energy consumption, which is dominated by sensor movement, and sensing coverage - have attracted plenty of attention, but the interaction of these issues is not well studied. To take both sensing coverage and movement energy consumption into consideration, we model the sensor deployment problem as a constrained source coding problem. %, which can be applied to different coverage tasks, such as area coverage, target coverage, and barrier coverage. Our goal is to find an optimal sensor deployment to maximize the sensing coverage with specific energy constraints. We derive necessary conditions to the optimal sensor deployment with (i) total energy constraint and (ii) network lifetime constraint. Using these necessary conditions, we design Lloyd-like algorithms to provide a trade-off between sensing coverage and energy consumption. Simulation results show that our algorithms outperform the existing relocation algorithms.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Movement-Efficient Sensor Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks With Limited Communication Range.

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    We study a mobile wireless sensor network (MWSN) consisting of multiple mobile sensors or robots. Three key factors in MWSNs, sensing quality, energy consumption, and connectivity, have attracted plenty of attention, but the interaction of these factors is not well studied. To take all the three factors into consideration, we model the sensor deployment problem as a constrained source coding problem. %, which can be applied to different coverage tasks, such as area coverage, target coverage, and barrier coverage. Our goal is to find an optimal sensor deployment (or relocation) to optimize the sensing quality with a limited communication range and a specific network lifetime constraint. We derive necessary conditions for the optimal sensor deployment in both homogeneous and heterogeneous MWSNs. According to our derivation, some sensors are idle in the optimal deployment of heterogeneous MWSNs. Using these necessary conditions, we design both centralized and distributed algorithms to provide a flexible and explicit trade-off between sensing uncertainty and network lifetime. The proposed algorithms are successfully extended to more applications, such as area coverage and target coverage, via properly selected density functions. Simulation results show that our algorithms outperform the existing relocation algorithms

    Optimal online and offline algorithms for robot-assisted restoration of barrier coverage

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    Cooperation between mobile robots and wireless sensor networks is a line of research that is currently attracting a lot of attention. In this context, we study the following problem of barrier coverage by stationary wireless sensors that are assisted by a mobile robot with the capacity to move sensors. Assume that nn sensors are initially arbitrarily distributed on a line segment barrier. Each sensor is said to cover the portion of the barrier that intersects with its sensing area. Owing to incorrect initial position, or the death of some of the sensors, the barrier is not completely covered by the sensors. We employ a mobile robot to move the sensors to final positions on the barrier such that barrier coverage is guaranteed. We seek algorithms that minimize the length of the robot's trajectory, since this allows the restoration of barrier coverage as soon as possible. We give an optimal linear-time offline algorithm that gives a minimum-length trajectory for a robot that starts at one end of the barrier and achieves the restoration of barrier coverage. We also study two different online models: one in which the online robot does not know the length of the barrier in advance, and the other in which the online robot knows the length of the barrier. For the case when the online robot does not know the length of the barrier, we prove a tight bound of 3/23/2 on the competitive ratio, and we give a tight lower bound of 5/45/4 on the competitive ratio in the other case. Thus for each case we give an optimal online algorithm.Comment: 20 page

    Maximizing Barrier Coverage Lifetime with Mobile Sensors

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    Sensor networks are ubiquitously used for detection and tracking and as a result covering is one of the main tasks of such networks. We study the problem of maximizing the coverage lifetime of a barrier by mobile sensors with limited battery powers, where the coverage lifetime is the time until there is a breakdown in coverage due to the death of a sensor. Sensors are first deployed and then coverage commences. Energy is consumed in proportion to the distance traveled for mobility, while for coverage, energy is consumed in direct proportion to the radius of the sensor raised to a constant exponent. We study two variants which are distinguished by whether the sensing radii are given as part of the input or can be optimized, the fixed radii problem and the variable radii problem. We design parametric search algorithms for both problems for the case where the final order of the sensors is predetermined and for the case where sensors are initially located at barrier endpoints. In contrast, we show that the variable radii problem is strongly NP-hard and provide hardness of approximation results for fixed radii for the case where all the sensors are initially co-located at an internal point of the barrier

    Weak coverage of a rectangular barrier

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    Assume n wireless mobile sensors are initially dispersed in an ad hoc manner in a rectangular region. They are required to move to final locations so that they can detect any intruder crossing the region in a direction parallel to the sides of the rectangle, and thus provide weak bar-rier coverage of the region. We study three optimization problems related to the movement of sensors to achieve weak barrier coverage: minimizing the number of sensors moved (MinNum), minimizing the average distance moved by the sensors (MinSum), and minimizing the maximum distance moved by the sensors (