1,788 research outputs found

    Sorting Algorithms in C Language

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    Tato práce se zabývá řadicími algoritmy z pohledu jejich studia. Jejím účelem je poskytnout studentům materiály, které jim mohou pomoci v pochopení těchto algoritmů. Práce se skládá z přepsání části studijní opory předmětu Algoritmy do jazyka C, vytvoření programu pro testování algoritmů z opory a vytvoření animace demonstrující činnost vybraných řadicích algoritmů.This thesis deals with the sorting algorithms in the context of studying them. The purpose is to provide the students with materials, which can help them with the understanding of these algorithms. The work consists of the rewriting of the study-supporting materials into the C language, the creation of a test program for the appropriate algorithms and the creation of an animation to demonstrate the functionality of the selected algorithms.

    Roulette algorithms in C programming language

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    U ovom radu obrađena je jedna od najpopularnijih igara na sreću- rulet. U prvom dijelu rada opisana je povijest ruleta, pravila igre te metode koje postoje kako bi se maksimizirao profit igrajući rulet. Drugi dio rada posvećen je programskoj implementaciji Martingalove, Makarov Biarritz i D'Alambert metode. Implementacija je odrađena u programskom jeziku C.This paper deals with one of the most popular games of chance roulette. The first part of the article describes the history of roulette, game rules and methods that exist to maximize profit by playing roulette. The second part of the paper is devoted to the program implementation of Martingale, Makarov Biarritz and D'Alambert methods. Implementation is done in programming language C

    On computing maximum size matchings in graphs

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    The problem of finding a maximum-size matching in a graph appears in many situations in graph theory. Therefore it is crucial to compute such matchings in a fast way. In some cases a hybrid algorithm, consisting of an heuristic to find a start-matching and an exact algorithm to compute the maximum-size matching, appears to be much faster than classical algorithms. We show a way to implement appropriate heuristics, exact algorithms and hybrid algorithms in C++ and compare their performance on different random graphs. To reduce the programming-effort , we used comprehensible techniques. These techniques can be implemented indepen- dent of programming languages and the operating systems