14 research outputs found

    Shrub-depth: Capturing Height of Dense Graphs

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    The recent increase of interest in the graph invariant called tree-depth and in its applications in algorithms and logic on graphs led to a natural question: is there an analogously useful "depth" notion also for dense graphs (say; one which is stable under graph complementation)? To this end, in a 2012 conference paper, a new notion of shrub-depth has been introduced, such that it is related to the established notion of clique-width in a similar way as tree-depth is related to tree-width. Since then shrub-depth has been successfully used in several research papers. Here we provide an in-depth review of the definition and basic properties of shrub-depth, and we focus on its logical aspects which turned out to be most useful. In particular, we use shrub-depth to give a characterization of the lower ω{\omega} levels of the MSO1 transduction hierarchy of simple graphs

    Maximizing Happiness in Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width

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    Clique-width is one of the most important parameters that describes structural complexity of a graph. Probably, only treewidth is more studied graph width parameter. In this paper we study how clique-width influences the complexity of the Maximum Happy Vertices (MHV) and Maximum Happy Edges (MHE) problems. We answer a question of Choudhari and Reddy '18 about parameterization by the distance to threshold graphs by showing that MHE is NP-complete on threshold graphs. Hence, it is not even in XP when parameterized by clique-width, since threshold graphs have clique-width at most two. As a complement for this result we provide a nO(cw)n^{\mathcal{O}(\ell \cdot \operatorname{cw})} algorithm for MHE, where \ell is the number of colors and cw\operatorname{cw} is the clique-width of the input graph. We also construct an FPT algorithm for MHV with running time O((+1)O(cw))\mathcal{O}^*((\ell+1)^{\mathcal{O}(\operatorname{cw})}), where \ell is the number of colors in the input. Additionally, we show O(n2)\mathcal{O}(\ell n^2) algorithm for MHV on interval graphs.Comment: Accepted to LATIN 202

    On parse trees and Myhill–Nerode-type tools for handling graphs of bounded rank-width

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    AbstractRank-width is a structural graph measure introduced by Oum and Seymour and aimed at better handling of graphs of bounded clique-width. We propose a formal mathematical framework and tools for easy design of dynamic algorithms running directly on a rank-decomposition of a graph (on contrary to the usual approach which translates a rank-decomposition into a clique-width expression, with a possible exponential jump in the parameter). The main advantage of this framework is a fine control over the runtime dependency on the rank-width parameter. Our new approach is linked to a work of Courcelle and Kanté [7] who first proposed algebraic expressions with a so-called bilinear graph product as a better way of handling rank-decompositions, and to a parallel recent research of Bui-Xuan, Telle and Vatshelle

    On the Boolean-Width of a Graph: Structure and Applications

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    International audienceBoolean-width is a recently introduced graph invariant. Similar to tree-width, it measures the structural complexity of graphs. Given any graph GG and a decomposition of GG of boolean-width kk, we give algorithms solving a large class of vertex subset and vertex partitioning problems in time O(2O(k2))O^*(2^{O(k^2)}). We relate the boolean-width of a graph to its branch-width and to the boolean-width of its incidence graph. For this we use a constructive proof method that also allows much simpler proofs of similar results on rank-width in [S. Oum. Rank-width is less than or equal to branch-width. \emph{Journal of Graph Theory} 57(3):239--244, 2008]. For an nn-vertex random graph, with a uniform edge distribution, we show that almost surely its boolean-width is Θ(log2n)\Theta(\log^2 n) -- setting boolean-width apart from other graph invariants -- and it is easy to find a decomposition witnessing this. Combining our results gives algorithms that on input a random graph on nn vertices will solve a large class of vertex subset and vertex partitioning problems in quasi-polynomial time O(2O(log4n))O^*(2^{O(\log ^4 n)})

    Clique‐width: Harnessing the power of atoms

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    Many NP-complete graph problems are polynomial-time solvable on graph classes of bounded clique-width. Several of these problems are polynomial-time solvable on a hereditary graph class if they are so on the atoms (graphs with no clique cut-set) of . Hence, we initiate a systematic study into boundedness of clique-width of atoms of hereditary graph classes. A graph is -free if is not an induced subgraph of , and it is -free if it is both -free and -free. A class of -free graphs has bounded clique-width if and only if its atoms have this property. This is no longer true for -free graphs, as evidenced by one known example. We prove the existence of another such pair and classify the boundedness of clique-width on -free atoms for all but 18 cases