12 research outputs found

    A Grammatical Inference Approach to Language-Based Anomaly Detection in XML

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    False-positives are a problem in anomaly-based intrusion detection systems. To counter this issue, we discuss anomaly detection for the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in a language-theoretic view. We argue that many XML-based attacks target the syntactic level, i.e. the tree structure or element content, and syntax validation of XML documents reduces the attack surface. XML offers so-called schemas for validation, but in real world, schemas are often unavailable, ignored or too general. In this work-in-progress paper we describe a grammatical inference approach to learn an automaton from example XML documents for detecting documents with anomalous syntax. We discuss properties and expressiveness of XML to understand limits of learnability. Our contributions are an XML Schema compatible lexical datatype system to abstract content in XML and an algorithm to learn visibly pushdown automata (VPA) directly from a set of examples. The proposed algorithm does not require the tree representation of XML, so it can process large documents or streams. The resulting deterministic VPA then allows stream validation of documents to recognize deviations in the underlying tree structure or datatypes.Comment: Paper accepted at First Int. Workshop on Emerging Cyberthreats and Countermeasures ECTCM 201

    Can a Machine Replace Humans in Building Regular Expressions? A Case Study

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    Regular expressions are routinely used in a variety of different application domains. But building a regular expression involves a considerable amount of skill, expertise, and creativity. In this work, the authors investigate whether a machine can surrogate these qualities and automatically construct regular expressions for tasks of realistic complexity. They discuss a large-scale experiment involving more than 1,700 users on 10 challenging tasks. The authors compare the solutions constructed by these users to those constructed by a tool based on genetic programming that they recently developed and made publicly available. The quality of automatically constructed solutions turned out to be similar to the quality of those constructed by the most skilled user group; the time for automatic construction was likewise similar to the time required by human users

    Syntactical Similarity Learning by Means of Grammatical Evolution

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    Several research efforts have shown that a similarity function synthesized from examples may capture an application-specific similarity criterion in a way that fits the application needs more effectively than a generic distance definition. In this work, we propose a similarity learning algorithm tailored to problems of syntax-based entity extraction from unstructured text streams. The algorithm takes in input pairs of strings along with an indication of whether they adhere or not adhere to the same syntactic pattern. Our approach is based on Grammatical Evolution and explores systematically a similarity definition space including all functions that may be expressed with a specialized, simple language that we have defined for this purpose. We assessed our proposal on patterns representative of practical applications. The results suggest that the proposed approach is indeed feasible and that the learned similarity function is more effective than the Levenshtein distance and the Jaccard similarity index

    Deep learning methods for mining genomic sequence patterns

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    Nowadays, with the growing availability of large-scale genomic datasets and advanced computational techniques, more and more data-driven computational methods have been developed to analyze genomic data and help to solve incompletely understood biological problems. Among them, deep learning methods, have been proposed to automatically learn and recognize the functional activity of DNA sequences from genomics data. Techniques for efficient mining genomic sequence pattern will help to improve our understanding of gene regulation, and thus accelerate our progress toward using personal genomes in medicine. This dissertation focuses on the development of deep learning methods for mining genomic sequences. First, we compare the performance between deep learning models and traditional machine learning methods in recognizing various genomic sequence patterns. Through extensive experiments on both simulated data and real genomic sequence data, we demonstrate that an appropriate deep learning model can be generally made for successfully recognizing various genomic sequence patterns. Next, we develop deep learning methods to help solve two specific biological problems, (1) inference of polyadenylation code and (2) tRNA gene detection and functional prediction. Polyadenylation is a pervasive mechanism that has been used by Eukaryotes for regulating mRNA transcription, localization, and translation efficiency. Polyadenylation signals in the plant are particularly noisy and challenging to decipher. A deep convolutional neural network approach DeepPolyA is proposed to predict poly(A) site from the plant Arabidopsis thaliana genomic sequences. It employs various deep neural network architectures and demonstrates its superiority in comparison with competing methods, including classical machine learning algorithms and several popular deep learning models. Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) represent a highly complex class of genes and play a central role in protein translation. There remains a de facto tool, tRNAscan-SE, for identifying tRNA genes encoded in genomes. Despite its popularity and success, tRNAscan-SE is still not powerful enough to separate tRNAs from pseudo-tRNAs, and a significant number of false positives can be output as a result. To address this issue, tRNA-DL, a hybrid combination of convolutional neural network and recurrent neural network approach is proposed. It is shown that the proposed method can help to reduce the false positive rate of the state-of-art tRNA prediction tool tRNAscan-SE substantially. Coupled with tRNAscan-SE, tRNA-DL can serve as a useful complementary tool for tRNA annotation. Taken together, the experiments and applications demonstrate the superiority of deep learning in automatic feature generation for characterizing genomic sequence patterns

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 21. Number 4.

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